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Chapter 2 Flash Card
Question | Answer |
a | without, not, no. EXAMPLE: Apnea (without breathing) |
ad | towards, increase. EXAMPLE: ADduct (movement toward the midline of the body) |
auto | self. EXAMPLE: AUTOgraph (a graft transferred from one part of the patient's body to another) |
bi | two, double. EXAMPLE: BIcuspid (have two cusps or points) |
ab | from, away from. EXAMPLE: ABerrant (wandering away from) |
an | without, not, no. EXAMPLE: ANesthesia (without feeling) |
alb/albin/o | white. EXAMPLE: ALBino (person who has abnormally white skin) |
ante | before, in front. EXAMPLE: ANTEcubital ("The Space" in front of the elbow) |
bio | life. EXAMPLE: BIOlogy (the study of life) |
rube | red. EXAMPLE: RUBElla (a contagious viral disease charactarized by fever, coldlike symptoms, and a diffuse, fine red rash) |
ambi | both, both sides. EXAMPLE: AMBIdextrous (able to use both hands well) |
brady | slow. EXAMPLE: BRADYcardia (slow heartbeat) |
circum | around. EXAMPLE: CIRCUMduction (movement around in a circle) |
pseudo | false. EXAMPLE: PSEUDOanorexia ("false anorexia"; a condition in which an individual eats secretly while claiming a lack of appetite and inability to eat) |
mono | one. EXAMPLE: MONOcyte (a white cell with a singular nucleus) |
tachy | rapid. EXAMPLE: TACHYcardia (rapid heartbeat) |
con | together, with. EXAMPLE: CONgenital (born with) |
dis | free of, to undo. EXAMPLE: DISlocation (the displacement [undoing] of any part of the body from it's normal position) |
dys | bad, difficult, painful, disordered. EXAMPLE: DYSpnea (difficult breathing) |
ecto | outside. EXAMPLE: ECTOpic (outside it's normal location- as in an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus) |
endo | within, inner. EXAMPLE: ENDOscope (instrument used to look inside the body) |
exo | outside, outward. EXAMPLE: EXOgenous (originating outside the body) |
epi | upon, over. EXAMPLE: EPIgastric (upon the stomache) |
extra | outside, beyond. EXAMPLE: EXTRAhepatic (outside of the liver) |
hetero | different. EXAMPLE: HETEROgeneous (composed of different or unlike substances) |
hydro | water. EXAMPLE: HYDROcephalus (an abnormal accumulation of fluid [water] in the head) |
hyper | excessive. EXAMPLE: HYPERemesis (excessive vomiting) |
meta | beyond, after. EXAMPLE: METAcarpals (pertaining to the bones after the carpal [wrist] bones; i.e., the hand bones) |
idio | individual. EXAMPLE: IDIOsyncrasy (an individual sensitivity to effects of a drug caused by inherited or other bodily constitution factors) |
infra | beneath, below, under. EXAMPLE: INFRAorbital (beneath the bony cavity in which the eyeball is located) |
inter | between. EXAMPLE: INTERcostal (between the ribs) |
juxta | near, beside. EXAMPLE: JUXTAarticular (pertaining to a location near a point) |
hypo | under, below, beneath, less than normal. EXAMPLE: HYPOglycemia (less than normal blood sugar; low blood sugar level) |
milli | one-thousandth. EXAMPLE: MILLIliter (one-thousandth of a liter) |
deca | ten. EXAMPLE: DECAde (ten years) |
multi | many. EXAMPLE: MULTIpara (to bear many "children") |
poly | many, much, excessive. EXAMPLE: POLYathritis (inflammation of many joints) |
non | not. EXAMPLE: NONinvasive (pertaining to a diagnostic or therapeutic technique that does not require the skin to be broken [not invaded] or a cavity or organ to be entered) |
pan | all. EXAMPLE: PANcarditis (inflammation of the entire heart [all]) |
para | near, beside, beyond, two like parts. EXAMPLE: PARAcervical (near, or beside, the cervix) |
per | through. EXAMPLE: PERcussion (striking through) |
post | after, behind. EXAMPLE: POSTcibal (after meals) |
pre | before, in front. EXAMPLE: PREcordial (the region "of the chest wall" in front of the heart) |
primi | first. EXAMPLE: PRIMIgravida (first pregnancy) |
retro | backward, behind. EXAMPLE: RETROcecal (pertaining to the region behind the cecum) |
sub | under, below. EXAMPLE: SUBcutaneous (under the skin) |
supra | above, over. EXAMPLE: SUPRApubic (above, or over, the pubic area) |
sym | joined, together. EXAMPLE: SYMpathetic (displaying compassion for another's grief; literally, "joined in disease") |
syn | joined, together. EXAMPLE: SYNdrome (a group of symptoms joined by a common cause; "running together) |
trans | across, through. EXAMPLE: TRANSurethral (across, or through, the urethra) |
tri | three. EXAMPLE: TRIceps ("a muscle" having three heads) |
uni | one. EXAMPLE: UNInuclear ("a cell" having one nucleus) |
xero | dryness. |
jaund/o | yellow. EXAMPLE: JAUNDice (yellow discoloration of the skin) |
meso | middle. EXAMPLE: MESOderm (the middle of the three layers of the skin) |
leuk/o | white. EXAMPLE: LEUKoplakia (white, hard, thickened patches firmly attatched to the mucous membrane in areas such as the mouth, vulva, or penis) |
xanth/o | yellow. EXAMPLE: XANTHoderma (any yellow coloration of the skin) |
poli/o | gray. EXAMPLE: POLIomyelitis (inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord) |