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LOM Book Chapter 10
Language of Medicine Chapter 10 - Created by
Question | Answer |
absence seizure | Minor form of seizure, consisting of momentary clouding of consciousness and loss of contact with the environment; petit mal seizure. |
acetylcholine | Neurotransmitter chemical released at the ends of nerve cells. |
afferent nerves | Carry nervous impulses toward the brain and spinal cord; sensory nerves. |
akinetic | Pertaining to loss or absence of voluntary movement. |
Alzheimer disease | Brain disorder marked by progressive, gradual mental deterioration (dementia) along with personality changes and impairment of daily functioning. |
analgesia | Absence of sensitivity to pain. |
anencephaly | Congenital condition of partial or complete absence of brain matter. |
anesthesia | Lack of feeling or sensation. |
aneurysm | Weakening of an arterial wall, which may lead to hemorrhage and cerebrovascular accident (stroke). |
aphasia | Inability to speak; language function is impaired due to injury to the cerebral cortex. |
apraxia | Inability to perform purposeful acts or manipulate objects. |
arachnoid membrane | Middle layer of the meninges that surround the brain and spinal cord. |
astrocyte | Glial (neuroglial) cell that transports salts and water from capillaries. |
astrocytoma | Brain tumor composed of astrocytes (glial cells). The most serious of these tumors is a glioblastoma multiforme (Grades III and IV malignant brain tumor). |
ataxia | Without coordination. |
aura | Peculiar sensation appearing before more definite symptoms. |
autonomic nervous system | Nerves that control involuntary body functions of muscles, glands, and internal organs. |
axon | Microscopic fiber that carries a nervous impulse along a nerve cell. |
Bell palsy | Unilateral paralysis of the face caused by a disorder of the facial nerve. |
blood-brain barrier | Blood vessels that let certain substances enter the brain tissue and keep other substances out. |
bradykinesia | Slow movement. |
brainstem | Lower portion of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. |
cauda equine | Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord. |
causalgia | Intensely unpleasant burning pain in a limb following damage to nerves. |
cell body | Part of the nerve cell (neuron) that contains the nucleus. |
central nervous system | Brain and spinal cord. |
cephalgia | Head pain; headache. |
cerebellar | Pertaining to the cerebellum. |
cerebellopontine | Pertaining to the cerebellum and pons. |
cerebellum | Part of the brain that coordinates muscle movements and maintains balance. |
cerebral angiography | X-ray record of blood vessels in the brain after intravenous injection of contrast material. |
cerebral concussion | Temporary brain dysfunction (brief loss of consciousness) after injury; usually clearing within 24 hours. |
cerebral contusion | Bruising of brain tissue as a result of direct trauma to the head; neurologic disorder persists longer than 24 hours. |
cerebral cortex | Outer region of the cerebrum. |
cerebral hemorrhage | Bursting of an artery in the brain. |
cerebral palsy | Partial paralysis and muscular coordination caused by loss of oxygen or blood flow to the cerebrum during pregnancy or in the perinatal period. |
cerebrospinal fluid | Clear, watery fluid that circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord. |
cerebrospinal fluid analysis | Samples of cerebrospinal fluid are examined for blood cells, protein, glucose, tumor cells, bacteria and other substances. |
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | Disruption of the normal blood supply to the brain; stroke. |
cerebrum | Largest part of the brain; responsible for voluntary muscular activity, vision, speech, taste, hearing, thought and memory, among other functions. |
coma | State of unconsciousness from which a patient cannot be aroused. |
comatose | Pertaining to a coma. |
computed tomography | Cross-sectional x-ray imaging of an organ (such as the brain or spinal cord), with or without contrast material. |
cranial nerves | Twelve pairs of nerves that carry messages to and from the brain. |
dementia | Mental decline and deterioration. |
demyelination | Destruction of myelin on axons of nerves (as in multiple sclerosis). |
dendrite | Microscopic branching portion of a nerve cell; first part of the nerve cell to receive the nervous impulse. |
dopamine | Neurotransmitter in the central nervous system; deficient in patients with Parkinson disease. |
doppler/ultrasound studies | Sound waves are used to detect blood flow in arteries within the brain and leading to the brain. |
