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Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology Chapters 1 & 3

Superior (Cephalic or Cranial) Above; upper body part.
Inferior (Caudal) Below; away from the head.
Ventral (Anterior) Toward the front; belly surface.
Dorsal (Posterior) Toward the back.
Cranial Toward the head.
Caudal Toward the feet; near the sacral region of the spinal column.
Medial Near the middle of the body; divide into a right and left.
Lateral Toward the side; Away from the mid-line.
Proximal Nearer to the attachment of limb, nearer to the origination of the structure.
Nucleus Largest organelle control center, the brain of cell controls all cellular activity (tells us what to do). Contains the chromosomes. Genetic information.
Nucleolus Brain of the brain. Contains the RNA and protein to synthesizes(make) organelles such as Ribosomes.
Rough ER Works with Ribosomes to synthesize(make) protein.
Ribosomes Compose of RNA, also helps to synthesize(make) protein. Attached to the Ribosomes.
Smooth ER Synthesizes(make) lipid(fat, steroids) Does not have Ribosomes.
Mitochondria Kidney shape, site of Synthesize(make) Adenozine Triphosphate(ATP) Energy to nutrients.
Peroxisome Enzymes Detoxifies(kills) toxins/poisonous substances.
Lysomsomes Enzymes Digests(breaks down) waste products.
Organelles Little organ of the cell the subdivision within the cell.
Cytoplasm Substances inside the cell, containing the liquid Cytosol and organelles. Maintain growth.
Intracellular Fluid inside the cell(Cytosol).
Intercellular Fluid in between cells.
Extracellular Fluid outside of cell.
Golgi Apparatus Looks like a stack of pancakes It is to modify, package and transport protein(product control) QC.
Vesicles Transports material(in/out) of cell.
Centrioles Are paired cylinders that aid in cell reproduction(division) in mitosis.
Microvilli Small and short extensions that move fluid(substances) around the cell.
Cilia Long hairlike (same function) moves fluid around cell.
Flagellum Tail like structure that propels(swims/moves) the cell Ex: sperm (only in human body).
Plasma Membrane Selectively Permeable-Keeps the cell in tacked; semipermeable-(half,pass through through small amounts) Paula Abdul-Opposites Attract.
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid-Blue print inside the nucleus (ID) does transcribes but not in translation.
RNA Ribonucleic Acid-Helps synthesize(make) protein work with Ribosomes. Transcribes and Translates.
Transcription To copy-transcribe the notes of the DNA strand onto the messenger RNA.
Messenger RNA(mRNA) Carries the message out of the nucleus into the Ribosomes and to the translation from the DNA.
Transfer RNA(tRNA) Taking the code from RNA, brings amino acids to be made into proteins.
Ribosomal RNA(rRNA) Makes up the Ribosomes. Synthesize protein, transport protein out of the cell.
Mitosis Division of somatic cells. Cellular reproduction from mother cell to daughter cell(exactly the same). One cell divides into two identical daughter cells
Daughter Cells Product of the cells in Mitosis. Exactly the same kind of DNA.
Interphase Dormant-growth phase. DNA takes place.
Prophase Chromosomes appear, first stage, gathering of.
Anaphase Chromosomes split(divide) pull towards the opposite pole. Reforms.
Metaphase Chromosomes gather together in the middle(center)of the cell(Centrioles) Centrioles send out spindle fibers to guide the chromosome to it.
Telophase A new membrane appears and then separates(splits) chromosome forming a two new nuclei.
Diffusion(Passive Transport) Constant movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration. No energy needed; force. Ex. Exchange of O2 & CO2.
Osmosis(Passive Transport) Diffusion of water: Semipermeable-Movement of water to a low solute concentration to high concentration. Needs force to go up. Only in water.
Filtration Requires a pressure/force of water to separate substances out of the cell.
Facilitated Diffusion The movement of proteins from high concentration to low concentration with the use of an aid transporter.
