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LOM Book Chapter 20

Language of Medicine Chapter 20 - Created by

abduction Movement away from the midline of the body.
adduction Movement toward the midline of the body.
angiogram X-ray image of blood vessels after injecting contrast material into the vessels.
anteroposterior In this AP x-ray view, x-rays travel from an anteriorly placed source to a posteriorly placed detector (x-ray beam passes from the front to the back of the body).
arthrography Process of x-ray imaging a joint after injecting contrast into the joint.
bone scan A radioactive (technetium-99m) phosphate compound is injected intravenously and bones are scanned for evidence of tumors.
cholangiography Process of x-ray imaging bile ducts after injecting contrast into the bile ducts.
cineradiography Use of motion picture techniques to record a series of x-ray images.
computed tomography Use of x-ray equipment and a computer to create multiple views of organs, including cross-sectional or axial images.
contrast studies Material (contrast media) is injected into vessels and organs to obtain contrast with surrounding tissues when viewed on x-ray and other mages.
echocardiography Sound waves are used to image the structure of the heart.
eversion Turning outward.
extension Lengthening or straightening a flexed limb.
flexion Bending a part of the body.
fluorescence Emission of glowing light that results from exposure to and absorption of radiation from x-rays.
fluoroscopy Process of using x-rays to produce an image on a fluorescent screen.
gallium scan Radioisotope (gallium 67) is injected intravenously and has an affinity for tumors and other lesions.
gamma camera Machine to detect gamma rays given off by radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive compounds) during scanning for diagnostic purposes.
gamma rays High-energy rays emitted by radioactive substances in tracer studies.
half-life Time required for a radioactive substance to lose half its radioactivity by disintegration.
in vitro Process, test, or procedure performed, measured, or observed outside a living organism.
in vivo Process, test or procedure performed, measured, or observed within a living organism.
interventional radiology Therapeutic procedures performed by a radiologist.
inversion Turning inward.
ionization Transformation of electrically neutral substances into electrically charged particles.
labeled compound Combination of a radioactive substance (radionuclide) and a drug; used in nuclear medicine studies.
lateral decubitus Lying down on one’s side with the x-ray beam horizontally positioned.
magnetic resonance imaging Magnetic field and radio waves produce sagittal, coronal, and axial images of the body; especially effective to image soft tissues.
myelography X-ray image of the spinal cord after injection of contrast into the membranes surrounding the spinal cord.
nuclear medicine Medical specialty that studies the uses of radioactive substances (radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals) in the diagnosis of disease.
oblique Positioned at an angle; an x-ray view.
positron-emission tomography (PET) Radionuclides given intravenously emit positrons, which create a cross-sectional image of cellular metabolism in specialized areas of the body.
posteroanterior In this position, x-ray beams pass from the back to the front of the body.
prone Lying on the belly (face down).
pyelogram X-ray record of the kidneys (renal pelvis) and urinary tract after contrast is injected (intravenously or retrograde).
radiographer Aids physicians in administering diagnostic x-ray procedures.
radioimmunoassay Test combines radioactive chemicals and antibodies to detect minute quantities of substances in a patient’s blood.
radioisotope Radioactive form of an element; radionuclide.
radiology Study of x-ray and other energy sources in the diagnosis of disease.
radiolucent Permitting the passage of x-rays.
radionuclide Radioactive form of an element; gives off energy in the form of radiation; radioisotope.
radiopaque Obstructing the passage of x-rays.
radiopharmaceutical Radioactive drug (radionuclide plus a drug) that is administered safely for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
recumbent Lying down (prone or supine).
roentgenology Study of x-rays; radiology.
scan Image of an area, organ, or tissue of the body obtained from ultrasound, radioactive tracer studies, or computed tomography.
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) Radioactive tracer is injected intravenously, and a computer reconstructs a three-dimensional image based on a composite of many views.
sonogram Image of sound waves as they bounce off organs in the body; echogram or ultrasound image.
supine Lying on one’s back.
tagging Attaching a radionuclide to a chemical and following its path in the body.
thallium scan Thallium 201 is injected intravenously to allow for myocardial perfusion and assess damage to heart muscle from heart attacks.
therapeutic Pertaining to treatment or therapy.
thyroid scan An iodine 131 radionuclide is administered intravenously, and an image of the size and shape of the thyroid gland is obtained by scanning.
tomography Process of taking a series of images to show an organ in layers or depth.
tracer studies Radionuclides are attached to chemicals, used as tags or markers, and followed as they travel through the body.
transducer Handheld device that sends and receives ultrasound signals.
ultrasonography Ultrasonography is the use of high frequency sound waves that are beyond the range of normal hearing to produce a record or picture of an organ or tissue.
ultrasound Diagnostic technique that projects and retrieves high-frequency sound waves as they bounce (echo) off parts of the body.
uptake Rate of absorption of a radionuclide into an organ or tissue.
urography Process of taking x-ray images of the urinary tract after injecting contrast.
ventilation-perfusion studies Radiopharmaceutical is inhaled (ventilation study) and injected intravenously (perfusion study) followed by imaging its passage through the respiratory tract.
Created by: mtathome
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