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WVSOM MedTerm 08/11

A couple terms...

a- no, not, without
ab- away from
abdomin/o abdomen
-able, -ible capable of, able to
-ac, -al, -an -ar, -ary pertaining to
acr/o extremities (arms & legs)
ad- toward
aden/o gland
adenoid/o adenoids
adip/o fat
adren/o adrenal glands
aer/o air
agora- marketplace
alb/o, albin/o white
albumin/o albumin
algesi/o sensitivity to pain
-algia pain
alveol/o alveolus
amni/o amnion
amyl/o starch
an- no, not, without
an/o anus
andr/o male, masculine
angi/o, vascul/o vessel
ankyl/o stiff
ante- before
anter/o anterior--toward the front
anti- against
aort/o aorta
append/o, appendic appendix
arteri/o artery
arteriol/o articulation, joint
-ase enzyme
-asthenia weakness
atel/o imperfect
ather/o yellow fatty plaque
-ation action or process
audi/o hearing
aut/o self
axill/o axilla (armpit)
bacter/i, bacteri/o bacteria
bi- two
bil/i bile
blast/o emryonic form
blephar/o eyelid
brady- slow
bronch/o, bronchi/o bronchi
bronchiol/o bronchiole
burs/o bursa
calc/i calcium
cancer/o, carcin/o cancer
cardi/o heart
carp/o carpus (wrist)
caud/o tail
cec/o cecum
-cele hernia
-centesis surgical puncture
centi- one hundred or 1/100
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o brain, cerebrum
cervic/o neck
cheil/o lips
chem/o chemical
chir/o hand
chlor/o green
chol/e bile
cholecyst/o gallbladder
chondr/o cartilage
-cidal killing
circum- around
cirrh/o orange-yellow
clavicul/o clavicle (collarbone)
coccyg/o coccyx
col/o colon
colp/o vagina
coni/o dust
contra- against
corpor/o body
cost/o rib
crani/o cranium, skull
crin/o, -crine secrete
cry/o cold
crypt/o hidden
cutane/o skin
cyan/o blue
cyst/o cyst, bladder, sac
cyt/o, -cyte cell
dacry/o tear, tearing, crying
dactyl/o digit
de- down, from, removing, reversing
dendr/o tree
dent/i, dent/o teeth
derm/a, dermat/o, derm/o, -derm skin
di- two
dia- through
dipl/o double
dips/o thirst
dist/o far, distant from origin
dors/o back side
duoden/o duodenum
dur/o dura mater
-dynia pain
dys- bad, difficult
-eal pertaining to
ech/o sound
-ectasia, -ectasis dilation, stretching
ecto- out, without, away from
-ectomy excision
-edema swelling
electr/o electricity
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood
en-, endo- inside
encephal/o brain
enter/o intestine (small intestine)
epi- above, upon
epiglott/o epiglottis
-er one who
erythemat/o erythema, redness
erythr/o red
-esis action, process, or result of
esophag/o esophagus
-esthesia sensation, perception
esthesi/o feeling
eu- normal, good
-eum, -ium membrane
ex-, exo- out, without, away from
extra- outside
femor/o femur (thigh bone)
fet/o fetus
fibr/o fiber
fibul/o fibula
follicul/o follicle
fruct/o fruit
gastr/o stomach
gen/o, -gen begining, origin
-genic produced by or in
-genesis producing, forming
genit/o genitals
ger/o, geront/o aged, elderly
gigant/o giant
gingiv/o gums
gli/o neuroglia or sticky substance
glomerul/o glomerulus
gloss/o tongue
glyc/o, glycos/o sugar
gon/o genitals, reproduction
gonad/o gonad
gram/o to record
-gram a record
-graph recording instrument
-graphy process of recording
gynec/o female
hem/a, hem/o, hemat/o blood
hemi- half, partly
hepat/o liver
herni/o hernia
hidr/o persppiration
hist/o tissue
home/o sameness
humer/o humerus
hydr/o water
hyper- excessive, more than normal
hypo- below normal
hyster/o uterus
-ia, -iasis condition
-iac one who suffers
-iatrics, -iatric, -iatry medicine
-ic pertaining to
ichthy/o fish
ile/o ileum
ili/o illium
immuno/o immune
in- not, inside, in
infer/o lowermost, below
infra- below
insulin/o insulin
inter- between
intestin/o intestines
intra- within
iod/o iodine
ischi/o ischium
-ism condition, theory
-ist one who
-itis inflammation
-ium membrane
-ive pertaining to
jejun/o jejunum
kerat/o hard, cornea
kinesi/o, -kinesia, -kinesis movement, motion
lacrim/o tear, tearing, crying
lact/o milk
lapar/o abdominal wall
laryng/o larynx
later/o toward the side
leps/o, -lepsy seizure
leuco/o, leuk/o white
-lexia words, phrases
lingu/o tongue
lip/o fat, lipid
lith/o, -lith stone, calculus
lob/o lobe
log/o knowledge, words
-logist one who studies, specialist
-logy study of or science of
lumb/o lower back
