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Microbe Virulence and Human Resistance chapter 24

Relative power and degree of pathogenicity possessed by organisms to produce disease virulence
condition characterized by the multiplication of bacteria in the blood and commonly known as blood poisoning Septicemia
a foreign substance that stimulates the formation of antibodies that interact specifically with it antigen
a living organism or an object that is capable of transmitting infections by carrying the disease agent on its external body part or surface Mechanical vector
causative agent of leptospirosis Leptospira
bacterial toxin confined within the body of a bacterium freed only when the bacterium is broken down; found only in gram negative bacteria endotoxin
the natural habitat of a disease- causing organism reservoir
causative agent of tetanus Clostridium tetani
an organism that exists as part of the normal flora but may become pathogenic under certain conditions opportunists
the organism from which a microorganism obtains its nourishment host
infection caused by a different organism that the one causing the primary infection secondary infection
originating outside the body, an organ, or a part of the body; exogenous infection
causative agent of typhus fever Rickettsia typhi
glycoprotein substances developed in response to and interacting specifically with an antigen antibodies
one in which organisms are originally confined to one area but enter the blood or lymph vessel and spread to other parts of the body focal infection
a poisonous substance of plant, animal, bacterial, or fungal origin toxins
causative agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever Rickettsia ricketsii
an arthropod in which the disease- causing organism multiplies or develops within the arthropod prior to becoming infective for a susceptible individual biological vector
causative agent of plague Yersima pestis
causative agent of food poisoning Staphylococcus aureus
causative agent of botulism Clostridium botulinum
causative agent of diphtheria Corynebacterium diphtheriae
causative agent of pertussis Bordetella pertussis
infection caused by two or more organisms mixed infection
causative agent of parrot fever Chlamydia psittaci
causative agent of Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi
causative agent of anthrax Bacillus anthracis
reducing or abolishing pathogenicity attenuation dilution or weakening of the virulence of a microorganism
an original infection from which a second one originates original infection
the state of producing or being able to produce pathological changes and disease pathogenicity
a microorganism capable of producing disease pathogen
microorganisms virulent enough to resist pharmaceuticals designed to reduce disease is reffered to as drug- fast
infection caused by germs lodging and multiplying at one point in a tissue and remaining in that tissue local infection
a toxin, generally a protein, produced by a microorganism and excreted into its surrounding medium exotoxin
the act of introducing disease germs or infectious material into an area or substance is known as contamination
causative agent of tularemia Francisella tularensis
causative agent of cholera Vibrio cholerae
the distribution throughout the body of poisonous products of bacteria growing in a focal or local site,producing generalized symptoms toxemia
causative agent of Q fever Coxiella burnetti
an infection that becomes systemic general infection
guidelines designed to protect workers with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens Universal precautions
any inanimate object to which infectious material adheres and can be transmitted indirect contact
an organism capable of producing disease Pathogen
any inanimate objects which infectious material adheres and can be transmitted Fomite ex: table scaples...
relatives powers and degree of pathogenicity possesed by organisms to produce disease virulence
a marker on every cell icluding invading pathogens by which the body recognizes unknown cells or disese- causing organisms Antigen
the organism from which a parasite obtains its nourishment host
a chemical enzyme in the body that uses water to break down the peptidoglycan layer in prokaryatic pathogens Lysozyme
the state or conditon in which the body or part of the body is invaded by a pathogenic agent that , under favorable conditions multiplies and produce injurious effects infection
infection caused by bacteria that are normally nonpathogenic and that normally inhabit the digestive tract endogenous infection
a carrier usually an insect or other arthropod , that transmits the the causative organisms of disease from infected individuals vector
portal of exit and entry allow the spread of pathogens causing tetanus, malaria african sleeping sickkness , typhoid fever turberculosis, rabies dysentry typus fever and butonic plague skin and mucous membranes
The four factors that influence the occurence of disease 1) The virulence of the organisms 2)The portal of entry of the pathogen 3)the number of organisms present 4) the resistance of the host
organism that are noriginally confined to one area but enter the blood or lymph vessels and spred to other pars of the body Focal infection
a general infection its also known as systemic infection ex: Measles is a systemic infection
an acute infection is also known as primary infection
the presence of VIRUSES in the blood Viremia
the 3 mecanism of direct transmission of disease 1) physical contact 2)droplet infection 3)congenital transmission
Mode of indirect transmissiom of disease food, milk, fomites, water , soil,
disease that are communicable from animals Zoonoses
Glycoprotein substance developed in response to, and interacting specifically with an antigen. Also known as immunoglobulin antibody
A method of asexual reproduction in bacteria in which the cell splits into two parts, each of which develops into a complete individual. (simple transverse division binary fission
An arthropod vector in which the disease causing organism multiplies or develops within the arthropod prior to becoming infective for a susceptible individual. biological vector
five portals of entries and exit which pathogens may enter or exit the body 1)the skin and mucous membranes 2)the respiratory tract 3)the digestive tract 4) the genitourinary tract 5) placenta
one of the most important and effective barriere against infection skin
the process by which the epithelial layer of the skin continously dies and are replaced with new cells necrobiosis mechanichal defense of the skin
Innate immunity is also known as natural immunity
natural active immunity is the result developing a disease and recovering from it
natural passive immunity is the result of placental transfert of antibodies in the uterus ex mother to the child from breast milk
artificial passive immunity the injection of antibodies in the forms of immune serums
artificial active immunity result of receiving vaccination
the sum total of body mechanisms resistance
the skin as a mechanical defense system known as Necrobiosis
to remove foreign that matter that enter the body, the body initiates a physiologycal response known as inflammation
chemicals capable of breaking down forein cells and debris phagocytes
the cardinal signs and symptoms of inflammation heat, swelling pain redness , loss of function
A disease that occurs continuously in a particular region but has low mortality Epidemic
The state or condition in which the body or a part of it is invaded by pathogenic agents, that under favorable conditions, multiplies and produces injurious effects Infection
A disease affecting the majority of the population of a large region or one that is epidemic at the same time in many different parts of the world Pandemic
Created by: skyjess
Popular Science sets




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