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ABFSE Glossary and Textbook
Question | Answer |
a decrease in, such as pain | abatement |
an excoriation, a circumscribed removal of the epidermis of skin or mucous membrane | abrasion |
a circumscribed collection of pus | abscess |
a marked decrease in blood carbon dioxide content | acapnia |
condition in which there is an excessive proportion of acid in the blood | acidosis |
a disease which is not congenital, but has developed since birth | acquired disease |
a disease or ailment which is sharp and of short course | acute |
a neoplasm formed by glandular epithelium | adenoma |
condition in which there is an excessive proportion of alkali in the blood | alkalosis |
a pre-senile dementia occurring usually in persons over 60 years of age; thought to be associated with neurofibril degeneration | alzheimer's disease |
congenital absence of the extremities | amelia |
a decrease in red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both | anemia |
generalized massive edema in subcutaneous tissue | anasarca |
blood-filled saclike dilation of the wall of an artery | aneurysm |
congenital absence of an organ or other part-in hematology, incomplete or defective development or a cessation of regeneration | aplasia |
a swelling or tumor due to dilatation of blood vessels (hemangioma) or lymphatics (lymphangioma) | angioma |
deficient blood oxygen supplies to tissues | anoxia |
accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity | ascites |
inflammation, usually of a chronic progressive character, involving an artery or arteries | arteritis |
hardening of the arteries | arteriosclerosis |
loss of consciousness from deficient oxygen | asphyxia |
arteriosclerosis or hardening of the artery walls characterized by lipid deposits in the tunica intima | atherosclerosis |
wasting away of tissue, decrease in size of part | atrophy |
postmortem examination of the organs and tissues of a body to determine cause of death or pathological condition | autopsy |
a tearing away | avulsion |
the red pigment in the bile | bilirubin |
the green pigment in the bile | biliverdin |
pre-embalming purge as a result of skull fracture, surgical procedure in the cranial cavity, or trauma-can also manifest as gas buildup which can bulge the eyes | brain purge |
a general state of ill-health associated with emaciation | cachexia |
a general term for a malignant tumor | carcinoma |
several communicating boils of the skin and subcutaneous tissues with the production and discharge of pus and dead tissue | carbuncle |
formation of cavities in an organ or tissue, frequently seen in some forms of tuberculosis | cavitation |
deterioration of an organ or cell structure which may include swelling | cellular degeneration |
cellular reaction to injury which may include swelling | cellular infiltration |
a blow, a paralytic or apoplectic stroke or apoplexy | cerebral vascular accident (CVA) |
primary lesion, initial sclerosis, syphilitic sore-the first manifestation of syphilis | chancre |
inflammation of the gallbladder | cholecystitis |
a disease of slow progress and long continuance | chronic |
a degeneration of the parenchyma cells of an organ with hypertrophy of the interstitial connective tissue: ex: liver | cirrhosis |
inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon | colitis |
any disease which is transmitted by infection or contagious directly or though the agency of a vector | communicable |
a bruise often accompanied with swelling | contusion |
a congenital condition due to hypothyroidism resulting in mental retardation | cretinism |
condition in which the descent of a testis into the scrotum is arrested at some point in the normal path | cryptorchism |
bluish appearance of the skin from deficient oxygenation of the blood | cyanosis |
abnormal sac containing gas, fluid, or a semi-solid material | cyst |
inflammation of the bladder, especially the urinary bladder | cystitis |
a chemical reaction involving breakdown of chemical bonds, forms two or more smaller molecule compounds from larger molecule compounds | decomposition |
disease due to lack of dietary or metabolic substance | deficiency |
term used to designate two diseases, each having the symptom of polyuria in common (name the two versions of this disease) | diabetes insipidus and mellitus |
the determination of the nature of a disease | diagnosis |
presence of a number of diverticula in the intestine | diverticulosis |
results when the body part that dies has little blood and remains aseptic and occurs when the arteries but not the veins are obstructed | dry gangrene |
abnormal tissue development | dysplasia |
faulty nutrition | dystrophy |
purplish patch caused by extravasation of blood into the skin, a black and blue spot | ecchymosis |
displaced, not in the normal place, for example: an extrauterine pregnancy | ectopic |
excessive fluid in the tissues (two terms) | edema, dropsy |
extreme loss of flesh, growing lean | emaciation |
obstruction of a blood vessel by foreign matter carried into the bloodstream | embolism |
inflammation of the brain | encephalitis |
denotes a disease which prevails more or less continuously in a region | endemic |
