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Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy & Physiology Chapters 1 & 3
Question | Answer |
Superior (Cephalic or Cranial) | Above; upper body part. |
Inferior (Caudal) | Below; away from the head. |
Ventral (Anterior) | Toward the front; belly surface. |
Dorsal (Posterior) | Toward the back. |
Cranial | Toward the head. |
Caudal | Toward the feet; near the sacral region of the spinal column. |
Medial | Near the middle of the body; divide into a right and left. |
Lateral | Toward the side; Away from the mid-line. |
Proximal | Nearer to the attachment of limb, nearer to the origination of the structure. |
Nucleus | Largest organelle control center, the brain of cell controls all cellular activity (tells us what to do). Contains the chromosomes. Genetic information. |
Nucleolus | Brain of the brain. Contains the RNA and protein to synthesizes(make) organelles such as Ribosomes. |
Rough ER | Works with Ribosomes to synthesize(make) protein. |
Ribosomes | Compose of RNA, also helps to synthesize(make) protein. Attached to the Ribosomes. |
Smooth ER | Synthesizes(make) lipid(fat, steroids) Does not have Ribosomes. |
Mitochondria | Kidney shape, site of Synthesize(make) Adenozine Triphosphate(ATP) Energy to nutrients. |
Peroxisome | Enzymes Detoxifies(kills) toxins/poisonous substances. |
Lysomsomes | Enzymes Digests(breaks down) waste products. |
Organelles | Little organ of the cell the subdivision within the cell. |
Cytoplasm | Substances inside the cell, containing the liquid Cytosol and organelles. Maintain growth. |
Intracellular | Fluid inside the cell(Cytosol). |
Intercellular | Fluid in between cells. |
Extracellular | Fluid outside of cell. |
Golgi Apparatus | Looks like a stack of pancakes It is to modify, package and transport protein(product control) QC. |
Vesicles | Transports material(in/out) of cell. |
Centrioles | Are paired cylinders that aid in cell reproduction(division) in mitosis. |
Microvilli | Small and short extensions that move fluid(substances) around the cell. |
Cilia | Long hairlike (same function) moves fluid around cell. |
Flagellum | Tail like structure that propels(swims/moves) the cell Ex: sperm (only in human body). |
Plasma Membrane | Selectively Permeable-Keeps the cell in tacked; semipermeable-(half,pass through through small amounts) Paula Abdul-Opposites Attract. |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic Acid-Blue print inside the nucleus (ID) does transcribes but not in translation. |
RNA | Ribonucleic Acid-Helps synthesize(make) protein work with Ribosomes. Transcribes and Translates. |
Transcription | To copy-transcribe the notes of the DNA strand onto the messenger RNA. |
Messenger RNA(mRNA) | Carries the message out of the nucleus into the Ribosomes and to the translation from the DNA. |
Transfer RNA(tRNA) | Taking the code from RNA, brings amino acids to be made into proteins. |
Ribosomal RNA(rRNA) | Makes up the Ribosomes. Synthesize protein, transport protein out of the cell. |
Mitosis | Division of somatic cells. Cellular reproduction from mother cell to daughter cell(exactly the same). One cell divides into two identical daughter cells |
Daughter Cells | Product of the cells in Mitosis. Exactly the same kind of DNA. |
Interphase | Dormant-growth phase. DNA takes place. |
Prophase | Chromosomes appear, first stage, gathering of. |
Anaphase | Chromosomes split(divide) pull towards the opposite pole. Reforms. |
Metaphase | Chromosomes gather together in the middle(center)of the cell(Centrioles) Centrioles send out spindle fibers to guide the chromosome to it. |
Telophase | A new membrane appears and then separates(splits) chromosome forming a two new nuclei. |
Diffusion(Passive Transport) | Constant movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration. No energy needed; force. Ex. Exchange of O2 & CO2. |
Osmosis(Passive Transport) | Diffusion of water: Semipermeable-Movement of water to a low solute concentration to high concentration. Needs force to go up. Only in water. |
Filtration | Requires a pressure/force of water to separate substances out of the cell. |
Facilitated Diffusion | The movement of proteins from high concentration to low concentration with the use of an aid transporter. |
