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Flavin MEDTERM 21
2021 Medical Terminology Abbreviations
Question | Answer |
pt | patient |
T | temperature or tablespoon |
P | pulse |
R | respiration |
VS | vital signs |
BP | blood pressure |
po | per oral |
inj | injection |
kg | kilogram |
mm | millimeter |
cap | capsule |
FL | fluid |
bid | twice a day |
tid | three times a day |
c | with |
s | without |
p | after |
q | every |
h | hour |
dc or D/C | discontinue or discharge |
npo | nothing by mouth |
qd | every day |
qh | every hour |
qid | four times a day |
pc | after meals |
ac | before meals |
QNS | quantity not sufficient |
ID | intradermal |
IM | intramuscular |
IV | intravenous |
po | per oral |
PDR | Physicians Desk Reference |
Ca | calcium |
CA | cancer |
CBC | complete blood count |
Chol | cholesterol |
CxR | Chest X-Ray |
ESR | erythrosedimentation rate |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
EKG or ECG | electrocardiogram |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
PT | protime (coag test in a light blue top tube) OR physical therapy |
RBC | red blood cell |
UA | urinalysis |
WBC | white blood cell |
CMA | certified medical assistant |
LVN | licensed vocational nurse |
PT | physical therapist or physical therapy OR protime |
p | after |
q | every |
PPO | perfered provider organization |
HMO | health maintence organization |
PCP | primary care physician |
RN | registered nurse |
ASA | aspirin |
BM | bowel movement |
GI | gastro intestinal |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
N/V | nausea & vomiting |
GERD | gastroespophageal reflux disease |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
abd | abdomen |
ABGs | arterial blood gases |
ac | before meals |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament |
AD | right ear |
AIDS | aquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AMA | against medical advice OR American Medical Association |
AMI | acute myocardical infarction |
amt | amount |
ant | anterior |
AP | anteroposterior or angina pectoris |
ARDS | adult (acute) respiratory distress |
AS | left ear |
as tol | as tolerated |
ASA | aspirin |
AU | both ears |
AV | atrioventicular |
BBB | bundle branch block |
BCC | basal cell carcinoma |
BE | barium enema |
bid | twice a day |
BM | bowel movement |
BOM | bilaterial otitis media |
BP | blood pressure |
BPH | benign prostatic hyperplasia |
BR | bed rest |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
BS | blood sugar OR bowel sounds |
Bx | biopsy |
c/o | complains of |
CA | cancer |
Ca | calcium |
CBC | complete blood count |
cc | cubic centimeter |
CCU | coronary care unit |
CF | cystic fibrosis |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
chol | cholesterol |
cm | centimeter |
CNS | central nerous system |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COLD | chronic obstructive lung disease |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CP | cerebral palsy |
CPK | creatine phosphokinase |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CT (CAT) scan | computed (axial) tomography scan |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident (stroke) |
CxR | chest X-ray |
D and C | dilation and curettage |
diff | differential (blood count) |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DOB | date of birth |
Dr | dram OR doctor |
DVT | deep vein thrombosis |
wt | weight |
WBC | white blood cell |
W/C | wheel chair |
VS | vital signs |
VD | venereal disease |
VC | vital capicity |
VA | visual acuity |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
US | ultrasound |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
BPH | benign prostatic hyperplasia |
Bx | biopsy |
CIN | cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
CIS | carcinoma in situ |
C-Sec | section cesarean section |
D and C | dilation and curettage |
DRE | digital rectal exam |
ED | erectile dysfunction |
FAS | fetal alcohol syndrome |
FBD | fibrocystic breast disease |
GYN | gynecology |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HMD | hyaline membrane disease |
HPV | human papillomavirus |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
HSV2 | herpes simplex virus type 2 |
ID | intradermal |
OB | obstetrics |
OB/GYN | obstetrics/gynecology |
Pap smear (test) | Papanicolaou smear (or test) |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PTH | parathyroid hormone |
PMS | premenstrual syndrome |
PSA | prostate specific antigen |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome (of the newborn) |
