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MA chapter 50

Assisting in the Clinical Laboratory

aliquot A protion of a well-mixed sample removed for testing
analyte The substance or chemical being analyzed or detected in a specimen
anticoagulants chemicals added to the blood after collection to prevent clotting
carcinogenic known to cause canser
caustic capable of burning, corroding, or damaging tissue by chemical action
cerebrospinal fluid fluid within the subarachnoid space, the central canal of the spinal cord, and the four ventricles of the brain
cytology the sutdy of cells using microscopic methods
diluent a liquid used to dilute a specimen or reagent
exudates fluids with high concentration of protein and cellular debris that have escaped from the bood vessels and have been deposited in tissues or on tissue surfaces
hematoma a sac filled with blood that may be the result of trauma
hemolyzed a term used to describe a blood sample in which the red blood cells have ruptured
pipets cylindric glass or plastic tubes used to deliver fluids
preservatives substances added to a specimen to prevent deterioration of cells or chemicals
referral laboratory a private or hospital-based laboratory that performs a wide variety of tests, many of them specialized; physicians often send specimens collected in the office to referral laboratories for testing
resolution the ability of the eye to distinguish two objecvts that are very close together; the sharpness of an image.
specimen a sample of body fluid, waste product, or tissue that is collected for analysis
stat a direction that an action is to be taken quickly; an order found on a laboratory requisition indicating that the test must be done immediately
teratogenic known to cause birth defects
Created by: wallentinestyle
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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