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UTSW HB Psyc Testing

Human Behavior - Psychological Testing

What is test reliability? Reproducibility
What is Test validity? Measures what it intends to
What is a negative skew? Long tail on the left, e.g. IQ of med school students
What is psychological testing vs. assessment? TEST: Administering device/procedure. ASSESS: Choose test, Administer, Interpret, Recommend.
How do you test for learning disabilities? (Intellect fxn & academic achievement) 1) Weschler intelligence scale, 2) Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI), 3) reading/spelling/writing
How do you test for general psychological symptoms? 1) Beck Depression Inventory checklist, 2) Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R), 3) Structured interview (Axis 1 or 2, feigning)
How do you measure personality? OBJECTIVE: 1) Minnesota Multiphaseic Personality Inventory, 2) Personality Assessment Inventory. PROJECTIVE: 3) Rorshach (standardize via Exner), 4) Thematic Apperception Test (tell story of image), 5) Rotter Incomplete Sentences, 6) House-Tree-Person
What do personality tests measure? 1) psychology, 2) values/interests/attitudes, 3) worldview, 4) self identity, 5) probable quality of relationships w/others 6) cognitive style
What is the definition of personality? psychology traits/states, incl. self view & interaction w/environment
What is assessed w/neuropsychological testing? Memory, Abstract reasoning/problem solving, Feigning
What neuropsychological tests assess memory? Wechsler Memory Scale, mini Mental Status Exam
What neuropsychological tests assess Abstract Reasoning & Problem Solving? 1) Trails A & B (A
What neuropsychological tests assess Feigning? Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM; results much worse than expected & no odd behaviors)
How is the TONI-3 test administered? pantomime (15 min; tests gen intelligence)
Why request a general diagnostic assessment? 1) previous contradictory diagnoses, 2) psychiatric problems related to medical problems, 3) Malingering concerns
What is the difference between Axis I & Axis II? I: Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Cognitive Deficit. II: Mentally Retarded, Personality Disorder
What test is used to assess feigning of psychosis? SIRS-2 structured interview, questions of usual and bizarre symptoms, i.e. "Do you think that airplanes are all muslim?", test of memory malingering (TOMM)
What is the difference between objective and subjective personality tests? O: More structured, self-report on paper P: Ambiguous, patient projects intrapsychic material onto test
What is the difference between a personality assessment and a diagnostic/general symptom assessment? A psychiatric diagnostic assessemnt is used to isolate a single psych. Diagnosis. A personality assessment is to understand overall psych. Functiong and form a treatment plan.
Who assesses psychological & neuropsychological assessments? All psychologists can assess psychological tests, but it takes extra training to assess neuropsychological tests.
What is included in the MMSE? Orientation (where/when), Registration (3 objects short term memory), Attention/Calculation (serial 7s or spell backward), Recall (3 objects), Language (identify objects, "No ifs ands or buts", write sentence, copy image)
What are limitations of the MMSE? biased x education
What is the Bender Gestalt II used for? Copy 9 images, remove the image & ask about visual cues. Screener.
What does it mean if someone sucks at the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task? PFCx disability
When is a full neuropsychological assessment battery called for? Show some signs of dementia but not known exact diagnosis, OR need to identify particular deficits after injury
What are some examples of full neuropsychological batteries? 1) Halstead-Reitan (subtests for aphasia, auditory perception, rhythm, trail-making, finger-tapping), 2) Luria-Nebraska (shorter, but mostly language skills)
What is malingering in psychology? Intentional symptoms motivated x gain
What is recommended in requesting a referral for psychological assessment? 1) provide specific justification for the request, 2) include observations leading to referral request in Objective section of SOAP
Created by: micah52
Popular Psychology sets




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