SAB | spontaneous abortion |
STI | sexually transmitted infection |
TAB | therapeutic abortion |
TSS | toxic shock syndrome |
TURP | transurethral resection of the prostate |
TVS | transvaginal sonography |
BCC | basal cell carcinoma |
bx | biopsy |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus |
SqCCa | squamous cell carcinoma |
TBSA | total body surface area |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament; a ligament that stabilizes the knee joint |
CTS | carpal tunnel syndrome |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
DMD | Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy |
DO | physician specializing in osteopathy |
EMG | electromyography |
MG | myasthenia gravis |
NSAIDs | nonsteroidal anti-Inflammatory Drug (these can raise BP if used over a long period of time) |
OA | osteoarthritis |
ortho | orthopedics |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
ROM | range of motion |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
THR | total hip replacement |
TKA | total knee arthroplasty |
TKR | total knee replacement |
TMJ | temporomandibular joint |
C1 | 1st cervical vertebrae |
T1 | 12th thoracic vertebrae |
L1 | through L5 the five lumbar vertebrae |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
CBC | complete blood count |
HCT | Hct hematocrit |
HGB | Hgb hemoglobin |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
PLT | platelet count |
PT | prothrombin time or physical therapy |
PTT | partial thromboplastin time |
RBC | red blood cell or red blood count |
WBC | white blood cell or white blood count |
ASHD | atherosclerotic heart disease |
ASD | atrial septal defect |
AV | atrioventricular |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
ECG | EKG electrocardiogram |
MI | myocardial infarction |
PET | positron emission tomography |
HMD | hyaline membrane disease |
LTB | laryngotracheobronchitis |
NRDS | neonatal respiratory distress syndrome |
PE | pulmonary embolism |
PPD | purified protein derivative |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome |
SARS | severe acute respiratory syndrome |
TB | tuberculosis |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
ABGs | arterial blood gases |
ARDS | adult (acute) respiratory distress syndrome |
CF | cystic fibrosis |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CxR | chest X Ray |
BE | barium enema |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
FOBT | fecal occult blood test |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | gastrointestinal |
IBD | inflammatory bowel disease |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome |
LGI | lower GI series |
N and V | nausea and vomiting |
SCS | stool culture and sensitivity |
UGI | upper GI series |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
cath | catheter, catheterization |
HD | hemodialysis |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
RP | retrograde pyelogram |
SG | specific gravity |
UA | urinalysis |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
VCUG | voiding cystourethrogram |
AD | Alzheimer’s disease OR right ear |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
ADD | attention deficit disorder |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
CT | (CAT) scan computed (axial) tomography scan |
CP | cerebral palsy |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident (stroke) |
DTR | deep tendon reflexes |
EchoEG | echoencephalography |
EEG | electroencephalogram (cephalo=brain) |
LASIK | laser |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MS | multiple sclerosis |
OM | otitis media |
PD | Parkinson disease |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PTSD | posttraumatic stress disorder |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone |
DI | diabetes insipidus |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
FSH | follicular stimulating hormone |
GH | growth hormone |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
LH | luteinizing hormone |
PH | parathyroid hormone |
PPBS | postprandial blood sugar |
RAIU | radioactive iodine uptake |
pt | patient |
bid | twice a day |
po | by mouth |
tid | three times a day |
apt | appointment |
f/u | follow up |
R/S | reschedule |
npo | nothing by mouth |
i | one |
ii | two |
Rx | prescription |
sig | as directed |
OU | both eyes |
OD | right eye |
OS | left eye |
AD | right ear |
PFT | pulmonary function test |
AS | left ear |
AU | both ears |
ROM | range of motion |
ABGs | arterial blood gases |
