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Nn of the U Limb D1

Day 1

Claw hand ulnar n
ape hand median n
wrist drop radial n
scapular winging long thoracic n (innervates serratus anterior)
unable to wipe bottom thoracodorsal n (innervates latissimus dorsi)
loss of forearm pronation median n
cannot abduct or adduct fingers ulnar n (innervates interosseus mm)
loss of arm abduction axillary n (innervates deltoid m)
weak lateral rotation of arm suprascapular n (innervates infraspinatus)
loss of arm and forearm flexion musculocutaneous n
loss of forearm extension radial n (triceps m)
trouble initiating arm abduction suprascapular n (innervating supraspinatus)
unable to abduct arm beyond 10 degrees axillary n (deltoid m)
unable to raise arm above horizontal long thoracic n (serratus anterior m) and spinal accessory n (trapezius m)
Fracturing the shaft of the humerus will injure what nerve? radial n (and deep brachial a)
Fracturing the surgical neck of the humerus will injure what nerve? axillary n
Fracturing the supracondyle of the humerus will injure what nerve? median n
Fracturing the medial epicondyle will injure what nerve? Ulnar n
An anterior dislocation of the shoulder will injure what nerve? Axillary n (runs with posterior circumflex a)
Compression of the carpal tunnel will affect which nerve? Median n
Which nerve can be injured with an intramuscular injection (e.g., overlying the deltoid)? Axillary n
Subluxuation of the radius stretches which branch of the radial nerve? Deep branch
A dislocated lunate can injure which nerve? Median n
A 12 year old boy is rollerblading and falls on his outstretched hands, fracturing the hook of the hamate in his L hand. Which nerve was likely injured? Ulnar n
Fracturing the medial epicondyle of the humerus will damage which nerve? Ulnar n
What nerve is associated with pronator teres syndrome? Median n
Which nerve injury is associated with incorrect use of a crutch and Saturday Night Palsy? Radial n
Cervical rib compression affects which part of the brachial plexus? Lower trunk
Klumpke's palsy affects which part of the brachial plexus? Lower trunk
Pancoast tumor affects which part of the brachial plexus? Lower trunk
Lower trunk injury to the brachial plexus causes what 4 major deficits? 1. Atrophy of thenar and hypothenar eminences 2. Atrophy of interosseus mm 3. Sensory deficits on the medial side of the forearm and hand. 4. Disappearance of the radial puluse upon moving the head toward the ipsilateral side.
Upper trunk injury to the brachial plexus is associated with what types of accidents? Motorcyle accidents (blows to shoulder), birth trauma
Erb-Duchenne palsy (Waiter's tip) is caused by damage to which brachial plexus trunk? Upper trunk (C5, C6)
Which part of the brachial plexus is compressed by a cervical disk lesion? C7 root
Created by: sarah3148
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