Active Transport | Fluid flows in the opposite direction from high concentration to low concentration. This requires energy ATP. |
Selectively permeable | Only a certain particles go through. |
Phagocytosis "phago-eating" | The "eating" of cell(Pac Man). Engulfing large particles. |
Pinocytosis "pino-drinking" | The "drinking" of cells. Intake of fluid droplets. |
Endocytosis "endo-inside" | Moves the bulk of substances inside of cell using vesicles. |
Exocytosis "exo-exit" | Exit, moves substances out of cell, (removal of waste) using vesicles into the Extracellular fluid. |
Isotonic | Same concentration substance as of the fluid in the cell(cells remain the same) |
Hypotonic | Lower concentration substance of the fluid in the cell(Too much O2): may swell and burst. |
Hypertonic | Higher concentration of the fluid in the cell(Not much O2): may crenation(shrink). |
Positive Feedback | A process were the body is doing the it over and over again. Ex: Child birth, lactation, and blood clotting. |
Negative Feedback | Body trying to fix the problem to maintain homeostasis balance to the body. Ex: Blood pressure. |
Neoplasm | New growth. |
Predisposing | More likely. |
Passive Transport | No input of Energy(force). |
Active Transport | Pumps from low concentration to high concentration needs energy. |
Plasma Membrane | Semipermeable-Contains 3 major ingredients: Double layer of Phospholipids embedded with Cholesterol and Proteins . |
DNA-Gives traits, identity Double helix strand | Four nucleotides: Adenine(A)-Thymine(T) Guanine(G)-Cytosine(C). |
RNA-what reads it Single strand | Four nucleotides: Adenine(A)-Uracil(U) Guanine(G)-Cytosine(C). |
Anabolism | The building/assembling simple components into more complex ones. |
Catabolism | The break down of complex chemical substances into simpler components. Such as food and nutrients to energy. |
Adenosine Triphosphate | Generates energy to fuel cell activities. |
Metabolism | All life-sustaining reactions that occur within the body which include Catabolism and Anabolism. |
Nervous System | The system that processes sensory information. |
Cardiovascular System | The system that delivers nutrients to body tissues. |
Digestive System | The system that breaks down and absorbs food. |
Integumentary System | The system that includes the fingernails. |
Urinary System | The system that includes the bladder. |
Skeletal System | The system that includes the joints. |
Respiratory System | The system that delivers oxygen to the blood. |
Lymphatic System | The system that includes the tonsils. |
Anatomy | The study of structure. |
Physiology | The study of function. |
Pathology | The study of disease changes in organs and tissues. |
Homeostasis | The maintenance of constant internal body state, equilibrium(balance). |
Diaphragm | The thoracic and abdominal cavities. |
Extracellular Fluid (ECF) | Fluid outside of cell... |
Umbilical Region | Navel is found... |
Cross section | The section of how the penny-shaped slice of a banana is cut. |
Stem Cells | Cell that has the potential to develop in different types of cells. |
Right Lower Quadrant | The right iliac is found in this region... |
Anatomic Position | The body is upright and palms are facing forward. |
Dorsal Cavity | Cranial(brain), Spinal cavity(spinal cord). |
Ventral Cavity | Divided into 2 main cavity: Thoracic (chest), Abdominopelvic cavity(abdomen) |
Abdominopelvic | Inferior to the diaphragm. Divided into 2 regions: Abdominal, Pelvic Cavities. |
Frontal(Coronal) Plane | From left to right, dividing the body into anterior and posterior planes. |
Abdominal Cavity | The ventral body cavity that contains the stomach, most of the intestine, the liver, and the spleen. |
Epigastric Region (Inferior) | The inferiof region closest to the sternum(breastbone). |
Diaphragm | Is the space between the lungs. Separates the abdominopelvic cavity and thoracic cavity. |
Nervous System | Reception of stimuli and control of responses: brain, spinal cord and nerves: eyes, ears, taste buds, and organs of smell. Receptors for pain, touch and sense, receive stimuli. |
Skeletal System | Support: Contains 206 bones and the joints |
Muscular System | Movement: attach to bones and body structure, protect the organs, and maintain posture. |
Endocrine System | Produce special hormones: Regulate growth,food utilization in cells, reproduction: thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands. |
