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UB Med Term pp93-94
Prescription Abbreviations w/ ** by those that are error prone
Question | Answer |
a (with a line over top) | before (latin= ante) |
a.c. | before meals (latin= ante cibum) |
a.m. | before noon (latin=ante meridiem) |
b.i.d. | twice a day (latin= bis in die) |
d | day |
h | hour (latin= hora) |
h.s. ** | at hour of sleep (bedtime) (latin=hora somni) |
noc. | night (latin=noctis) |
p (with a line over top) | after (latin=post) |
p.c. | after meals (latin= post cibum) |
p.m. | afternoon(latin= post meridiem) |
p.r.n. | as needed (latin= pro re nata) |
q | every (latin= quaque) |
q d ** | every day (latin= quaque die) |
q h | every hour (latin= quaque hora) |
q 2 h | every 2 hours |
q.i.d | four times a day (latin= quarter in die) |
q.o.d ** | every other day (quaque altera die) |
STAT | immediately (latin= statium) |
t.i.d | three times a day (latin= ter in die) |
wk | week |
yr | year |
AD ** | right ear (latin= auris dextra) |
AS ** | Left ear (latin= auris sinistra) |
AU ** | both ears (latin= aures unitas) |
ad lib. | as desired (latin= ab libitum) |
amt | amount |
aq | water (latin= aqua) |
(B) (circle around the letter) | bilateral |
C | Celsius, centigrade |
c (with a line over top) | with (latin= cum) |
F | Fahrenheit |
(m) (circle around the letter) | murmur |
NPO | nothing by mouth (latin= non per os) |
OD ** | right eye (latin= oculus dexter) |
OS ** | left eye (latin= oculus sinister) |
OU ** | both eyes(latin= oculi unitas) |
per | by or through |
p.o. | by mouth (latin= per os) |
PR | through rectum (latin= per rectum) |
PV | through vagina (latin= per vagina) |
q.n.s | quantity not sufficient |
q.s. | quantity sufficient |
Rx | recipe, prescription |
Sig: | label; instruction to the patient (latin= signa) |
s (with a line over top of it) | without (latin= sine) |
ss (with a line over top of them) ** | one-half (semis) |
w.a. | while awake |
x | times or for |
> ** | greater than |
< ** | less than |
i | one (modified lowercase roman numeral) |
ii | two (modified lowercase roman numeral) |
iii | three (modified lowercase roman numeral) |
iv | four (modified lowercase roman numeral) |
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X | uppercase roman numerals 1-10 (arabic numerals are preferred) |