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Crop Science Midterm
Question | Answer |
Hydrophytes | love aquatic enviroments |
Xerophytes | love very dry climates |
Halophytes | tolerate high soil salinity |
pericarp | the seed coat and pericarp are fused which makes the fruit a caryopsis |
endosperm | carbohydrates and other energy-containing compounds that the embyro uses during its germination |
cotyledon | embryonic seed leaf. sometimes it is called the scutellum |
coleoptile | protective sheath covering that covers and protects the foliar or true leaves during emergence of the seedling through the soil |
Plumule | contains the embryonic foliar leaves and the mesocotyl. it develops into the shoot that emerges above the ground |
hypocotyl | connects to the radicle |
radicle | develops into the primary root at germination |
Mesophyte | middle of the road water requirement, almost all plants |
A grass seed is technically called a | caryopsis |
most grasses have _________ emergence | hypogeal |
hypogeal emergence | the cotyledons remain below ground. The epicotyl (stem above the cotyledons) grows and raises the plumule out of the soil. FOOD SOURCE BELOW GROUND |
epigeal emergence | above ground germination. hypocotyl (hypocotyl is the stem below the cotyledons) pushes the cotyledons above ground. FOOD SOURCE ABOVE GROUND The cotyledons function as leaves until the true leaves emerge. |
Crops planted as cover and then tilled under to enrich the soil | green manure crops |
Plants that are able to tolerate a high degree of soil salinity are called | halophyte |
In ________ emergence of the food source emerges from the soil instead of remaining in the soil during germination | epigeal |
The standard deviation is best described as | a measure of dispersion or variation about the mean |
List of Macronutrients | nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcium |
Plant Micronutrients | boron, zinc, copper, iron, chloride, manganese, molybdenum |
Common nutrient deficiency symptoms in crop plants | include chlorosis, necrosis, and stunting |
chlorosis | plant nutrient deficiency that results in yellow color due to a lack of chlorphyll. |
Interveinal Chlorosis | spacing between veins are chlorotic, but the veins are green |
Uniform Chlorosis | all tissues are chlorotic |
Necrosis | plant nutrient deficiency that results in death of the tissue (browning of the leaves) |
Stunting | plant nutrient deficiency that results in growth slowdown |
The first structure to emerge from a germinating seed in both dicots and monocots it the: | Radicle |
nutrient deficiency symptoms that first show up in "new growth" tissue are usually associated with | a deficiency of immobile nutrient elements |
A fertilizer applicator with a width of 30 feet applies 50lbs of material as it travels a distance of 200ft. Approximately how much fertilizer is being applied, in pounds per acre? | a little more than 360 |
Compared to dicots, corn and other grasses are generally less damaged by frost or hail within the first few days of emergence because | their growing point is still below the soil surface, even several days after emergence |
Two nutrient elements that are central to the structure of the chlorophyll molecule are | magnesium and nitrogen |
A soil test recommendation calls for 120lbs/A of nitrogen for a wheat crop. How much of a fertilizer material with analysis of 33-0-0 would need to be applied per acre to meet his recommendation | 360 lbs |
The food supply in seeds for grasses is the endosperm, while in dicots the food supply is the | cotyledon |
The major advantage of the tetrazolium test for determining seed viability is | is it quicker than any other test |
The purpose of the warm germination test is to | give an accurate picture of germination under the best conditions |
The major parts of a grass lead include the | blade, sheath, and collar |
Leaf venation in dicots is the net type, while in monocots lead venation is | parallel type lead venation |
Vascular tissue in monocot roots is arranged in the shape of a circle, while vascular tissue in dicot roots is arranged in the shape of a | Cross |
The primary mechanisms of growth in both dicots and grasses are | cell division and cell elongation |
If you cut the top 1/4 portion of dicot and monocot plants, what do you expect | monocots continue growth, while dicots must regrow from lateral buds |
broadcast fertilization | Uniform distribution over the whole cropped field. |
Band fertilization | placing fertilizers in bands to one or both sides of the rows. |
Endosperm | food supply in monocot seeds |
Cotyledon | food supply in dicots |
Seed coat | protects the embryo and food supply |
Apical Meristem | the growing point at the top of a dicot plant |
Intercalcary Meristem | growing points that occur all along the plant like a telescope. present in grasses |
Growth Rate in Plants | occurs as a sigmoidal curve, slow at first, then rapid, and then slowing down again. |
Mobile Nutrient deficiency symptoms | appear first in older tissue |
Immobile Nutrient deficiency symptoms | usually appear first in new growth tissue |
Dry Fertilizer Application Formula | Pounds/acre = pounds applied / (distance x width) ÷ 43560 ft |
Adjusted Seeding Rate Formula | recommended plant population/ % expected field emergence ÷ 100 |
Poaceae | grasses |
Fabaceae | legumes |
Malvaceae | cotton |
Solanaceae | tomatoes, tobacco |
Grain crops | wheat, corn, sorghum |
Forage crops | fescue, bahaigrass |
Oil crops | soybean, canola |
Pulse crops | large seeded legumes, intended for human consumption. examples: pea, lima beans |
Root crops | radish, carrots, sugarbeet |
tuber crops | white potatoe |
sugar crops | sugar cane, sugar beet |
Fiber crops | cotton, hemp |
cover crop | crop that covers the ground during winter. example: ryegrass, clovers |
catch crop | planted after a primary crop fails |
companion crop | also called nurse crop. helps in the establishment of the main crop. example: oat provides protection against weed for alfalfa |
trap crop | planted to attract pests away from a main crop. |
annual crop | seed to seed in 1 growing season example: cotton, peanut |
biennial crop | seed to seet in 2 growing seasons. 1st year is vegetative growth, 2nd year is reproductive growth example:cabbage, celery, beet |
perennial crop | live indefinitley |
herbaceous plants | soft succulents, little cambium layer growth |
woody plants | active cambium layer, high cellulose and lingin fibers. poorly digested compounds. |
Root functions | mechanical support, absorbtion of water and nutrients, foos storage |
root tissues | epidermis, cortex, endodermis, vascular cylinder |
Differences in monocot and dicot roots | main difference is that vascular tissue in dicot roots are shaped like a cross, but they are cylindrical in the monocots |
what is the leaf edge called? | leaf margin |
5 known types of plant hormones | auxins, giberellins, cytokinins, absisic acidm and ethylene |
giberellins | cause plant to grow |
absisic acid | inhibits plant growth |
tween | an agent (detergent) that helps giberillic acid stick to leaves |