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Both nervous and endocrine system are import in maintaining this homeostasis
of the 2 systems; this system tends to be more widespread and less immediate in its effects endocrine
types of glands release substance into the interstitial fluid then go into the blood endocrine
these glands secrete outside of the body exocrine
hormone that acts on the cell that produces it autocrine
horomone which enter the blood are called circulating hormones
A hormone which acts on cells in the vicinity of its release paracrine
steroid hormones and thyroid hormones are what kind of soluble lipid
Amines, peptides, and proteins are which kind of soluble water
Acts as a secondary messenger for some water based hormones cyclic amp
receptors for water soluble hormones are found here cell membrane
hormone receptors for lipid soluble hormones are found in the cytosol or in the nucleus
These bind to nuclear receptors and inactivate them when hormones are not present chaperonin
this hormone producing structure is found anterior and inferior to the thalamus in the diecphalon hypothalamus
hormone released by the hypothalamus in response to low t3 levels TRH- thyrotropin releasing hormone
horomone released by the hypothalamus in response to low levels of estrogens gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
Hormones released by the hypothalamus due to hypergycemia GHRH and CRH
2 hormones synthesized by the hypothalamus and released by the neurohypophysis oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
The part of the pituitary which is anterior and is composed of glandular epithelium adenohypophysis
the pituitary is found in this part of the sphenoid bone sella turcica
The pituitary is often considered ____ gland because it regulates many other endocrine glands. master
The ________ controls the pituitary with releasing and inhibiting hormones. hypothalamus
Vascular connection between the hypothalamus and the adenohypophysis hypophyseal portal system
in the hypthalomohypophyseal tract of the cell body; axons are found in the hypothalamic nuclei
2 hormones are trasported by the hypothalamonhypophyseal tract oxytocin and antidurietic hormone
hormones which target other endocrine organs tropins
hormone releases IGFs and promote growth of muscle and home Growth hormone
Causes the release of hormone from the adrenal cortex adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Anterior pituitary hormones that effect the gonads LH and FSH
Hormone that stimulates milk production Prolactin
Causes kidneys to reabsorb more water antidiuretic hormone
Bilobed gland found on the trachea just inferior to the larynx thyriod gland
Thyroid is composed of these fluid filled sphericle structures called thyroid follicles
Thyroglobin is made by the follicular cells
These cells produce calcitonin parafollicular cells or C-Cells
These cells synthesize T3 and T4 thyroid follicle hormone
Thyroxine has this many iodine atoms attached 2 thyrosines
Hormone that increases basal metabolic rate T3 and T4
T3 and T4 role in maintaining normal body temp is called the _____ effect calorigenic
The numbers on thyroid hormones T3 and T4 stand for the number of these atoms iodine
This hormone decreaes blood calcium calcitonin (CT)
The bone sparing effects of calcitonin results from the inhibition of these osteoclasts
This autoimmune disease results in hyperthyroidism Graves disease
This autoimmune disorder results in hyposecretion of T3 and T4 Hashimotos
An enlarged thyroid results in this goiter
One cause of an enlarged thyroid is the lack of this in a diet iodine
On the posterior of the thyroid are 2 pairs of these glands parathyroid glands
The the parathyroid gland these are the cells which make parathyroid hormones cheif cells or principle cells
Parathyroid hormone cause these organs to reabsorb more calcium intestine
this hormone increases blood calcium parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Cacitriol enhances the absorption of calcium here kidneys
In responce to parathyroid hormone the kidneys will reabsorb more blood calcium
PTH converts inactive Vit D to its active form in this organ kidneys
Theses glands are found on top of the kidneys adrenal glands
Hormone that causes the kidneys to reabsorb more sodium aldosterone
The mineralcorticoids are made in this zone of the adrenal cortex zona glomeulosa
Angiotension II causes the adrenal cortex to release this aldosterone
Androgens are made in this zone of the adrenal cortex zona reticlaris
Adrenal cortex hormone that is responsible for the female libido androgens
This hormone causes gluconeogenesis cortisol
This hormone has anti-inflammatory actions cortisol
This glucocorticoid are made in this zone of the adrenal cortex zona fasclculata
Chromaffin cells are found here adrenal medulla
These hormones are released by chromaffin cells, cause the fight or flight reaction, and increase heart rate epinephrine and norephinephrine
This organ has both endocrine and exocrine tissue pancreas
The endocrine portion of the pancreas Islets of Langhorns
Insulin is synthesized by these cells B-Cells (beta cells)
The exocrine portion of the pancreas acini
Glucagon is synthesized by these cells A Cells (alpha cells)
This hormone causes and increase in blood sugar glucagon
Glugagon is released by these cells A cells (alpha cells)
Hormone that causes breakdown of glycogen Glucagon
Hyperglycemia is a stimulus for this pancreatic hormone glucagon
Hypoglycemis is a stimulus for this pancreatic hormone Insulin
Hormone causes protein synthesis lipogenesis
3 cradinal signs of DM are polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
Created by: 1646748382
Popular Science sets




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