inflammation of the living membrane of the heart | endocarditis |
inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix uteri | endocervicitis |
ectopic occurrence of endometrial tissue or its diffuse implantation or infiltration in the myometrium | endometriosis |
pus in the pleural cavity | empyema |
inflammation of the intestine | enteritis |
a disease attacking a considerable number of people in a community simultaneously | epidemic |
nosebleed | epistaxis |
inflammation of the esophagus | esophagitis |
doctrine of causes, specifically the causes of disease | etiology |
a sudden increase in the severity of a disease | exacerbation |
a product of inflammation | exudates |
relating to fever, feverish | febrile |
encapsulated tumor composed mainly of fibrous connective tissue | fibroma |
abscess or pyogenic infection of a sweat gland or hair follicle | furuncle |
form of necrosis combined with putrefaction | gangrene |
inflammation of the stomach | gastritis |
inflammation of the gums | gingivitis |
parenchymatous nephritis with pronounced lesions in the glomeruli | glomerulonephritis |
chronic enlargement of the thyroid gland, due to iodine deficiency | goiter |
study of changes in the body that are readily seen with the unaided eye as a result of a disease | gross pathology |
vomiting of blood | hematemesis |
blood cyst, a tumor containing effused blood | hematoma |
passage of blood in the urine | hematuria |
blood in the sputum | hemoptysis |
hemorrhagic disease characterized by a tendency to excessive and sometimes spontaneous bleeding | hemophilia |
bleeding, a flow of blood, especially if profuse | hemorrhage |
inflammation of the liver | hepatitis |
serous fluid in the scrotum | hydrocele |
dilatation of the pelvis and calyces of one or both kidneys in consequence of obstruction of the flow of urine | hydronephrosis |
abnormal accumulation of fluid within the pericardial sac | hydropericardium |
serous fluid in the pleural cavity | hydrothorax |
increased amount of blood in a part, congestion | hyperemia |
increased size of a part from an increase in the size of its cell | hypertrophy |
defective formation, incomplete development of a part | hypoplasia |
a disease that is caused by the medical profession | iatrogenic |
a disease without a recognizable cause | idiopathic |
foreign or heterogeneous substance contained in a cell or in any tissue or organ that was not introduced as a result of trauma | inclusions |
formation of an area of necrosis in a tissue caused by obstruction in the artery supplying the area | infarction |
harboring of animal parasites | infestation |
seepage or diffusion of substances into tissues that are not ordinarily present | infiltration |
tissue reaction to irritation, infection, or injury marked by localized heat, swelling, redness, pain, and sometimes loss of function | inflammation |
state of being poisoned by a drug or toxic substance | intoxication |
local anemia, temporary lack of blood supply to an area | ischemia |
yellow staining of the integument and deeper tissue with bile pigments | jaundice |
a tear or torn wound | laceration |
specific pathologic structural and functional changes or both brought about by disease | lesion |
organ of detoxification and bile production | liver |
increase in white blood cells in the body | leukocytosis |
disease characterized by the appearance of great numbers of immature and abnormal white blood cells | leukemia |
abnormally low white blood cell count | leukopenia |
tumor composed of fatty tissue | lipoma |
malignancy of lymphoid tissue | lymphoma |
defect or deformity | malformation |
study of disease to ascertain cause and manner of death | medicolegal pathology |
malignant pigmented mole | melanoma |
black tarry feces | melena |
replacement of one type of tissue into a form that is not normally found there | metaplasia |
inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord | meningitis |
spread of tumor cells from one part of the body to another by blood or lymph | metastasis |
study of microscopic changes that cells, tissues, and organs undergo as a result of disease | microscopic pathology |
another term for microscopic pathology | histopathology |
necrotic tissue that results from inadequate venous drainage, may be accompanied by invasion of saprophytic bacteria | moist (wet) gangrene |
relative incidence of a disease in the population or number of cases in a given time in a given population | morbidity rate |
ration of the number of deaths to the total population | mortality rate |
chronic disease of the nervous system characterized by remissions and relapses and the presence of patches of demyelination with hardening scattered throughout the grey and white matter of the brain stem and spinal cord | multiple sclerosis |
inflammation of the spinal cord or of the bone marrow | myelitis |
heart attack, results in damage to the myocardium | myocardial infarction |
inflammation of the muscle walls of the heart | myocarditis |
pathological death of cells in a still-living organism | necrosis |
abnormal, excessive and uncontrollable multiplication of cells with the formation of a mass or new growth of tissue | neoplasm |
renal calculus or gravel | nephrolithiasis |
