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medical terms

spelling from chabner chapter 16

What is subungual? Pertaining to below the nail
what is epidermis? a thin cellular memebrane containing keratin
what is dermis? a dense fibrous connective tissue layer containing collagen (middle layer of skin)
what is collagen? is a frbrous protein material found in the bone, cartilage, tendon, ligaments and skin.
what is Stratum corneum? outer most layer of the epidermis
what is the lunula? the half-moon shaped white part at the base of the nail
what is keratin? hard protein found in the epidermis, hair and nails
what is bullae? large blisters
what is xanthoma? nodules that develope under the skin owing to excessive lipids deposits and can be associated with high cholesteral levels
what is ichthyosis? usually a hereditary condition in which the skin is dry, rough, and scaly because of a defect in keratinization
what is causalgia? intensely unpleasant burning sensation in the skin and muscles when there is damage to nerves
what is diaphoresis? profuse sweating
what is phoresis? sweating
what is albinism? state in which melanin is not forming in the body
what is keloid? hypertrophied, thickened scar developing after trauma or surgical incision
what is exanthematous? rash of the skin due to viral infection
what is scabie? contagious, parasitic infection of the skin with intense pruritus
what is pruritus? itching
what is nevus? pigmented lesions of the skin
what is leukoplakia? white, thickened patches on the mucous membrane tissue of the tongue or cheek
what is punch biopsy? a surgical instrument removes the core of tissue by rotation of its sharp, circular edge
what is patch? its a test in whic an allergen treated piece of gauze is applied to the skin. if the affected are turnes red or swollen, the results are positive
what is scratch? its a test where several scratches are made on the skin and a minimum amount of the test material is added to the scratches
what is the combining form adip/o? fat
what is the combining form albin/o? white
what is the combining form caus/o? burn, burning
what is the combining form cauter/o? heat, burn
what is the combining form cutane/o? skin
what is the combining form derm/o? skin
what is the combining form dermat/o? skin
what is the combining form diaphor/o? profuse sweating
what is the combining form erythem/o? redness
what is the combining form erythemat/o? redness
what is the combining form hidr/o? sweat
what is the combining form ichthy/o? scaly, dry
what is the combining form kerat/o? hard, horny tissue
what is the combining form leuk/o? white
what is the combining form lip/o? fat
what is the combining form melan/o? black
what is the combining form myc/o? fungus
what is the combining form onych/o? nail
what is the combining form phyt/o? plant
what is the combining form pil/o? hair, hair follicle
what is the combining form py/o? pus
what is the combining form rhythid/o? wrinkle
what is the combining form seb/o? sebum
what is the combining form squam/o? scale like
what is the combining form steat/o? fat
what is the combining form trich/o? hair
what is the combining form ungu/o? nail
what is the combining form xanth/o? yellow
what is the combining form xer/o? dry
what is the combining form chlor/o? green
what is the combining form erythr/o? red
what is the combining form anthrac/o? black
what is the combining form jaund/o? yellow
what is the combining form lute/o? yellow
what is the abbreviation bx? biopsy
what is the abbreviations ABCDE? asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolution (chracteristics associated with melanoma)
what is the abbreviation DLE? discoid lupus erythematosus
what is the abbreviation PPD? purified protein derivative
what is the abbreviation PUVA? psoralen-ultraviolet A light therapy
what is the abbreviation SLE? systemic lups erythematosus
what is the abbreviation sc? subcutaneous
what is the suffix -algia? pain
what is the suffix -esis? condition
what is the suffix -lysis? breakdown, destruction
what is the suffix -ose? sugar
what is the suffix -ous? pertaining to
what is the suffix -plakia? plaque
what is the suffix -plasty? surgical repair
what is the suffix -rrhea? flow, discharge
what is sebum? its is an oily sustance that is secreted from the body to that lubricates the skin and hairs
Created by: caasi221
Popular Medical sets




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