O2 Cylinder Duration
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RT Equations
Equations used in Respiratory Care
Question | Answer |
Equation O2 Cylinder Duration | E Cyl=0.28× psig/liter flow H Cyl=3.14× psig/liter flow **Full cyl= 2200psig (1800-2400) |
Equation FiO2 | FiO2=(O2 liter flow× 4)+20 |
Equation Aveolar Air | PAO2= [(Pb-P H2O)×FiO2]-(PaCO2/0.80) or PAO2= [(Pb-p H2O)×FiO2]-(PaCO2×1.25) *Pb= Barometric Press (760 when not spec) *P H2O= 47 (mmHg) |
Equation Predicted PaO2 | PaO2= 105-(Age/2) or 100-(Age/3) *PaCO2 must be normal |
Equation PaO2 to FiO2 Ratio | PaO2/FiO2 <200 is a critical value |
Equation Minute Ventilation | Ve= Vt× f Vt=Tidal Volume f=Frequency or rate *Can be manipulated to determine other values |
Equation Frequency needed for desired PaCO2 | f= current rate× PaCO2/Desired PaCO |
Equation RSBI (Rapid Shallow Breathing Index) | RSBI= f/Vt *Must be less than 100 for successful weaning |
Equation Deadspace to Tidal Volume Ratio | Vd/Vt= (PaCO2-PetCO)/PaCO2 *Pet= Exhaled CO *Deadspace= Ventilation w/o Perfusion |
Equation Static Lung Compliance | Cst= Delivered Vt/(Plateau-PEEP) *Normal 100ml/cmH2O |
Equation Dynamic Lung Compliance | Cdyn= Delivered Vt/(PIP-PEEP) |
Equation Airway Resistance | Raw= (PIP-Plateau)/(Flow÷60) *Must be whole number *Answer given in Liters per second *Normal 0.6-2.4cmH2O/L/sec *Normal Vented 5-10cmH20/L/sec |
Equation Ideal Body Weight | Men: 106+6(H"-60)=IBW# Women: 105+5(H"-60)=IBW# *Convert to metric #/2.2=Kg |
Equation Tidal Volume | Vt (min)= IBW(Kg)× 10 Vt (max)= IBW(Kg)× 12 |
Equation Total Cycle Time | TCT= 60sec/f I(time)= TCT/I+E E(time)= TCT-I |
Equation Temperature Conversion | Temp F°=(C°× 1.8)+32 Temp C°=(F°-32)÷ 1.8 |
Suction Catheter Sizing | (OETT Size/2)x 3= Cath Sz (French) |