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Psychology Test

Human growth and development test Chapter 7 - 10

What part of the brain grows rapidly? Ages 3-6- Most rapid growth in frontal areas (planning and organizing)
How does a parent deal with bed wetting? Never punish or blame the child and seek medical attention if problem persists beyond ages 8-10
Risk factors for childhood obesity Junk food, Hereditary, Poor portion control, more than two hours of TV per day.
Transduction for a child to mentally link two events, especially events close in time,(I broke something, mom and dad are arguing, therefore i caused it) whether or not there is a logically a casual relationship.
Lead Interferes with cognitive development; behavioral problems; Poor appetite; lethargy; vomiting; stupor; convulsions; implicated in higher rates of ADHD!!!!!
Ordinality the concept of comparing quantities (more or less, bigger or smaller)
Cardinality can count by reciting
Centration Tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others
Egocentrism inability to consider another person's point of view.
Lack of Conservation ability to understand that things can remain the same even though the appearance is altered as long as nothing is added or taken away.
Recognition the ability to identify something encountered before
Recall the ability to reproduce knowledge from memory
What influences memory retention Uniqueness of the event; Emotional impact; Active participation;
self awareness ability to recall memories more accurately
Self concept Our total picture of our abilities and traits. It guides our actions and incorporates into our self-image and our understanding of how others see us.
Self esteem How we judge our overall self worth
Initiative V.S Guilt a conflict between desire to plan and carry out activites vs conscience about whether activity is right or wrong
Gender Identity Awareness of one's femaleness or maleness; an important aspect of self concept.
Gender Differences psychology or behavioral difference between males and females
Gender similarities hypothesis young children are more alike than different
Boys superior motor performance, greater propensity for aggresion, more active.Better on verbal analogies, mathmatical word problems, and memory for spatial configurations
Girls better able 2 payattention n 2 inhibit inappropriate behavior; better on verbal fluency, mathematical computation, memory, 4 locations of objects; more responsive language such as praise , agreement, acknowledgement, n elaboration on wht some1 else said.
Gender roles Behaviors, interests, attitudes, skills, and personality traits that culture considers appropriate for males and females.
Gender typing socialization process where children learn gender roles
Gender Stereotypes generalization about male or female behaviors; females are passive and dependent; males are aggressive and independent
Gender constancy realization that his or her gender will always be the same; develops in three stages
Gender Identity awareness of one's own gender and that of others
gender stability a girl will become a woman and a boy will become a man; base judgements on superficial appearence
gender consistency realization that a girl remains a girl even if she has short hair and plays with cars.
Why is play so important? it stimulates senses, exersize muscles, coordinates sight with movement, gains mastery over their bodies, make decisions, and aquire new skills.Lays the foundation for mathematical concepts; negotion conflict resolution.
Functional play rolling a ball; repeated practice in large muscular movements
Constructive play use of objects or material to make something as in coloring, building blocks
Dramatic Play also called pretend, fantasy, or imaginative play; aids in abstract thinking and greater social linguastic competence
Unoccupied behavior the child does not seem to be playing but watches anything of momentary interest.
Onlooker behavior The child spends most of the time watching other children play. The onlooker talks to them, asking questions or making suggestions, but doesnt enter in2 da play. The onlooker is definitely observing particular groups of kids rather than nething exciting
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