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The Special Senses

Ambiopia Double vision caused by each eye focusing separately. AKA: Diplopia
Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the conjunctiva of he eye. May be caused by a bacterial infection, viral infection, allergy, or response to the environment.
Cycloplegia Paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the eye
Dacryaenitis Inflammationof the Lacrmal (tear) Gland.
Dacryorrhea Excessive flow of tears
Diplopia Double vision AKA: Ambiopa
Floaters One or more spots that appear to drift, or "float" across the visual field
Lacrimation The secretion of tears from the lacrimal glands.
Ophthalmologist A medical Docto (M.D.) who specializes in the comprehensive care of th eyesand visual system in the prevention and treatment of eye disease and injury.
Ophthalmology The branch of medicine that specializes in the study of the diseases and disorders of the eye.
Optometrist Doctor of Optometry (O.D.)is responsible for examination of the eye, and associated structures, to determine vision problems.
Photophobia Abnormal sensitivity to light
Exophthalmia An abnormal protrusin of the eyeball(s), uually with the sclera noticeable over the iris. Typically due to an expanded volume of the orbital contents.
Cataract The lens in the eye becomes progressively cloudy, losin it's normal transparency and thus altering the perception of light transmission to the retina.
Scleritis Inflammation of the sclera
Acoustic Pertaining to sound or hearing
Otalgia Pain in the ear; Earache
Otitis Media An acute, middle ear infection, which predominantly affects infants, toddlers, and preschoolers
Otorrhea Drainage from the ear; Usually associated with inflammation of the ear.
Vertigo A sensation of spinning around or of having things in the room or area spinning around the person; A result of disturbance of the equilibrium
Mastoiditis Inflammation of the mastoid process, which is usually an acute expansion of an infection i the middle ear (Otitis Media)
Otitis Externa Inflammation of the outer or external ear canal. AKA: Swimmer's Ear
Acute Otitis Media A middle ear infection which prdominantly affects infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Retinopathy Any disease of the retina
Acoustic Pertaining to sound or hearing
Ophthalmoscope Instrument used to view eyes
Nasolacrimal Pertaining to the nose and lacrimal (tear) ducts
Epscleritis Inflammation of the outermost layers of the sclera
Extraocular Pertaining to the outside of the eyeball
Color Blindness (Monochromatism) An inability to sharply perceive visual colors
Hemianosia Loss of vision, or blindness, in one-half of the visual field.
Keratitis Corneal inflammation caused by a microorganism, trauma to the eye, a break in the sensory innervatin of the cornea, a hypersensitivity reaction, or a tearing defect.
Aural Pertaiing to the ear
Purulent Containing pus
Serous Pertaining to producing serum
Keratomycosis A fungal growth present on the cornea
Miotic Anagent that causes the pupil of the eye to constrict
Mydriatic An agent that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate
Mydriasis Abnormal dilation of the pupil of the eye
Audiogram A recording of the faintest sounds an individual is able to hear
Ectropion "Turning out" or eversion of the eyelash margins (especially lower lid) from the eyeball, loading to exposure of the eyelid and eyeball surface and lining.
Entropion "Turning in" of the eyelash margins (especially lower margins) resulting in the sensation similar to that of a foreign body in the eye (redness, tearing, burning, itching).
Esotropia An obvious inward turning of one eye in reaction to the other. AKA: Crosseyes
Blepharitis Acute or chronic inflammation of the eyelid margins stemming from seborrheic, allergic, or bacterial origin.
Blepharoptosis Occurs when the eyelid partially or entirely covers the eye as a result of a weakened muscle.
Blepharochalasis Relaxation of the skin of the eyelid. The skin may droop over the edge of the eyelid.
Labyrinthitis Infection/inflammation of the labyrinth or inner ear, specifically the 3 semicircular canals in the inner ear.
Myringoplasty Surgical repair of the tympanic membrane with a tissue graft after a spontaneous rupture that results in hearig loss. AKA: Tympanoplasty
Myringotomy Surgical incision into the eardrum.This procedure is performed to relieve pressure or release fluid frm the middle ear. AKA: Tympanotomy
Tinnitus A ringing or tinkling noise heard in the ears.May be a sign of injury to the ear, some disease process, or toxic leels of some medications from prolonged use.
Serous Otitis Media A collection of clear fluid in the middle ear that may follow acute otitis media or be due to an obstructioon of the eustachian tube.
Audiometry The process of measring how well an individual hears various frequencies of sound wavesa
Presbycusis Loss of hearing due to he natural aging process.
Chalazion A cyst or nodule on the eyelid resulting from an obstruction of a meibomian gland, which is responsible for lubricating the margin of the eyelid.
Corneal Abrasion A disruption of the cornea's surface epihelium commonly caused by an eyelash,small foreign body, contact lenses, or a scratch from a fingernail.
Otoscopy The use of an otoscope to view and examine the tympanic membrane and various parts of the outer ear.
Meniere's Disease Chronic inner ear disease in which there is an overaccumulation of endolymph (fluid in the labyrinth characterized by recurring episodes of dizziness (vertigo), hearing loss, feeling of pressure or fullness in the affected ear, and tinnitus).
Acute Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining theeyelids and covering the front part of the eyeball
Diabetic Retiopathy Occurs as a consequence of long term or poorly controlled dabetic mellitus in which the tissues of he retina experience scarring due abnormal dilation & constriction of vessels, hemorrhages, microaneurysm, abnorma formation of new vessels.
Otosclerosis A condition in which the footplate of the stapes becomes immobile and secured to the oval window, resulting in haring loss.
Otoplasty Removal of a portion of ear crtilage to bring the pinna and auricle nearer the head.
Sensorineural Deafness Hearing loss caused by the inability of nerve stimuli to be deliveredto the brain from the inner ear due to damage to the auditory nerve or the cochlea or to lesions of the 8th cranial nerve (auditory nrve).
Conductive Deafness Hearing loss caused by the breakdown of the transmission of sound waves through the middle and/or external ear
Cornea Outermost, transparent layer beneath the conjunctiva. Covers the iris.
Pupil Black circle at th center, which controls the amount of light entering the eye.
Iris Colored portion of the eye
Lens Focuses the image of object on the retina. Located behind the iris.
Retina Nerve cell layer which changes the image into nerve impulses
Ciliaru Muscle Controls the shape of the eye
Optic Nerve Transmits information from the retina t the brain for interpretation
Hyperopia A refractive erro in which the lens of the eye cannot focus o an image accurately, resulting in impaired close vision that is blurred due to the light rays being focused behind the retina because the eyeball is shorter than normal
Myopia A refractive error in whih the lens of the eye cannot focus on an image accurately resulting in impaired distant vision that is blurred due to thelight rays being focused in front of the retina because the eyeball is longer than normal.
Presbyopia A refractive erroroccurring after the age of 40, when the lens of the eye(s) cannot focus on an image accurately due to its decreasing loss of elasticity
Astigmatism Arefractive errorcausing light rays entering te eyeto be focused irregularly on the retina due to an abnormally shaped cornea or lens
Hordeolum Bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle or sebaceous gland originatig with redness, swelling, and mild tenderness in the margin of the eyelash.
Pterygim An irregular growth developing as a fold in the conjunctiva, usually on the nasal side of the cornea, that can disrupt vision if it extends over th pupil
Glaucoma Ocular disorders identified as a group due to the increase in intraocular pressure.
Nystagmus Involuntary, rhythmic jerking movement of the eye.
Created by: sanzijessica
Popular Medical sets




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