lymph/o lymph, lymphatics
lymphat/o lymphatics
lys/o destruction, dissolving
-lysin that which destroys
-lysis dissolving, destruction, freeing
-lytic capable of destroying
macr/o large
mal- bad
malac/o soft, softening
-malacia sofening
mamm/o, mast/o breast
-mania excessive preoccupation
medio- middle or near the middle
megal/o, mega enlargement
-megaly large, enlarged
melan/o black
men/o month
mening/o meninges
ment/o mind, chin
meso- middle
meta- change or next in a series
metacarp/o metacarpals
metatars/o metatarsals
metr/i uterine tissue
metr/o measure, uterine tissue
-meter instrument used to measure
-metry process of measuring
micro- small
mid- middle
milli- one-thousandth
mon/o one or single
muc/o mucus
multi- many
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
myc/o fungus
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
myx/o mucus
narc/o stupor
nas/o nose
nat/i birth
ne/o new
necr/o dead, death
nephr/o kidney
nerv/o, neur/o nerve
nulli- none
ocul/o vision
odont/o teeth
-oid resembling
-ole little
-oma tumor (occasionally swelling)
omphal/o umbilicus (naval)
-on body
onc/o tumor
onych/o nail
oophor/o ovary
ophthalm/o eye
-opia vision
optic/o, opt/o vision
or/o mouth
orchi/o, orchid/o testes
-orexia appetite
orth/o straight
-ose sugar
-osis condition
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
-ous pertaining to, characterized by
ovar/o ovary
ox/o oxygen
pan- all
pancreat/o pancreas
par/o to bear offspring
para- near, beside, abnormal
-para female who has given birth
parathyroid/o parathyroids
patell/o patella (kneecap)
path/o disease
-pathy disease
pelv/i pelvis
pen/o penis
-penia deficiency
-pepsia digestion
per- through, by
peri- around
periton/o peritoneum
-pexy surgical fixation
phag/o, -phagia, -phagic, -phagy eating, swallowing, ingetsting
phalang/o phalanges (bones of fingers and toes)
pharmac/o drugs, medicine
pharyng/o pharynx
phas/o, -phasia speech
phleb/o vein
-phobia abnormal fear
phon/o voice
phot/o light
phren/o mind, diaphragm
physi/o nature
-physis growth
pil/o hair
-plasty surgical repair
pleg/o, -plegia paralysis
pleur/o pleura
-poiesis production
-poietin substance that causes production
poly- many
post- after, behind
poster/o toward the back, posterior
-pnea breathing
pneum/o, pneumon/o lung, air
pre- before
primi- first
pro- before
proct/o anus, rectum
prostat/o prostate
prote/o, protein/o protein
proxm/o nearer the origin
psych/o mind
-ptosis sagging, prolapse
pub/o pubis
pulm/o, pulmon/o lung
py/o pus
pyel/o renal pelvis
pyr/o fire
quad-, quadri- four
rach/i, rachi/o spine
radi/o radius, radiant energy
rect/o rectum
ren/o kidney
retin/o retina
retro- behind, backward
rheumat/o rheumatism
rhin/o nose
roentgen/o x-ray
-rrhage excessive bledding
-rrhagia hemorrhage
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
sacr/o sacrum
salping/o uterine tube
scapul/o scapula
schis/o, schizo, schist/o, -schisis split, cleft
scler/o, -sclerosis hard, hardening
scop/o to examine, to view
-scope instrubment used for viewing
-scopy process of visually examining
scrot/o scrotum
seb/o sebum
semi- half, partly
semin/o semen
seps/o infection
spet/o infection or septum
ser/o serum
sial/o saliva, salivary gland
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
silic/o silica
som/a, somat/o body
son/o sound
-spasm twitching, cramp
spermat/o sperm
spin/o spine
spir/o spiral, to breathe
splen/o spleen
spondyl/o bertebra
-stasis stopping, controlling
-static keeping stationary
stern/o sternum
stomat/o mouth
-stomy formation of an opening
sub- under
super- excessive or above
supra- above or beyond
super/o uppermost, above
sym-, syn- joined, together
tachy- fast
tars/o tarsals (ankle bones)
ten/o, tend/o tendon
test/o, testicul/o testicle
tetra- heat
tetra- four
therm/o heat
thorac/o chest
thromb/o thrombus, blood clot
thyr/o, thyroid/o thyroid gland
tibi/o tibia
-tic pertaining to
-tome instrument used for cutting
-tomy incision
tonsill/o tonsil
top/o place, position
tox/o, toxic/o poison
trache/o trachea (windpipe)
trans- across
tri- three
trich/o hair
-tripsy surgical crushing
troph/o, -trophic, -trophy nutrition
-tropic stimulate
-tropin that which stimulates