infection acquired in a hospital | nosocomial |
diminished amount of urine production | oliguria |
disease marked by softening of the bone due to faulty calcification in adulthood | osteomalacia |
inflammation of the bone and bone marrow | osteomyelitis |
inflammation of an ovary | oophoritis |
bone tumor | osteoma |
loss of bone density | osteoporosis |
bony tumor containing many imperfectly differentiated, vegetative, or embryonic cells | osteosarcoma |
disease affecting all of a population, a worldwide epidemic | pandemic |
overgrowth or hypertrophy of the papillae of a cutaneous or mucous surface | papilloma |
paralysis agitans | parkinson's disease |
the manner in which a disease develops | pathogenesis |
study of structural changes in the body caused by disease | pathological anatomy |
ulcer of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum, caused by gastric juice | peptic ulcer |
inflammation of the pericardium | pericarditis |
inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity | peritonitis |
small pinpoint hemorrhages | petechiae |
inflammation of the pharynx | pharyngitis |
inflammation of a vein | phlebitis |
congenital condition in which the proximal portions of limbs are poorly developed or absent | phocomelia |
inflammation of the pleura | pleuritis |
increase in total red blood cell mass | polycythemia vera |
any prolonged inhalation of mineral dust | pneumoconiosis |
infection of the lungs | pneumonia |
forecast of the outcome of a disease | prognosis |
copious evacuation from body surfaces | purge |
hemorrhage of the skin and mucous membranes | purpura |
small circumscribed pus elevation | pustule |
inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney | pyelitis |
disease that reappears after a period of remission | recurrent disease |
lessening in severity/temporary abatement of a disease | remission |
kidney stones | renal calculi |
physical/mechanical restoration of damaged tissue by the growth of new or healthy cells | repair |
inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane | rhinitis |
disease of infants and children-deficiency of vitamin D, causing defective bone growth | rickets |
inflammation of the fallopian tube | salpingitis |
inflammation of the sinus cavities | sinusitis |
defect in the spinal column, spinal membranes protrude | spina bifida |
narrowing of any canal, especially a cardiac canal | stenosis |
formation of pus | suppuration |
study of tissue specimens excised surgically in a major or minor operation | surgical pathology |
a concurrence of symptoms | syndrome |
formation of a clot | thrombosis |
an open sore or lesion of skin or mucous membrane accompanied by sloughing of inflamed necrotic tissue | ulcer |
excess of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood | uremia |
inflammation of the ureters | ureteritis |
inflammation of the urethra | urethritis |
inflammation of the vagina | vaginitis |
failure of a heart valve to close tightly, allowing regurgitation of blood | valvular insufficiency |
blister-like elevation of skin containing serous fluid | vesicle |
hyperfunction of pituitary gland after ossification has been completed | acromegaly |
having a hypersensitivity to a substance that does not normally cause a reaction | allergies |
congenitally malformed palate with a fissure along the midline | cleft palate |
study of disease by means of body secretions, excretions, and other body fluids performed in the laboratory in the diagnosis of a disease | clinical pathology |
an unfavorable condition arising during the course of disease | complication |
the immediate and temporary disturbance of brain function | concussion |
existing at the time of birth or shortly thereafter | congenital |
accumulation of an excess of blood or tissue in a body part | congestion |
the deterioration of tissues with corresponding functional impairment as a result of disease or injury | degeneration |
loss of moisture from body tissue which may occur antemortem or postmortem | dehydration |
the condition of the heart being enlarged, occurring normally, artificially or as a result of disease | dilatation |
chronic neurogenic disease marked by sudden alterations in consciousness and frequently by convulsions | epilepsy |
loss of blood to the point where life can no longer be sustained | exsanguination |
a disease having a rapid and severe onset, usually fatal | fulminating |
a condition/disease in which there is no recognizable change in anatomy | functional |
deals with the study of the widespread processes of disease such as inflammation, degeneration, necrosis, or cellular death, repair, etc without reference to particular organs or organ systems | general pathology |
genetic characteristics transmitted from parent to offspring | hereditary |
abnormal protrusion of a part of an organ through an abnormal opening in the wall that normally contains it | hernia |
excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain | hydrocephalus |
the increase in the size of an organ or part due to the excessive but regulated increase in the number of its cells | hyperplasia |
state in which the body is invaded by a pathogenic agent that under favorable conditions multiplies and produces injurious effects | infection |
