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CNA course - Exam 1

Body Language Nonverbal information provided that can show positive/interest or negative/lack of interest to another
Open ended question Questions that invite the person to say more and involve them in a conversation (Questions that can not be answered with a Yes or No)
Scope of practice The range of tasks a professional is legally permitted to do based on the training and certification/license they hold
Competancy Evaluation An exam consisting of a written and skills portion that must be passed at the end of the CNA training course to obtain certification.
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets - for all chemicles (a: What it is made from, b: What to do if exposed, c: How to clean up spills)
PASS - how to extinguish a fire 1: Pull the safety pin; 2: Aim at base of flame; 3: Squeeze the handle; 4: Spray while sweeping from side to side
RACE - Reacting to a fire emergency R: Remove any patient who in in immediate danger; A: Activate the alarm; C: Contain the fire; E: Extinguish if possible or Evacuate the building
What is Tuberculosis (TB)? An infection caused by a bacterium which usually infects the lungs, but may infect the kidneys or bones.
What is an air born pathogen? A disease producing microbe transmitted through the air.
What is AIDS? Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome. This is when the body no longer recognizes pathogens. Death is due to an infection that is acquired, not the AIDS virus.
What is HIV? Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Can live for up to 24 hours on a dry surface. Is a blood born pathogen, causes AIDS, Distroys T Cells.
What is Hepatitus B? A blood born pathogen that is a serious threat to healthcare workers. It can live for up to 7 days outside the body.
What is a blood born pathogen? A disease producing microbe that is transmitted to another person through blood or body fluids.
How long do you wash your hands? At least 15 seconds of friction.
What are standard precautions? Precautions that healthcare workers take with every patient to protect themselves from pathogens that are transmitted in blood. (use of barrier methods)
What are PPE? Personal Protective Equipment. This includes disposable gloves, gowns, masks, protective eyeware.
What is a hospital acquired infection called? A nosocomial infection.
What is the chain of infection? 1. Pathogen; 2. Reservoir; 3. Portal of exit; 4. Method of transmission; 5. Portal of entry; 6. Susceptible host
What are the levels in Maslow's Hierachy of needs? 1. Physiological; 2. Safety & Security; 3. Love & Belonging; 4. Self-esteem; 5. Self-actualization.
What is a terminal condition? A condition or illness from which recovery is not expected.
What is a chronic condition? An ongoing condition usually needing continuous medication or treatment.
What is an Acute condition? A condition that has a rapid onset and a relatively short recovery time.
What is the nursing process? 1. Assessment; 2. Diagnosis; 3. Planning; 4. Implementation; 5. Evaluation.
What is a subjective observation? These are symptoms. They can not be objectively measured and must be told to you by the patient.
What is an Objective observation? Signs. Information that you can directly obtain through measurements or one of your senses.
What is considered verbal communication? The deliberate act of providing specific information through the use of a language (Spoken, Written, of sign language).
What is considered Non-Verbal communication? Subtle and often unintentional indications provided by facial expressions, gestures, body language, or tone of voice.
What is OSHA and what does it do? Occupational Safety & Health Administration. They establish safety and health standards for the work place. Part of the Department of Labor.
What is OBRA and what does it do? Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. Works to improve conditions for people in long term care.
What is Hospice and what do they do? Provide care for people who are dying and their families. Usually people with 3-6 months left to live. Main focus: Releive pain for the person dying and provide emotional and spiritual support to both the patient and their families.
What is Larceny? Stealing. The taking of something that belongs to another.
What is Battery? The touching of a person without his or her consent. IE: Physically restraining or doing a procedure without consent.
What is Assult? A threatening act or touching a person without his or her consent causing that person to fear bodily harm.
What is Litigation? Legal action taken against a person who is accused of breaking the law.
What is Criminal Law? The rules that must be followed between an individual and society. PENALTY: Jail Time.
What is Civil Law? The rules that must be followed between an multiple individuals. PENALTY: Fine or a Financial settlement.
What is a Professional? One who has credentials obtained through education and traininng that enables them to become licensed or certified to practice in a specific line of work.
What is the Nursing Team? Any person involved in the patient care. ie: RN, MD, CNA, pt, Dietician, Lab, Pharmacy, Lab Techs, X-Ray techs, housekeeping, social services.
Who is Florance Nightingale and what did she do? She was a British nurse who is credited with making nursing into the profession that it is today. She started trainings for nurses and set practices for cleanliness.
What is the DON? Director of Nursing. This is an RN who directs the nursing care within that facility.
How often should you get a TB Test? Once per year.
What is the proper way to correct a legal document? Draw a single line through the mistake and initial it.
What do microbes need to live? 1. Source of nutrients; 2. Susceptable host; 3. Reservoir
What is involved in Work Place Safety? 1. Good body mechanics (ABC's - Alignment, Balance, Coordinated movements); 2. Preventing chemical injuries; 3. Preventing electrical shocks; 4. Preventing fires; 5. Handling emergincies.
Created by: brian.belson
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