Active Transport Fluid flows in the opposite direction from high concentration to low concentration. This requires energy ATP.
Selectively permeable Only a certain particles go through.
Phagocytosis "phago-eating" The "eating" of cell(Pac Man). Engulfing large particles.
Pinocytosis "pino-drinking" The "drinking" of cells. Intake of fluid droplets.
Endocytosis "endo-inside" Moves the bulk of substances inside of cell using vesicles.
Exocytosis "exo-exit" Exit, moves substances out of cell, (removal of waste) using vesicles into the Extracellular fluid.
Isotonic Same concentration substance as of the fluid in the cell(cells remain the same)
Hypotonic Lower concentration substance of the fluid in the cell(Too much O2): may swell and burst.
Hypertonic Higher concentration of the fluid in the cell(Not much O2): may crenation(shrink).
Positive Feedback A process were the body is doing the it over and over again. Ex: Child birth, lactation, and blood clotting.
Negative Feedback Body trying to fix the problem to maintain homeostasis balance to the body. Ex: Blood pressure.
Neoplasm New growth.
Predisposing More likely.
Passive Transport No input of Energy(force).
Active Transport Pumps from low concentration to high concentration needs energy.
Plasma Membrane Semipermeable-Contains 3 major ingredients: Double layer of Phospholipids embedded with Cholesterol and Proteins .
DNA-Gives traits, identity Double helix strand Four nucleotides: Adenine(A)-Thymine(T) Guanine(G)-Cytosine(C).
RNA-what reads it Single strand Four nucleotides: Adenine(A)-Uracil(U) Guanine(G)-Cytosine(C).
Anabolism The building/assembling simple components into more complex ones.
Catabolism The break down of complex chemical substances into simpler components. Such as food and nutrients to energy.
Adenosine Triphosphate Generates energy to fuel cell activities.
Metabolism All life-sustaining reactions that occur within the body which include Catabolism and Anabolism.
Nervous System The system that processes sensory information.
Cardiovascular System The system that delivers nutrients to body tissues.
Digestive System The system that breaks down and absorbs food.
Integumentary System The system that includes the fingernails.
Urinary System The system that includes the bladder.
Skeletal System The system that includes the joints.
Respiratory System The system that delivers oxygen to the blood.
Lymphatic System The system that includes the tonsils.
Anatomy The study of structure.
Physiology The study of function.
Pathology The study of disease changes in organs and tissues.
Homeostasis The maintenance of constant internal body state, equilibrium(balance).
Diaphragm The thoracic and abdominal cavities.
Extracellular Fluid (ECF) Fluid outside of cell...
Umbilical Region Navel is found...
Cross section The section of how the penny-shaped slice of a banana is cut.
Stem Cells Cell that has the potential to develop in different types of cells.
Right Lower Quadrant The right iliac is found in this region...
Anatomic Position The body is upright and palms are facing forward.
Dorsal Cavity Cranial(brain), Spinal cavity(spinal cord).
Ventral Cavity Divided into 2 main cavity: Thoracic (chest), Abdominopelvic cavity(abdomen)
Abdominopelvic Inferior to the diaphragm. Divided into 2 regions: Abdominal, Pelvic Cavities.
Frontal(Coronal) Plane From left to right, dividing the body into anterior and posterior planes.
Abdominal Cavity The ventral body cavity that contains the stomach, most of the intestine, the liver, and the spleen.
Epigastric Region (Inferior) The inferiof region closest to the sternum(breastbone).
Diaphragm Is the space between the lungs. Separates the abdominopelvic cavity and thoracic cavity.
Nervous System Reception of stimuli and control of responses: brain, spinal cord and nerves: eyes, ears, taste buds, and organs of smell. Receptors for pain, touch and sense, receive stimuli.
Skeletal System Support: Contains 206 bones and the joints
Muscular System Movement: attach to bones and body structure, protect the organs, and maintain posture.
Endocrine System Produce special hormones: Regulate growth,food utilization in cells, reproduction: thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands.