APAP | tylenol |
PDR | physicians drug reference |
CPT book | current procedural terminology |
ICD | international classification of diseases |
BPD | bipolar disorder |
bpm | beats per minute |
BSE | breast self exam |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
cap(s) | capsule |
CBC | complete blood count |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
RMA | registered medical assistant |
C and S | culture and sensitivity |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
Cx | cervix |
DDS | doctor of dental surgery |
DEA | drug enforcement agency |
dil | dilute |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
O2 | oxygen |
Dx | diagnosis |
Tx | treatment |
ENT | ears nose & throat |
PERLA | pupils equal reactive to light accomidation |
ESR | erythrosedimentation rate |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GB | gallbladder |
GC | gonorrhea |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GH | growth hormone |
EMB | endometrial biopsy |
gravida | pregnancy |
para | live births |
GYN | gynecology |
HEENT | head ears eyes nose throat |
hs | hour of sleep (at bedtime) |
ICP | intracranial pressure |
inj | injection |
FSH | follicular stimulating hormone |
Fx | fracture |
FVC | forced vital capacity |
ggt | drops |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
HA | headache |
HSG | hysterosalpingography |
HSV | herpes simplex virus type I |
HTN | hypertension (high BP) |
I and O | intake and output |
IRDS | infant respiratory distress syndrome |
KUB | kidneys ureter & bladder |
MVP | mitral valve prolapse |
LLQ | left lower quad |
RUOQ | right upper outer quad |
NB | newborn |
OB | obstetrics |
OM | otitis media |
OR | operating room |
LUL | left upper lobe |
mcg | microgram |
noc | night |
NS | normal saline |
O and P | ova and parasite |
OTC | over the counter |
PCP | primary care provider |
PPD | purified protein derivative (TB test) |
prn | as needed |
PSA | prostate specific antigen |
PTH | parathyroid hormone |
q | every |
d | day or daily |
qhs | every hour of sleep |
RN | registered nurse |
SAD | seasonal affective disorder |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
STAT | NOW ! |
susp | suspension |
T | tablespoon or temperature |
T and A | tonsil & adnoidectomy |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TSH | thyroid stimulating hormone |
UA | urinalysis |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
US | ultrasound |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
VA | visual acuity |
H | hematocrit and hemoglobin |
wt | weight |
x | times |
Vtach | ventricular tachycardia |
VFib | ventricular fibrillation |
t | teaspoon (contains 5cc) |
ss (with a line over it) | one-half |
A and P | auscultation & percussion &/or Anatomy & Physiology |
abd | abdomen |
ABGs | arterial blood gases |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament |
ac | before meals |
AD | alzheimer's disease & or right ear |
ad lib | as desired |
ADL | activities of daily living |
Afib | atrial fibrillation |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AMA | against medical advice & or American Medical Association |
AMI | acute mycardial infarction |
amt | amount |
ant | anterior |
AP | anteroposterior &/or angina pectoris |
ARDS | adult (acute) respiratory distress syndrome |
AS | left ear |
ASA | aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) |
AU | both ears |
ax | axillary |
BBB | bundle branch block |
BCC | basel cell carcinoma |
BE | barium enema |
bid | twice a day |
BM | bowel movement |
BOM | bilateral otitis media |
BP | blood pressure |
BPH | benign prostatic hyperplasia |
BR | bed rest |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
ENT | Ears, Nose and Throat |
ERT | estrogen replacement therapy |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
F | fahrenheit |
FACP | Fellow of the American College of Physicians |
FOB | fecal occult blood |
FSH | follicle-stimulating hormone |
FUO | fever unknown origin |
Fx or fx | fracture (broken bone) |
g | gram |
GC | gonorrhea (STD) |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GH | growth hormone |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GSW | gunshot wound |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
H and H | hemoglobin & hematocrit |
h | hour |
Hg | mercury |
ht or HT | height |
HTN | hypertension aka elevated BP |
LMP | last menstrual period |
LUQ | left upper quad |
mcg | microgram |
MD | medical doctor or muscular dystrophy |
MI | myocardial infarction |
NB | newborn |