dura mater | Thick, outermost layer of the meninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord. |
dyskinesia | Impairment of the ability to perform voluntary movements. |
dyslexia | Difficulty in reading, writing, and learning. |
efferent nerves | Carry messages away from the brain, the spinal cord; motor nerves. |
electroencephalography (EEG) | Process of recording the electricity within the brain. |
embolus | Blood clot that is carried by the bloodstream from one area of the body to another where it blocks a blood vessel. |
encephalitis | Inflammation of the brain. |
encephalopathy | Disease of the brain. |
ependymal cell | A glial cell that lines the membranes within the brain and spinal cord and helps form cerebrospinal fluid. |
epidural hematoma | Collection of blood located above the dura mater. |
epilepsy | Brain disorder marked by recurrent attacks (seizures) of abnormal nervous impulses. |
gait | Manner of walking. |
ganglion | Collection of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system; plural is ganglia. |
glial cell | Nervous system cell that is supportive and connective in function; Astrocyte, microglial cell, and ependymal cell. |
glioblastoma | Rapidly growing malignant tumor of the brain. |
glioblastoma multiforme | Highly malignant brain tumor composed of glial cells (astrocytes). |
gyrus | Sheet of nerve cells that produces a rounded fold on the surface of the cerebrum. |
hemiparesis | Slight paralysis of the right or left half of the body. |
hemiplegia | Paralysis of the right or left half of the body. |
herpes zoster | Viral infection affecting peripheral nerves. |
HIV encephalopathy | Disease of the brain (dementia) caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). |
Huntington disease | Hereditary disorder affecting the cerebrum and involving abrupt, involuntary, jerking movements, and mental deterioration in later stages. |
hydrocephalus | Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles (canals) of the brain. |
hypalgesia | Diminished sensitivity to pain. |
hyperesthesia | Excessive sensitivity or feeling, especially of the skin in response to touch or pain. |
hyperkinesis | Excessive movement. |
hypothalamus | Portion of the brain beneath the thalamus; controls sleep, appetite, body temperature, and secretions from the pituitary gland. |
ictal event | Pertaining to a sudden, acute onset, as the convulsion of an epileptic seizure. |
intrathecal | Pertaining to within the membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and spinal cord. |
leptomeningitis | Inflammation of the two thinner membranes (arachnoid and pia mater) surrounding the brain and spinal cord. |
lumbar puncture | Withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid from the subarachnoid space between two lumbar vertebrae; spinal tap. |
magnetic resonance imaging | Magnetic and radio waves create an image of an organ three planes of the body. The brain and spinal cord can be imaged to detect lesions. |
medulla oblongata | Lower part of the brain, closest to the spinal cord; controls breathing heartbeat, and size of blood vessels. |
meningeal | Pertaining to meninges. |
meninges | Three membranes surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord. |
meningioma | Tumor (benign) of the meninges. |
meningitis | Inflammation of the meninges. |
meningocele | Hernia of the meninges through a defect or space between vertebrae, a form of spina bifida cystica. |
microglial cell | Phagocytic glial cell that removes waste products from the central nervous system. |
migraine | A severe headache, often unilateral, and sometimes is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. |
motor nerves | Carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles. |
multiple sclerosis | Chronic neurologic disorder marked by destruction of the myelin sheath on neuronal axons in the CNS and replacement by plaques of sclerotic tissue. |
myasthenia gravis | Autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by weakness of voluntary muscles. |
myelin sheath | Fatty, white covering over the axon of a nerve cell. |
myelogram | X-ray record (with contrast) of the spinal cord. |
myelomeningocele | Congenital hernia (protrusion) of the spinal cord and meninges through a defect (gap) in the vertebral column. This defect is often associated with spina bifida. |
myoneural | Pertaining to muscle and nerve. |
narcolepsy | Sudden seizures of sleep. |
nerve | Macroscopic cordlike collection of fibers that carry electrical impulses. |
neuralgia | Nerve pain. |
neurasthenia | Lack of strength in nerves; a feeling of weakness and exhaustion. |
neuroglia | Supporting cells (stroma) of the nervous system; glial cells. |
neuron | Nerve cell. |
