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WGU INC1 Week1

Modern civilization is built on what? Science
Most forms of technology from medicine to space travel are what? Applications of science
What is science? More than an organized body of knowledge about nature.
Science is a product of what? Observations, common sense, rational thinking, & sometimes brilliant insights.
What is a method? A way of exploring nature & discovering the order within it.
Who used logic & rational thought in a systematic way? Ancient Greeks
Science made a great leap forward in the 15th Century because people could communicate easier because of a priting press. Who invented it? Johann Gutenberg
16th Century a Polish astronomer published a book proposing tht the Sun was stationary & the Earth revolved arou it. Who wrote the book? Nicolaus Copernicus
When did modern science begin? 16th Century
Who was the Italian physicist that revived the Copernican view and started modern science? Galileo Galilei
What is an example of direct proportion? The more you study for this course, the better you'll do.
What is an example of inverse proportion? The more you spend the less you will have in the bank.
Hooke's Law The more a spring is stretched, the harder it is to stretch it further. (ex. Slinky)
Control A test that excludes the varialbe being investigated in a scientific experiment.
Fact A phenomenon about which competent observers can agree. (ex. salamander limb can grow back)
Hypothesis An educated guess or a reasonable explanation.
Law A general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quanties that has been tested over and over again and has not been contradicted.
Another name for Law Principle
Principle of falsifiability For a hypothesis to be considered scientific it mus be testable - it must, in principle, be capable of being proven wrong.
Pseudoscience A theory or practice that is considered to be without scientific foundation but purports to use the methods of science - fake science.
Science The collective findings of humans about nature, and a process of gathering and organizing knowledge about nature.
Scientific method An orderly method for gaining, organizing, and applying new knowledge.
Technology The means of solving practical problems by applying the findings of science.
Theory A synthesis of a large body of information that encompasses well-tested hypotheses about certain aspects of the natural world.
Who were the first two men to formalize a parataicular method for doing science? Galileo Galilei & Francis Bacon
What is the classic scientific method? Observe, question, hypothesize, predict, test, & draw a conclusion.
What is the cardinal rule in science? All hypotheses must be testable. They must be capable of being shown wrong.
What is the major factor that distinguishes science from nonscience? In science it is more important that there be a means of proving an idea wrong than that there be a means of proving it right.
In order for a hypothesis to be considered scientific, it must be what? Testable
Who claimed that heavy objects naturally fall fasater than light objects? Aristotle
What did Galileo do that changed science forever? He experimented.
Physicists Explain the behavior of light
Chemists Have theories about how atoms bond to form molecules.
Life Science The key to the theory of evolution.
Earth Science Theory of plate tectonics
How do theories grow stronger & stronger & more precise? They evolve to include new information.
Why isn't astrology a science? There is no validity to the claim that the positions of celestrial objects influence the events of a person's life.
What does the word supernatural mean? Above nature (Science works within nature, not above it.)
How is science a system? We discover & record physical phenomena & think about possible explanations for such phenomena.
What are the arts concerned with? Personal interpretation & creative expression.
What is religion concerned with? It addresses the source, purpose, & meaning of it all.
What does science ask? How
What does art ask? Who
What does religion ask? Why
Science is the present-day of what used to be called what? Natural Philosophy
What was natural philosophy? The study of unanswered questions about nature.
What does the study of science branch into the study of? Living & non living things (life sciences & physical sciences)
What does life sciences branch into? Molecular biology, microbiology, and ecology
What does physical sciences branch into? Physics, chemistry, earth sciences, & astronomy.
What is physics the study of? Concepts of motion, force, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, and the components of atoms.
What is chemistry the study of? It builds on physics by telling us how matter is put together, how atoms combine to form molecules, and how the molecules combine to make the materials around us.
What do physics & chemistry do when applied to earth and its processes? They make up earth science. Geology, meteorology, & oceanography.
What are we speaking about when we apply physics, chemistry, and geology to other planets and to the stars? Astronomy
Biology is more complex than what? Physical science for it involves matter that is alive.
Underlying biology is what? Chemistry
Underlying chemistry is what? Physics
What is physics? Basic to both physical science and life science.
What is the order of studying natural science? Being with physics, then chemistry, & biology, than investigate earth science and conclude with astronomy.
What is the process by which a tree transforms solar energy to chemical energy? Photosynthesis
What branch of science involves the ideas of radiant energy? physics
What branch of science bonds in molecules? Chemistry
What branch of science studies gases in the atmosphere? Earth science
What branch of science studies the Sun? Astronomy
What branch of science studies the Nature of life? Biology
Created by: index cards
Popular Science sets




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