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health assessment-1b

Pilar Cyst -smooth, firm,fluctuant swelling on scalp -tense pressure cause skin to be shiny and taut -benign growth
Torticollis (wryneck) -hematoma in sternomastoid muscle -head tilit in 1 side and limited ROM -requires treament
acromegaly -excessice secretion of growth hormone after puberty; enlarged skull, thickened bones -elongated head, massive face, prominent nose and lower jaw, heavy eyebrow ridge, coarse facial features
Paget's Disease of Bone -soften, thickens, + deforms bone -bowed long bones, sudden fractures frontal bossing, enlarged skull bone -symptoms:headache, vertigo, tinnitus, progresive deafness
hydrocephalus -obstruction of drainage CSF -excessve accumulation, Increased intracranial pressure, + enlarged head -face looks small -dilated scalp veins, frontal bossing, "setting sun" ees -percussion=crackpot
Koplik's spots -small blue-white spots with irregular halo scattered over mucosa opposite molars -early sign+pathognomic of measles
Leukoplakia -chalky white, thick, raised patch with well-definied borders *firmly attached does not scrape off* -occur on lateral edges of tongue -chronic irration, + heavy smoker+ heavy alcohol use -precancerous
Candidiasis (monilial infection) -white, cheesy, curdlike patch on buccal mucosa + tongue *scrapes offf, leaving raw, red surface that bleeds easily* -occurs with use of antibiotics, corticosteriods, + immunosupressed persons
Aphthous ulcers -"canker sore" -white ulcer surrounded by red halo -last 1 to 2 weeks -cause=stress, fatigue,+ food allergy
Dental caries -progressive destruction of tooth decay, looks chalky white -later brown/black=cavity -early decay is apparent in x-ray
Epulis -nontender, fibrous nodule of the gum, seen b/w teeth -inflammatory response to injury or hemorrhage
Meth mouth -dental caries, gingitivits, tooth cracking, +edentulism -meth cuases vasoconstriction + decreases saliva, and increase use of sugar + starches -decreased oral hygiene
Malocclusion -upper or lower dental arches are not in alignment + incisors protude from developmental problem of mandible -increase risk of facial deformity, negative body image, chewing problems
Retention "cyst" (mucocele) -round well-defined translucent nodule (1 tp 2 cm) -pocket of mucus forms when ducts of aminor salivary gland ruptures
Angular Cheilitis (stomatitis, Perleche) -erythema, scaling, shallow + painful fissures at the corner of the mouth -occur with excess salivation + candida infection -seen in those with poorly fitting dentures causing folding in corners of mouth
nasal polyps -smooth, pale gray nodules (overgrowth of mucosa) -may obsturct air passage was as they get larger -symptoms: absence of sense of smell + valve that moves in nose
Choanal Atresia -bony or membranous septum b/w nasal cavity + pharaynx of new born - unilateral" 1st resp infection -bilateral imeediate insertoion of oral airway to prent asphyxia
Epistaxis -kiessel bach's plexus-nose bleed -spontaneous -cause: nose picking, forceful coughin or sneezing, fracture, foreign body, rhinitis, heavy exertion
perforated septum -hole in the septum (cartilaginous) -cause: snorting coke, chronic infection, trauma from picking of crusts, or nasal surgery
ankyloglossia -tongue-tie -short lingual frenulum -limits mobility + affects speech
Baby bottle tooth decay -destruction of numerous decidious teeth -bottle of milk, juice, sweetened drink to bed + prolonged bottle feeding past 1 yr -liquid pools around the upper front teeth
Carcinoma (mouth) -ulcer with rolled egder, indurated -occurs at side, base, + under the tongue -heavy smoking + heavy drinking use place person at greater risk
Bifid Uvula -uvula partly severed -submucosa cleft palate (nothc hard +soft) -speech development
Oral Kaposi's Sarcoma -bruiselike, dark red or violet -confluenet macule (hard palate)
Acute Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis bright red throat, swollen tonsis -white or yellow exudate on tonsillis -swollen uvula, tonsils =painful swallowing >100 F -rheumatic fever
Spider Angioma -flat red blanchin body w/radiating legs -develops on face, neck, chest -mayb associated with prego, chronic liver disease, estrogen therapy
Impetigo -moist, thin-roofed vesicles with thin, erythematous ase -rupture to form thick, honey-colored crusts -contagious -common in children + infants
Eczema erythematous papules + vesicles, with weepin, oozing + crusts -usually on scalp, forehead, cheeks, forearms and wrist
Ecchymoses -ecchomytic bruising area small or wide spread -larger flat, nonblancing red-purple lession -trauma vasucular wall destruction
Psoriasis -scaly erythematous patch, with silvery scales on top -usually on sclap, outside of elbows + knees, low back, anogenital area
Telangiectasia -fine irregular red lines -caused by capillary dilation
Tinea Versicolor -fine, scaling, round patches of pink, tan or white that do not tan in sunlight -caused by superficial fungal infection
Erythema Migrans of Lyme Disease 1st stage: bulls eye, red macular or papular rash (50%) 2nd : rash indicates from tick bite, with central clearing rash fades in 4 wks -untreted:anorexia, fever,chills, joint aches -antibiotics:shorter symtoms and decreased risk
Shingles -pustules, then crusts, caused by varicella zooster virus -acute apperance: unilateral, does not croos midlin, common trunk
Koilonychia (spoon nails) -thin -depressed lines with lateral edges tilted up -maybe hereditary trait -iron deficiency amenia if all nails
Paronychia -red -swollen -tnder inflammation of nail folds -acute: bacterial infection -chronic: fungal infection
Beau's line -transverse furrow or groove -depression across nail -occurs with trauma -moves as nail grows
Splinter Hemorrhage -red-brown linear streaks -embolic lesions -subacute bacterial endocarditis -minor trauma
Late clubbing proximal edge of nail elevates > 180 degress -distal phalanc looks rounder + wider -COPD, congenital heart disease with cyanosis -1st thumband index fingers
Onycholysis -fungal infection (slow) -change in color, texture, thickness, nail crumbling or breaking
Pitting -shraply defined of pitting and crumbling of nails with distal detachment (psoriasis)
Habit-Tic Dystrophy depression down middle nail or horizontal ridges -picking of cuticle
Cachectic Appearance -chronic wasting disease such as cancer, dehydration, + stravation -features:sunken eyes; haollow cheecks; and exhausted defeated expression
Scleroderma -"hard skin" -CT disease: hardening + shrinking in skin; occur in skin, heart, esophagus, kidney, lung -characteristics:hard, shiny kin on forehead cheeks; thin, purused lips, absent skinfold
Created by: xnyzlatinangelx
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