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Hy - Anatomy

Hy - Anatomy - Abdomen - One-Liners

Remnant of umbilical vein Round ligament of liver
Dermatome to umbilical area T10
Dermatome to suprapubic area L1
Vertebral level associated with origin of celiac artery T12
Vertebral level associated with origin of SMA L1
Vertebral level associated with origin renal arteries L2
Vertebral level associated with origin of gonadal arteries L2
Vertebral level associated with origin of IMA L3
Vertebral level of umbilicus Disc L3-4
Vertebral level of aortic bifurcation L5
Vertebral level for formation of IVC L5
Spinal levels to muscles of anterior abdominal wall T7 – L1
Structure that forms superficial inguinal ring Aponeurosis of external Oblique
Structure that forms deep inguinal ring Trasnversalis fasica
Structure that form floor of inguinal canal Inguinal ligament
Bony attachments of inguinal ligament ASIS and pubic tubercle
Structures that form conjoint tendon Internal oblique and transversus abdominis
Abdominal layer continuous with external spermatic fascia External oblique
Abdominal continuous with cremasteric fascia Internal oblique
Abdominal layer continuous with internal spermatic fascia Transversalis fascia
Structure that lies between protrusion sites of direct and indirect hernias Inferior epigastric artery
Type of hernia that enters deep inguinal ring Indirect inguinal
Most common type of hernia Indirect inguinal
Most common side for indirect inguinal hernia Right
Type of hernia that protrudes through Hesselbach’s triangle Direct inguinal
Boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle Inguinal ligament, rectus abdominis, inferior epigastric artery and vein
Type of hernia that traverses both deep and superficial rings Indirect inguinal
Fluid in processus vaginalis Hydrocele
Communication between greater and lesser sacs Epiploic foramen
Superior border of epiploic foramen Caudate lobe of liver
Inferior border of epiploic foramen Part one of duodenum
Posteiror border of epiploic foramen IVC
Ligament that contains portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct Hepatoduodenal (lesser omentum)
Structure that limits spread of ascitic fluid in left paracolic gutter Phrenicocolic ligament
Structuer that limits spread of ascitic fluid within infracolic compartment Root of mesentary
Superior extent of right paracolic gutter Hepatorenal recess
Most inferior portion of peritoneal cavity Rectouterine pouch
Structures supplied by celiac artery Stomach, duodenum, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas
Branches of celiac artery Left gastric, common hepatic and splenic
Blood supply to stomach Right and left gastroepiploics, right, left and short gastric
Major structures of bed of stomach Pancreas, spleen, left kidney and suprarenal gland, diaphragm
Ducts that join to form common bile duct Cystic and common Hepatic
Structure that separates right and left lobes of liver Falciform ligament
Origin of cystic artery Right hepatic artery
Ribs directly related to spleen Ribs 9-11
Organs related to spleen Stomach, colon, left kidney, tail of pancreas
Artery to small intestine SMA
Organs supplied by both celiac and SMA Duodenum, pancreas
Organs supplied by both SMA and IMA Transverse colon
Vessel located posterior to head of pancreas IVC
Vessel located posterior to neck of pancreas Portal vein
Veins that unite to form portal vein Splenic and SMV
Clinically importatnt organs for portacaval anastomoses Esophagus, rectum, liver
Two structures that lies posterior to SMA near its origin Left renal vein, duodenum
Three distinguishing features of the large intestine Tenia coli, haustra, epiploic appendages
Termination of left gonadal vein Left renal vein
Termination of right gonadal vein Inferior vena cava
Location of initial pain of appendicitis Umbilical region
Motor innervation of diaphragm Phrenic
Sensory innervation of diaphragm Phrenic + intercostal
Spinal levels of phrenic nerve C3-5
Vertebral level that inferior vena cava traverses diaphragm T8
Vertebral level that esophagus traverses diaphragm T10
Structures that traverse diaphragm with esophagus Vagal trunks
Vertebral level that aorta traverses diaphragm T12
Structure that traverses diaphragm with aorta Thoracic duct
Structure that traverses diaphragm through crura Greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves
Created by: HY90X
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