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Path Cond Urological

NHTC 6 Pathological Conditions Urological

ConditionDescriptionTerms Summary
adenocarcinoma of the kidney malignant neoplasm of the kidney adeno=gland carcin=cancer oma=tumor
anuria complete suppresion of urinary secretion by the kidneys an=without uria=urine
bladder neck obstruction (BNO) blockage of the bladder outlet (blank)
diuresis abnormal secretion of large amounts of urine di=double ur=urine esis=condition
dysuria painful of difficult urination dys=bad, painful, difficult uria=urine
end-stage renal disease final phase of kidney disease process ren=kidney al=pertaining to
enuresis involuntary discharge of urine after the age by which bladder control should have been established en=in, within ur=urine esis=condition
glomerulonephritis renal disease characterized by bilateral inflammatory changes in the glomeruli that are not the result of infection of the kidneys (blank)
hematuria blood in the urine hemat=blood uria=urine
hydronephrosis distention of the renal pelvis and calyces of a kidney caused by a urinary tract obstruction hydro=water nephr=kidney osis=abnormal condition
interstitial nephritis nephritis associated with pathological changes in the renal interstitial tissue that may be primary or due to a toxic agent such as a drug or chemical nephr=kidney itis=inflammation
nocturia excessive urination at night noct=night uria=urine
oliguria diminished or scanty urination in relation to fluid intake olig=scanty uria=urine
polycystic kidney hereditary condition in which the kidneys are enlarged and contain many cysts poly=many, much cyst=bladder ic=pertaining to
polydipsia excessive thirst poly=many, much dips=thirst ia=condition
pyuria the presence of white blood cells in the urine py=pus uria=white
renal hypertension high blood pressure resulting from a kidney disease ren=kidney al=pertaining to hyper=above normal tension=tension
urgency sudden compelling urge to urinate (blank)
urinary incontinence intermittent or complete absence of ability to control the release of urine from the bladder urin=urine ary=pertaining to in=in, not continece=to hold back
Wilms tumor rapidly developing malignant tumor that usually occurs in children (blank)
anorchism congenital absence of one or both testes an=without orch=testes ism=condition
balanitis inflammation of the skin covering the glans penis (blank)
benign prostatic hperplasia (BPH) nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate due to excessive growth of prostatic tissue hyper=excessive, above normal plasia=formation, growth
cryptorchidism failure of testicles to descend into the scrotum crypt=hidden orchid=testes ism=condition
epididymitis acute or chronic inflammation of the epididymis epididym=epididymis itis=inflammation
epispadias congenital (birth) defect in which the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, near the glans penis, instead of at the tip epi=above, upon spadias=a rent (a slit, a fissure)
hydrocele accumulation of fluid in any saclike cavity or duct, particularly the scrotal sac or along the spermatic cord hydro=water cele=hernia, swelling
hypospadia congenital defect in which the male urethra opens on the undersurface of the penis instead of at the tip hypo=under, below spadias=a rent (a slit; a fissure)
impotence inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection im=not potence=power
phimosis stenosis of preputial orifice in which the foreskin cannot be pushed back over the glans penis phimo=muzzle osis=abnormal condition
prostatic cancer malignant neoplasm of the prostate tissue, creating pressure on the upper part of the urethra (blank)
prostatism any condition of the prostate gland that interferes with the flow of urine from the bladder prostat=prostate gland ism=condition
sexually transmitted disease (STD, veneral disease) contagious disease acquired by sexual intercourse or genital contact (blank)
chlamydial infection infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis (blank)
genital wart wart of the genitalia caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) (blank)
gonorrhea infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae (blank)
herpes genitalis infection of the genital and anorectal skin and mucosa caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) (blank)
syphilis infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and characterized by lesions that may involve any organ or tissue (blank)
trichomoniasis infection of the vagina, urethra, or prostate caused by the bacterium Trichomonas vaginalis (blank)
varicocele swollen, enlarged, herniated veins near the testis varico=dilated vein cele=hernia, swelling
Created by: rmlgray
Popular Medical sets




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