extravasation of blood within the skull | intracranial hemorrhage |
disease with an abnormally high rate of occurrence in members of the workforce | occupational disease |
condition/disease in which there is a specific change in anatomy | organic |
the science that deals with the study of disease | pathology |
study of changes in body functions due to disease | physiological pathology |
coloration caused by deposit, or lack, of colored material in the tissues | pigmentation |
contagious infectious disease of the spinal cord caused by a filterable virus | poliomyelitis |
growth or mass of tissue that protrudes from a mucous membrane | polyp |
number of cases of disease present in a specified population at a given time | prevalence |
inflammation of the prostate gland | prostatitis |
replacement of damaged cells with identical cells | regeneration |
termination of the inflammatory response with the affected part returning to its normal state | resolution |
objective disturbances produced by disease, observable ex: ever, pulse, heart rate | signs |
deals with the specific features of disease in relation to particular organs or organ systems | special pathology |
disease that occurs occasionally in a random or isolated manner | sporadic |
subjective disturbances caused by disease that are felt by the patient, but not objectively measurable Ex: pain, headache | symptoms |
implantation and development of the fertilized ovum in a uterine tube | tubal pregnancy |
physiological derangement produced by the cause of death that results in death | mechanism of death |
explains how the cause of death came about | manner of death |
process or event leading to an injury or wound | trauma |
body temperature below 80 degrees fahrenheit | hypothermia |
waxy translucent complex protein, causes waxy degeneration | amyloid |
depositing of calcium salts, magnesium, iron, and other minerals within the cells | calcification |
common form of arthritis that causes swelling and pain in some of the body's joints, due to accumulation of excess amounts of uric acid in the tissues | gout |
necrosis with cheeselike exudate | caseous necrosis |
birth defect defined as the presence of one or more extra fingers or toes | polydactylism |
decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel | vasoconstriction |
the movement of white blood cells to an area of inflammation in response to the release of chemical mediators by lymphocytes | chemotaxis |
process in which macrophages engulf and destroy antigens | phagocytosis |
edema usually of the skin of the extremities, when pressed firmly with a finger, the skin maintains the depression | pitting edema |
accumulation of fluid in the lungs, may inhibit gas exchange | pulmonary edema |
non-cancerous tumors | benign |
cancerous tumors | malignant |
benign neoplasm of epithelial lining of glands/ducts | adenoma |
benign neoplasm of melanocytes | nevus |
benign neoplasm of mucous membranes | polyp |
benign neoplasm of blood vessel endothelium | hemangioma |
benign neoplasm of bone | osteoma |
benign neoplasm of cartilage | chondroma |
benign neoplasm of fat | lipoma |
benign neoplasm of fibrous connective tissue | fibroma |
benign neoplasm of striated muscle | rhabdomyoma |
benign neoplasm of smooth muscle | leiomyoma |
benign neoplasm of nerves | neuroma |
malignant neoplasm of melanocytes | melanoma |
malignant neoplasm of stratified squamous cells | squamous cell carcinoma |
malignant neoplasm of epithelial lining of glands/ducts | adenocarcinoma |
malignant neoplasm of urinary tract epithelium | transitional cell carcinoma |
malignant neoplasm of basal cells of skin | basal cell carcinoma |
malignant neoplasm of blood vessel endothelium | hemangiosarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of bone | osteosarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of cartilage | chrondrosarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of fat | liposarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of fibrous connective tissue | fibrosarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of lymph vessels | lymphangiosarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of striated muscle | rhabdomyosarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of smooth muscle | leiomyosarcoma |
malignant neoplasm of the brain | glioma |
anemia caused by improper growth or impaired function of bone marrow | aplastic anemia |
anemia resulting from the hemolysis of red blood cells prematurely | hemolytic anemia |
anemia caused by a failure of the body to produce enough intrinsic factor (B12 vitamin deficiency) | pernicious anemia |
anemia characterized by crescent-shaped red blood cells | sickle cell anemia |
erythrocytosis is another name for this blood condition | polycythemia vera |
hemophilia due to lack of blood clotting factor VIII | hemophilia A |
hemophilia due to a lack of factor IX, also known as | hemophilia B, Christmas disease |
severely reduced platelet count in the blood | thrombocytopenia |
blood disorder where there is an incompatibility of blood factors from mother to fetus | erythroblastosis fetalis |
shortness of breath | dyspnea |
quivering or spontaneous contraction of the individual cardiac cells | fibrillation |
