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Barb ML Sessons 1-3

Stack #71739

appendic/o appendix
arthr/o joint
cardi/o heart
cutane/o skin
esthes/o sensation, feeling
gastr/o stomach
hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
mast/o- breast; mastoid process
nas/o nose
nat/o birth
neur/o nerve
pneumon/o lung; air
psych/o mind
retin/o retina (of the eye)
tonsill/o tonsil
trache/o trachea (windpipe)
urin/o urine; urinary system
ven/o vein
-ac pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-ation a process; being or having
-ous pertaining to
-tic pertaining to
-ia condition, state, thing
-ion action; condition
-ism process; disease from a specific cause
-itis inflammation of
-megaly enlargement
-oma tumor, mass
-osis condition; abnormal condition; process
-pathy disease, suffering
-ectomy surgical excision
-graphy process of recording
-scopy process of using an instrument to examine
-iatry medial treatment
-itian a skilled professional or expert
-logy the study of
endo- innermost, within
intra- within
peri- around
sub- below; underneath; less than
an- without, not
hyper- above; more than normal
hypo- below; deficient
poly- many, much
brady- slow
pre- before, in front of
post- after, behind
tachy- fast
anti- against
dys- dysfunctional (pertaining to abnormal function)
dors/o back, dorsum
a- away from; without
abdomin/o abdomen
-able able to be
-ad toward; in the direction of
-al pertaining to
ambulat/o walking
ana- apart from; excessive
ancill/o servant; accessory
anter/o before; front part
-ar pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-atic pertaining to
-ation a process; having or being
-ative pertaining to
-atory pertaining to
auscult/o listening
cardi/o heart
caud/o tailbone; lower part of the body
cav/o hollow space
cephal/o head
chondr/o cartilage
communic/o impart; transmit
chron/o time
congenit/o present at birth
coron/o encircling structure
crani/o cranium (skull)
-crine a thing that secretes
chrin/o secrete
de- reversal of; without
dent/o tooth
dermat/o skin
dia- complete; completely through
dietet/o foods; diet
dist/o away from the center or point of origin
-drome a running
enter/o intestine
-eon one who performs
epi- upon; above
-ery process of
eti/o cause of disease
excerb/o increase; provoke
extern/o outside
fract/o break up
front/o front
-gen that which produces
gener/o production; creation
gen/o arising from; produced by
ger/o old age
gnos/o knowledge
gynec/o female; woman
habilitat/o give ability
heredit/o genetic influence
horizont/o boundry between earth and sky
-iac pertaining to
iatr/o physician; medical treatment
-iatry medical treatment
-ic pertaining to
-ical pertaining to
-ician a skilled professoinal; expert
-ics knowledge; practice
idi/o unknown, individual
immun/o immune response
infect/o disease within
infer/o below
inguin/o groin
inspect/o looking out
integument/o skin
intern/o inside
intestin/o intestine
-ion action; condition
-ior pertaining to
-ious pertaining to
-ist one who specializes in
-istry process related to the specialty of
-ity state; condition
-ive pertaining to
later/o side
log/o word; the study of
lumb/o lower back; area between the ribs and the pelvis
lymph/o lymph; the lymphatic system
macr/o large
medi/o middle
micr/o small
mid- middle
muscul/o muscle
nat/o birth
ne/o new
neur/o nerve
nerv/o nerve
nucle/o nucleus (of a cell or an atom)
nutri/o nourishment
obstetr/o pregnancy and childbirth
onc/o tumor; mass
ophthalm/o eye
orth/o straight
-ory having the function of
-osis condition; abnormal condition; process
ot/o ear
-ous pertaining to
palliat/o reduce the severity of
palpat/o touching; feeling
path/o disease; suffering
ped/o child
pelv/o pelvis; hip-bone (renal pelvis)
percuss/o tapping
pharmac/o medicine, drug
physi/o physical function
plas/o growth; formation
poster/o back part
prevent/o prevent
pro- before
product/o produce
proxim/o near the center or point of origin
pulmon/o lung
radi/o radius (forearm bone); x-rays; radiation