neuropathy | Disease of nerves; primarily in the peripheral nervous system. |
neurotransmitter | Chemical messenger released at the end of a nerve cell. |
occlusion | Blockage or obstruction. |
oligodendroglial cell | Glial (neuroglial) cell that forms the myelin sheath covering the axon of a neuron. |
palliative | Relieving symptoms, but not curative. |
palsy | Paralysis. |
paraplegia | Paralysis of the lower part of the body and both legs. |
parasympathetic nerves | Involuntary, autonomic nerves that regulate normal body functions, such as heart rate, breathing, and the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. |
parenchyma | Essential, functioning cells of any organ. Neurons (nerve cells) are the parenchyma of the nervous system. |
paresis | Slight paralysis. |
paresthesia | Abnormal nervous sensation occurring without apparent cause. Examples are tingling, numbness or prickling sensations. |
Parkinson disease | Degeneration of nerve cells that produce the neurotransmitter, dopamine in the brain; leads to tremors, weakness of muscles, and slowness of movement. |
peripheral nervous system | Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord; cranial, spinal, and autonomic nerves. |
pia mater | Thin, delicate, and innermost membrane of the meninges. |
plexus | Network of nerves, outside of the central nervous system; brachial, cervical, and lumbosacral plexuses are examples. |
poliomyelitis | Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. |
polyneuritis | Inflammation of many nerves. |
pons | Part of the brainstem anterior to the cerebellum, between the medulla and the rest of the brain. The pons connects the upper and lower portions of the brain. |
positron emission tomography | Computerized radiologic procedure using radioactive glucose or oxygen to image the metabolic activity of cells, such as brain cells. |
quadriplegia | Paralysis of all four limbs; both arms and both legs. |
radiculitis | Inflammation of a spinal nerve root. |
radiculopathy | Disease of a spinal nerve root. |
receptor | Organ that receives nervous stimulation and passes it on to nerves that carry the stimulation to the brain and spinal cord; skin, ears, eyes, and taste buds. |
sciatic nerve | Extends from the base of the spine down the thigh, lower leg, and foot. Sciatica is pain along the course of the nerve. |
sensory nerves | Carry messages to the brain and spinal cord from a receptor; afferent nerves. |
shingles | Viral (herpes zoster) illness that affects peripheral nerves; produces blisters and pain on the skin overlying the path of peripheral nerves. |
spina bifida | Congenital defect in the lumbar spinal column caused by imperfect union of vertebral parts; spinal cord and meninges may herniate through the vertebral gap. |
spinal nerves | Thirty-one pairs of nerves arising from the spinal cord. Each spinal nerve affects a particular area of the skin. |
stereotactic radiosurgery | Use of a specialized instrument using three-dimensional coordinates to locate the site to be operated on. |
stimulus | Agent of change (light, sound, and touch) that evokes a response. |
stroma | Connective and supportive tissue of an organ. |
subdural hematoma | Collection of blood in the space below the dura mater surrounding the brain. |
sulcus | Depression or groove in the surface of the cerebral cortex; fissure. |
sympathetic nerves | Autonomic nerves that activate responses in times of stress; heartbeat, respiration, and blood pressure are affected. |
synapse | Space between nerve cells or between nerve cells and muscle and glandular cells. |
syncopal | Pertaining to syncope (fainting). |
syncope | Fainting; temporary loss of consciousness. |
thalamic | Pertaining to the thalamus. |
thalamus | Main relay center of the brain; located in the central region or diencephalon of the brain. |
thrombosis | Abnormal condition of clot formation in a blood vessel. |
tic | Involuntary movement of a small group of muscles, as of the face. |
tonic-clonic seizure | A major seizure affecting the brain in epilepsy; grand-mal seizure. |
Tourette syndrome | Neurologic disorder characterized by multiple facial and other body tics. |
transient ischemic attack | Fleeting episode of ischemia (holding back blood) in the brain. |
trigeminal neuralgia | Flashes of stab like pain along the course of a branch of the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve). The trigeminal nerve has branches to the eye, upper jaw and lower jaw. |
vagal | Pertaining to the vagus nerve. |
vagus nerve | Tenth cranial nerve with branches to the chest and abdominal organs. |
ventricles of the brain | Fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) filled canals in the brain. |