Cardiovascular System Contains the heart and blood vessels pumps blood to the tissues bringing nutrients, oxygen, needed substances. Can carry waste then discard them.
Digestive System Involves in taking all the nutrients(food), for absorption: mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas.
Reproductive System Production of offspring. Sex organs.
Integumentary System A separate body system: skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands and oil glands.
Urinary System Elimination of waste excess water: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
Lymphatic System Aids in circulation, immunity, and protect against disease from: tonsils, thymus gland, and spleen.
Circulatory System The lymphatic and cardiovascular systems help make the....
Respiratory System Intake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide. Designed for gas exchange.
Sagittal Plane From front to back, dividing the body into left and right parts.
Midsagittal Plane Exactly down the midline.
Longitudinal Section Parallel to long axis.
Oblique Section At an angle.
Thoracic Cavity Divided by the diaphragm, contains heart and lungs,and mediastinum.
Pelvic Cavity Lower region containing reproductive organs, urinary bladder, and rectum.
Kilometers 1,000 times. (1km = 1 meter)
Centimeters (100cm = 1 metter)1/100th(0.01). There is 2.5cm = inch
Millimeters 1/1,000th(0.001) (1,000ml = 1 liter)
Micrometer 1/1,000,000(0.000001) meters
Meter Basic units of length.
Gram Basic units of weight.
Liter Basic units of volume.
Temperature Measured in Celsius(centigrade)
Mediastinum Space between lungs and the organs contained in that space.
Hypogastric Region The most inferior of all the midline regions.
Hypochondriac Region Just inferior to the ribs.
Lumbar Region The level with the lumbar regions of the spine between the thoracic vertebrae and sacrum.
Cytosol Liquid portion of the cell.
Nucleotides Building blocks of DNA and RNA.
Cells Basic unit of all life.
Tissues May function together as organs.
Organs Systems Work together to maintain the body as a whole organism.
Organs Work together for the same purpose to make up the body system.
Crenation Shrinking of cell, as in the hypertonic solution.
Hemolysis Red blood cells draw water and burst.
Mutation Change in a gene or a chromosome. Usually harm the cell and cause cancer.
Cell Identity Markers ID/Unique protein to the Immune System. Identity.
Transporters Shuttles/drives to. Protein transport. Ex: glucose.
Receptors Receives/accepts substances. Ex: hormones
Enzymes Produce(Catalyst) speeds up action and /or reaction.
Channels Gates that open to a specific area(opens/closes)Ex: Ions
Linkers Gives structure and links/attaches(cell to cell)
Proteins Located in the plasma membrane are: Channels, Transporters, Receptors, Enzymes, Linkers, and Cell Identity Markers.
Phospholipids Lipids containing phosphorus protein: Cholesterol, Protein, Carbohydrates.
Cell Aging Mutations(changes) in genes. Slows down cellular activity. Apoptosis-programmed death cells.
Microscope Magnifying instrument to examine structures not visible to the naked eye.
Micrometer Metric unit commonly used for microscopic measurement
Cancer Cells turn into tumors that spread to other tissues.
Mitochondrion Energy into nutrients to ATP.
Cancer Changes Go through mutations(changes)uncontrollably spread of bad cells, over crowd and destroy all good nutrients. Slows down cellular activity.
Cancer Risk Factors Heredity-Family, Chemical-Cigarettes, food, drugs, Ionizing Radiation-X-Rays, Ultra-Violet rays, Radioactive Substances. Physical Irritation-Damage to tissues, Viruses-Liver, blood, lymphatic tissues, and uterine cervix.
Scanning electron Microscope Three-dimensional view.
Compound light Microscope Most common microscope magnifies up to 1,000 times.
Transmission Electron Up to 1 million times.
Supine Body lying face up.
Prone Body lying face down.
Superficial Toward of on the surface of the body
Deep Away from the surface of the body. (Within)
Distal Farther away from the attachment of limb, nearer to the origination of structure.
Created by: Esme1719
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