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Health Science Flash

Medical Terminology and Abbreviations

@ At
A Anatomy and Physiology
abd Abdomen
ABG Arterial Blood Gas
ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support
AD Right Ear
ad lid as disired
ADL Activities of Daily Living
adm Admission
AHA American Heart Association
AIDS Acquried Immune Deficency Syndrome
am, AM Morning
AMA American Medical Association Against Medical Advice
amb Ambulate, walk
amt Amount
ANA American Nurses' Association
ant anterior
AP Apical Pulse
approx approximately
AS Left Ear
as tol As Tolerated
ASA Aspirin
ASAP as soon as possible
ASHP Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
Ax Axilla, Axillary, Armpit
Ba Barium
B Bowel and Bladder training
BE twice a day
bil bilateral
Bl Blood
Bl Wk Blood Work
BM Bowel Movement
BP Blood Pressure
BR Bed Rest
BRP Bathroom Privileges
BS Blood Sugar
BSC, bsc Bed Side Commode
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
Bx, bx Biopsy
°C Degrees Celsius
¯C With
Ca Calcium
CA Cancer
Cap Capsule
CAT Computerized Axial Tomography
Cath Catheter, Catheterize
CBC Complete Blood Count
CBET Certified-biomedical Equipment Technician
CBR Complete Bed Rest
cc Cubic Centimeter
CCU Coronary Care Unit, Critical Care Unit
CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Ceo Chief Executive Officer
CF Cistic Fibrosis
Created by: delanemo
Popular Medical sets




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