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SRGT Ch11 Terminolog

Respiratory System Ch11 Terminology

Oxygen ox/o, ox/i
Carbon dioxide capn/o
olfaction sense of smell
Respiration spir/o
Nose nas/o, rhin/o
Pharynx pharyng/o throat
Larynx laryng/o voice box
Trachea trache/o wind pipe
Bronchial tree bronch/o, bronchi/o
Lungs pulmon/o, pneum/o, pneumon/o
Upper respiratory tract made up of... Nose, pharynx and larynx
Lower respiratory tract made up of... Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, capillaries of lungs
Cilia nose hairs
Paranasal sinuses sin/o, sinus/o -frontal, maxillary, sphenoid and ethmoid cavities
Salping/o Eustachian tubes - connects ears to throat (and fallopian tubes)
Pharyngeal tonsils/adenoids adenoid/o protect against pathogens
Oropharynx part of the throat posterior to the oral cavity
Palatine tonsils tonsill/o
Epiglottis epiglott/o flap of cartilage at the opening of the larynx that closes access to the trachea during swallowing
Mediastinum mediastin/o space between lungs
Carina trachea bifurcates (branches)
Bronchioles bronchiol/o smaller branches of bronchi
Alveoli alveol/o air sacs
Pleura pleur/o each lung is enclosed in this double-folded serous membrane
Diaphragm phren/o, diaphragm/o, diaphragmat/o
Intercostal muscles cost/o muscles responsible for normal respiration
Aphonia loss of ability to make sounds
Cheyne-Stokes respiration deep, rapid breathing followed by a period of apnea
Clubbing abnormal enlargement of the distal phalanges as a result of diminished oxygen in the blood
Cyanosis lack of oxygen in blood seen as bluish or grayish discoloration of the skin, nail beds and/or lips
Epistaxis nosebleed
Hemoptysis coughing up blood
Hypercapnia excessive carbon dioxide in the blood
Hyperventilation abnormally increased breathing
Hypoxemia deficient oxygen in the blood
Hypoxia deficient oxygen in the tissue
Pleurodynia pain in the chest caused by inflammation of the intercostal muscles
Pyrexia fever
Rhinorrhea runny nose
SOB shortness of breath
Sputum mucous coughed up from the lungs and expectorated through mucous
Thoracodynia chest pain
Dyspnea difficult and/or painful breathing
Apnea abnormal, periodic cessation of breathing
Bradypnea abnormally slow breathing
Hyperpnea extremely deep breathing
Hypopnea extremely shallow breathing
Orthopnea difficult breathing unless in an upright posiiton
Tachypnea rapid, shallow breathing
Rales (crackles) abnormal lung sound heard on ascultation characterized by bubbling sounds
Stridor high-pitched inspiration sound from the larynx
Wheezing whistling sound made during breathing
Coryza common cold
Croup acute viral infection of early childhood, marked by stridor caused by spasms of the larynx, trachea and bronchi
OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) temporary lack of breathing that occurs during sleep
polyps of the nasal and vocal cord small, tumor-like growth that projects from a mucous membrane surface
Tracheomalacia softening of the tissues of the trachea
Tracheostenosis narrowing of the windpipe
URI (upper respiratory infection) inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
Asthma respiratory disorder characterized by recurring episodes of sudden, paroxymal (sudden,episodic)dyspnea
Bronchospasm a sudden involuntary contraction of the bronchi, as in an asthma attack
Bronchiectasis chronic dilation of the bronchi
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) respiratory disorder characterized by a progressive and irreversible diminishment in spiratory and expiratory capacity of lungs
Emphysema abnormal condition of the pulmonary system characterized by distension and destructive changes of the alveoli
ARF (acute respiratory failure) a sudden inability of the respiratory system to provide oxygen and/or remove carbon dioxide from the blood
Cystic fibrosis inherited disorder of the exocrine glands resulting in abnormal, thick secretions of mucous that causes COPD
Atelectasis collapse of lung tissue or an entire lung
Flail chest a condition which multiple rib fractures cause instability in oart of the chest wall which the lung under the injured area contracts on inspiration and bulges out on expiration
Hemothorax *** blood in the pleural space
Pneumothorax *** air or gas in the pleural space causing the lung to collapse
Pyothorax *** pus in the pleural cavity (also called empyema)
Pleural effusion *** abnormal accumulation of fluid in the intrapleural space
Pleurisy *** inflammation of the parietal pleura of the lungs
Pneumonia *** inflammation of the lungs caused by a variety of pathogens
Pulmonary abscess *** localized accumulation of pus in the lungs
Pulmonary edema *** accumulation of fluid in the lung tissue
TB *** (tuberculosis) chronic infectious disorder caused by an acid-fast bacillus
Stethoscope used to listen
Bronchoscopy visual examination of teh bronchial tubes
Laryngoscopy endoscopic procedure used to visualize the interior of the larynx
Mediastinoscopy visual examination of the space between lungs
Thoracoscopy visual examination of the chest cavity
PFT pulmonary function test
FEV forced expiratory volume
CXR chest x-ray
CT computed tomography
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
Lung perfusion scan used to detect pulmonary embolism
lung ventilation scan measures the ability of the lungs to take in air
ABG (arterial blood gases) blood test that measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
Pulse oximetry test to measure oxygen in arterial blood
Mantoux skin test used to detect presence of tuberculosis antibodies
QFT Quantiferon-TB gold test
PPB positive-pressure breathing
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
Adenoidectomy excision of the pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)
Laryngectomy excision of the voice box
Tonsillectomy excision of the palatine tonsils
Lobectomy removal of entire LOBE of lung
Pneumonectomy removal of ENTIRE lung
Bronchoplasty surgical repair of a bronchial defect
Rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose for healthcare or cosmetic reasons
Septoplasty surgical repair of the wall between the nares
Tracheotomy INCISION made into the trachea below the larynx to gain access to the airway
Tracheostomy OPENING through the neck into the trachea, through which an indwelling tube may be inserted temporarily or permanently
Eu- good, well
Nares nostrils
-pnea breathing
-ptysis spitting
-osis abnormal condition
Hiccup hiccough, singultus
Tympan/o drum
-ectasis dilation
Status asthmatics asthma attack that becomes continuous and can be fatal
Avian flu (bird) caused by type A influenza virus
DOE dyspnea on exertion
CWP coal workers pneumoconiosis (black lung disease)
Silicosis abnormal accumulation of glass dust in the lungs
Asbestosis abnormal condition of asbestos in the lungs
Created by: alyseg
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