re- again and again; backward; unable to
recuper/o recover
remiss/o send back
sagitt/o going from front to back
-scope instrument used to examine
scop/o examine to use an instrument
skelet/o skeleton
spin/o spine; backbone
spir/o breathe
steth/o chest
superfici/o on/near the surface
super/o above
surg/o operative procedure
symptomat/o collection of symptoms
syn- together
techn/o technical skill
termin/o end; boundry
therapeut/o treatment
thorac/o thorax (chest)
-tic pertaining to
-tion a process; being or having
tom/o a cut, slice or layer
-tomy a process of cutting or making a decision
trans- across; through
umbilic/o umbilicus; naval
urin/o urine; urinary system
ur/o urine; urinary system
vascul/o blood vessel
ventr/o front; abdomen
-verse to travel; to turn
aggreg/o crowding together
bas/o basic (alkaline)
coagul/o clotting
cyt/o cell
electr/o electricity
eosin/o eosin (red acidic dye)
erythr/o red
fibrin/o fibrin
fibr/o fiber
glob/o shaped like a globe; comprehensive
globul/o shaped like a globe
granul/o granule
hem/o blood
kary/o nucleus
leuk/o white
aden/o gland
agglutin/o clumping; sticking
-al pertaining to
an- without; not
angi/o blood vessel; lymphatic vessel
anis/o unequal
-ant pertaining to
apher/o withdrawl
-ar pertaining to
-ase enzyme
aspir/o to breathe in; to suck in
-ate composed of; pertaining to
-ated pertaining to a condition; composed of
-atic pertaining to
attenu/o weakened
auto- self
bi/o life; living organism; living tissue
-blast immature cell
-body a structure or thing
calc/o calcium
chrom/o color
compromis/o exposed to danger
cortic/o cortex (outer region)
-crasia a mixing
-cyte cell
cyt/o cell
defici/o lacking; inadequate
different/o being distinct; different
dissect/o to cut apart
dissemin/o widely scattered throughout the body
-ectomy surgical excision
-ed pertaining to
-edma swelling
electr/o electricity
embol/o embolus (occluding plug)
-emia condition of the blood; something in the blood
-ency condition of having
endo- innermost; within
-esis condition
excis/o to cut out
ferrit/o iron
ferr/o iron
fus/o pouring
-gram a record or picture
-graphy process of recording
heter/o other
-in a substance
inhibit/o block; hold back
inter- between
intra- within
-ion action; condition
-ist one who specializes
-ity state;condition
-ization process of creating or inserting
-kine movement
ly/o breakdown; separate; dissolve
-lysis abnormal condition; or process of breaking down or dissolving
-lyte dissolved substance
meg/a large
megal/o large
-megaly enlargement
mon/o one; single
morph/o shape
myel/o bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin
neutr/o not taking part
norm/o normal; usual
nucle/o nucleus (of a cell or atom)
-oid resembling
-oma tumor; mass
opportun/o well timed; taking advantage of an opportunity
-opsy process of viewing
-or person or thing that produces or does
ox/y oxygen; quick
pan- all
path/o disease; suffering
-pathy disease; suffering
-penia condition of deficiency
peripher/o outer aspects
-phage thing that eats
phag/o eating; swallowing
-phil attraction to; fondness for
phil/o attraction to; fondness for
phleb/o vein
phor/o to bear; to carry
plasm/o plasma; formed substance
plast/o growth; formation
-poiesis condition of formation
-poietin a substance that forms
poikil/o irregular
poly- many; much
prote/o protein
punct/o hold, perforation
reticul/o small network
-rrhage excessive flow or discharge
rub/o red
septic/o infection
son/o sound
splen/o spleen
-stasis condition of standing still; staying in one place
-steroid steroid
suppress/o press down
-therapy treatment
thromb/o thrombus (blood clot)
thym/o thymus; rage
-tic pertaining to
-tomy process of cutting or making an incision
tox/o poison
trans- across; through
transplant/o move something to another place
ultra- beyond; higher
-ure system; result of
vaccin/o giving a vacccine
vascul/o blood vessel
ven/i vein
viscos/o thickness
Created by: bkriebel
Popular Medical sets




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