Cardiovascular System | Contains the heart and blood vessels pumps blood to the tissues bringing nutrients, oxygen, needed substances. Can carry waste then discard them. |
Digestive System | Involves in taking all the nutrients(food), for absorption: mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas. |
Reproductive System | Production of offspring. Sex organs. |
Integumentary System | A separate body system: skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands and oil glands. |
Urinary System | Elimination of waste excess water: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. |
Lymphatic System | Aids in circulation, immunity, and protect against disease from: tonsils, thymus gland, and spleen. |
Circulatory System | The lymphatic and cardiovascular systems help make the.... |
Respiratory System | Intake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide. Designed for gas exchange. |
Sagittal Plane | From front to back, dividing the body into left and right parts. |
Midsagittal Plane | Exactly down the midline. |
Longitudinal Section | Parallel to long axis. |
Oblique Section | At an angle. |
Thoracic Cavity | Divided by the diaphragm, contains heart and lungs,and mediastinum. |
Pelvic Cavity | Lower region containing reproductive organs, urinary bladder, and rectum. |
Kilometers | 1,000 times. (1km = 1 meter) |
Centimeters | (100cm = 1 metter)1/100th(0.01). There is 2.5cm = inch |
Millimeters | 1/1,000th(0.001) (1,000ml = 1 liter) |
Micrometer | 1/1,000,000(0.000001) meters |
Meter | Basic units of length. |
Gram | Basic units of weight. |
Liter | Basic units of volume. |
Temperature | Measured in Celsius(centigrade) |
Mediastinum | Space between lungs and the organs contained in that space. |
Hypogastric Region | The most inferior of all the midline regions. |
Hypochondriac Region | Just inferior to the ribs. |
Lumbar Region | The level with the lumbar regions of the spine between the thoracic vertebrae and sacrum. |
Cytosol | Liquid portion of the cell. |
Nucleotides | Building blocks of DNA and RNA. |
Cells | Basic unit of all life. |
Tissues | May function together as organs. |
Organs Systems | Work together to maintain the body as a whole organism. |
Organs | Work together for the same purpose to make up the body system. |
Crenation | Shrinking of cell, as in the hypertonic solution. |
Hemolysis | Red blood cells draw water and burst. |
Mutation | Change in a gene or a chromosome. Usually harm the cell and cause cancer. |
Cell Identity Markers | ID/Unique protein to the Immune System. Identity. |
Transporters | Shuttles/drives to. Protein transport. Ex: glucose. |
Receptors | Receives/accepts substances. Ex: hormones |
Enzymes | Produce(Catalyst) speeds up action and /or reaction. |
Channels | Gates that open to a specific area(opens/closes)Ex: Ions |
Linkers | Gives structure and links/attaches(cell to cell) |
Proteins | Located in the plasma membrane are: Channels, Transporters, Receptors, Enzymes, Linkers, and Cell Identity Markers. |
Phospholipids | Lipids containing phosphorus protein: Cholesterol, Protein, Carbohydrates. |
Cell Aging | Mutations(changes) in genes. Slows down cellular activity. Apoptosis-programmed death cells. |
Microscope | Magnifying instrument to examine structures not visible to the naked eye. |
Micrometer | Metric unit commonly used for microscopic measurement |
Cancer | Cells turn into tumors that spread to other tissues. |
Mitochondrion | Energy into nutrients to ATP. |
Cancer Changes | Go through mutations(changes)uncontrollably spread of bad cells, over crowd and destroy all good nutrients. Slows down cellular activity. |
Cancer Risk Factors | Heredity-Family, Chemical-Cigarettes, food, drugs, Ionizing Radiation-X-Rays, Ultra-Violet rays, Radioactive Substances. Physical Irritation-Damage to tissues, Viruses-Liver, blood, lymphatic tissues, and uterine cervix. |
Scanning electron Microscope | Three-dimensional view. |
Compound light Microscope | Most common microscope magnifies up to 1,000 times. |
Transmission Electron | Up to 1 million times. |
Supine | Body lying face up. |
Prone | Body lying face down. |
Superficial | Toward of on the surface of the body |
Deep | Away from the surface of the body. (Within) |
Distal | Farther away from the attachment of limb, nearer to the origination of structure. |