uln/o ulna
ultra- beyond, escess
ungu/o nail
uni- one, single
ur/o urine, unrinary tract
ureter/o ureter
urethr/o urethra
-uria urine, urination
urin/o urine or urination
uter/o uterus
vag/o vagus nerve
vagin/o vagina
vas/o vessel, ductus deferens
vascul/o vessel
ven/o vein
ventr/o ventral or belly side
venul/o venule
vertebr/o vertebra
viscer/o viscera
vesic/o bladder or vesicle
vulv/o vulva
xanth/o yellow
xer/o dry
-y state, condition
Allopathy Therapeutic system in which disease is treated by producing a second condition that is incompatible with or antagonistic to the first.
Barrier The limit to motion
Biomechanics Mechanical principles applied to the study of biological functions, the application of mechanical laws to living structures, the study and knowledge of biological functions from an application of mechanical principles.
body unity One of the basic tenets of the osteopathic philosophy; the human being is dynamic unit of function.
Extension backward motion of spine in a sagittal plane about a transverse axis.
Flexion Forward motion of the spine in it’s sagittal plane about a transverse axis.
Homeostasis Maintenance of static or constant condition of the internal environment. Internal harmony and equilibrium.
Kyphosis Abnormally increased convexity in the curvature of the thoracic spine as viewed from the side.
Lordosis The anterior convexity in the curvature of the lumbar and cervical spine as viewed from the side.
Motion A change of position with respect to a fixed system, and act or process of a body changing position in terms of direction, course velocity
Active voluntary movement
Inherent spontaneous motion of every cell, organ, system and their components within
Passive motion motion induced by osteopathic physician while patient remains passive or relaxed
Physiologic motion changes in position of body structures within the normal range
Transaltory along an axis
Neutral The range of sagittal plane spinal positioning in which the first principle of physiologic motion of the spine applies
Nonneutral The range of sagittal plane spinal positioning in which the second principle of physiologic motion of the spine applies.
osteopathic manipulative treatment and sub-headings The therapeutic application of manually guided forces by an osteopathic physician to improve physiologic function and or support homeostasis that has been altered by somatic dysfunction.
osteopathic medicine The preferred term for a complete system of medical care practiced by physicians with an unlimited license that is represented by a philosophy that combines the needs of the patient with the current practice of medicine, surgery and obsterics. Emphasize
osteopathic philosophy a concept of health care supported by expanding scientific knowledge that embraces the concept the unity of living organisms structure and function. Emphasizes: the human being is a dynamic unit of function, the body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms t
osteopathic structural examination examination of a patient by osteopathic physician with emphasis on the neuromuscuskeltal system including palpatory diagnosis for somatic dysfunction and viscerosomatic change within the context of total patient care. Concerned with finding somatic dysfu
Plane A flat surface determined by the position of three point in space. Any of a number of imaginary surfaces passing through the body and dividing it into segments.
Reflex An involuntary nervous system response to a sensory input. The sum total of any particular involuntary activity.
Rotation Motion about an axis.
side bending Movement in a coronal (frontal) plane about an anterior-posterior axis (x) Also called lateral flexion, lateroflexion or flexion right.
somatic dysfunction Impaired or altered function of related components of the somatic system, treatable using osteopathic manipulative treatment.
Tart a mnemonic for four diagnostic criteria of somatic dysfunction: Tissue, Texture abnormality, Asymmetry, Restriction of motion and tenderness, any one of which must be present for the diagnosis
Created by: eggofast
Popular Medical sets




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