loss of the normal beating pattern of the heart | arrhythmia |
the chest pain associated with heart attacks | angina |
high blood pressure | hypertension |
foramen ovale fails to properly close at birth | atrial septal defect |
disease characterized by the narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries due to atherosclerosis | coronary artery disease |
enlarged tortuous veins close to the skin's surface | varicose veins |
inflammation of the colon | colitis |
inflammation of the vermiform appendix | appendicitis |
inflammation of the gall bladder | cholecystitis |
inflammation of the pancreas | pancreatitis |
inflammatory bowel disease which is caused by scar tissue formation in the intestines | Crohn's disease |
another name for jaundice | icterus |
rare form of diabetes that affects the liver's ability to metabolize iron, causing enlargement of the liver and a bronze discoloration of the skin | bronze diabetes |
a deficiency in the adrenocortical hormone production which causes a bronze skin discoloration | Addison's disease |
characterized by one part of the intestine slipping into a previous segment of the intestine (two terms) | intussusception, invagination |
caused when the bowel twists onto itself, causing obstruction | volvulus |
condition in which the bronchi are hypersensitive to stimuli | asthma |
coal worker's pneumoconiosis | black lung disease |
inhalation of crystalline silica causes | silicosis |
inhalation of asbestos causes | asbestosis |
inhalation of beryllium dust causes | berylliosis |
loss of lung volume due to inadequate expansion of the air spaces, results in inadequate gas exchange in the lungs | atelectasis |
chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory system characterized by the presence of air pockets at the terminal ends of the bronchioles | emphysema |
fatal genetic respiratory disease where cells produce a thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs | cystic fibrosis |
respiratory disorder in which the bronchioles become occluded and the alveolar sacs become dehydrated | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
inflammation of the kidney and the nephron | pyelonephritis |
inflammation of the renal pelvis of the kidney | pyelitis |
general name for kidney disease | Bright's disease |
a process of diffusing blood across a semipermeable membrane to remove toxic materials | dialysis |
fatal neurological disease motor neuron disease also known as Lou Gehrig's disease | ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) |
bleeding between the dura mater and the skull | extradural hematoma |
bleeding between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane | subdural hematoma |
bleeding between the pia mater and the arachnoid membrane | subarachnoid hematoma |
the occurence of seizures during pregnancy | eclampsia |
the abnormal growth of prostate cells, non cancerous | benign prostatic hyperplasia |
inflammation of the bursa in certain joints of the body | bursitis |
genetic disorder of bone growth causing dwarfism | achondroplasia |
developmental disorder of the spine in which the spinal column exhibits a lateral curvature | scoliosis |
excessive growth (hyperplasia) of the bones of the elderly causing chronic inflammation, thickening, and softening of the bones | Paget's disease |
insulin-dependent diabetes | type I |
non-insulin-dependent diabetes | type II |
diabetes which is caused by a disorder of the pancreas | diabetes mellitus |
diabetes caused by a disorder between the pituitary gland and the kidneys | diabetes insipidus |
clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism that includes gelatinous substance infiltrating the skin giving a waxy or coarsened look | myxedema |
hyperthyroidism caused by an autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland, leading cause of hyperthyroidism | Graves disease |
iatrogenic disorder of the adrenal glands due to chronic glucocorticoid hormone therapy-excess cortisol | Cushing's syndrome |
failure of the adrenal glands to secrete appropriate levels of corticosteroids due to bleeding within the adrenal cortex | Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome |
chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by red, thickened areas with silvery scales | psoriasis |
general term for any number of inflammatory skin conditions | eczema |
idiopathic disorder in which melanocytes stop producing pigment and are destroyed, results in white patchy spots on the affected part | vitiligo |
inflammatory disorder of the lymph vessels characterized by local and systemic pain | lymphangitis |
enlargement of the spleen beyond its normal size | splenomegaly |
enlargement of the lymph nodes | lymphadenopathy |
cancer of the lymphatic system | lymphoma |
lymphoma with the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells (malignant abnormality of a B lymphocyte) | Hodgkins lymphoma |
lymphoma which is a collection of many varied lymphomas | non-Hodgkins lymphoma |
anemia characterized by decrease in production of red blood cells | primary anemia |
anemia characterized by increase in destruction of red blood cells | secondary anemia |
most common form of leukemia in children | ALL |