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Pharm Abbreviations

common pharmacology abbreviation

aa of each
ac before meals
ad lib as desired
amp ampule
aq aqueous
bid twice a day
c with
cap capsule
cc DO NOT USE cubic centimeter Write: 'mL'
DC, disc, d/c discontinue
disp dispense
Dl, dL deciliter
dr dram
DW distilled water
elix elixir
et and
ext extract
fl, fld fluid
g, gm gram
gr grain
gt(t) drop(s)
h, hr hours
hs; HS DO NOT USE hour of sleep (write 'bedtime')
ID intradermal
IM intramuscular
IV intravenous
Kg, kg kilogram
L, l liter
lb pound
M, min minim; or can mean minute
mcg, ug microgram
mg milligram
mEq millequivalent
ml, mL milliliter
MOM milk of magnesia
MS DO NOT USE write: 'morphine sulfate'
n normal
NaCl sodium chloride
K potassium
NKA no know allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
noct at night
NPO nothing by mouth
NS normal saline
OD DO NOT USE Write: right eye; overdose
OS DO NOT USE Write: left eye
OU DO NOT USE Write: both eyes
os mouth
oz ounce
p after
pc after meals
PM, pm afternoon, evening
po by mouth
prn whenever necessary
pt pint; patient
q every
qd DO NOT USE Write: every day
QOD DO NOT USE Write: every other day
qh every hour
q2h every 2 hours
q3h every 3 hours
q6-8h every 6 to 8 hous
qid four time per day
qns quantity not sufficient
qs quantity sufficient
qt quart
Rx take, prescribe
R right; rectal
s without
SC, S/Q DO NOT USE Write: Sub-q; subQ; subcutaneous
SL sublingual
sol solution
SOS once if necessary
sp spirits
ss one half
stat, STAT immediately
supp suppository
syr syrup
tab tablet
T, Tbsp tablespoon
t, tsp teaspoon
tid three time a day
tinc, tinct tincture
ung ointment
KOH potassium hydroxide
agit shake, stir
am morning
ASA aspirin
C cup, Celsius
cm centimeter
c/o complaining of
Dx diagnosis
dil dilute
EENT eye, ear, nose, throat
F Fahrenheit
FDA Food and Drug Administration
Fe iron
fx fracture
gal gallon
h hour
HTN hypertension
Hx history
inj injection
K potassium
Na Sodium
KVO keep vein open
LR lactated Ringer's solution
med medicine
MLD minimum lethal dose
mn midnight
MO mineral oil
MTD maximum tolerated dose
N/V nausea/vomiting
O2 oxygen
OTC over-the-counter
PL placebo
PMI patient medication instruction
pr per rectum
pulv powder
q4h every 4 hours
qam every morning
qpm every night
r/o rule out
S, Sig give the following directions; label
SOB shortness of breath
TO telephone order
tus cough
vag vagina
ves bladder
VO verbal order
VS vital signs
WNL within normal limits
W/O water in oil
x times
y/o years old
APAP acetaminophen
d day
m meter
mm millimeter
NAS nasal
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PPD purified protein derivative (TB skin test)
Rx take, prescribe
Created by: cskinner
Popular Medical sets




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