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Med Term ASA Unit 5
Question | Answer |
a- (an) | not, lack of |
audi/0 | hearing |
bacill/0 | bacillus (rod-shaped bacteria) |
brady- | slow |
calcul/0 | stone, calculi |
cheil/0 | lips |
chole/0 | gall, bile |
cholecyst/0 | gallbladder |
cocc/0 (us, i) | cocci (round-shaped bacteria) |
dactyl/o | fingers and toes (digits) |
dia- | through |
diplo- | double |
dips/0 | thirst |
drom/0 | rinning: it's course, a race |
erg/o (ism, istic) | work |
esthesi/o (ia) | feeling, sensation |
gen/o | origional development |
-iasis | vocabulary, language |
lex/o (ia) | vocabulary, language |
lith/o | stone |
macro- | large |
men/o | menses, menstration |
ot/o | ear |
peps/o (ia) | digestion |
phag/o (ia) | eating, swallowing |
phas/o (ia) | speaking |
pleg/o | paralysis |
pne/o (a) | breathe |
pro- | before, in front of |
poly- | too many |
py/o | pus |
rhin/o | nose |
-rrhea | flow of discharge |
-spasm | twitching, involuntary movement |
staphyl/o | bunches like grapes, uvula |
strepto- | twisted chains |
syn- | joined, fused |
thachy | fast |
therm/o (ia) | heat |
trich/o | hair, flagellum |
tympan/o | eardrum, tympanum |
uvul/o | uvula |
agenesis | lack of development |
alcoholism | chronic physical and psychological addiction to alcohol |
amenorrhea | absence of menstruation |
apepsia | cessation of digestion |
aphasia | unable to speak |
aphonia | no voice, unable to make sounds |
apnea | absence of breathing |
arrhythmia | loss of rhythm |
audiologist | hearing specialist |
bacillus | rod-shapped bacterium |
bradycardia | slow heart rate |
bradypepsia | slow digestion |
bradyphagia | slow eating (swallowing) |
calculi | small stones |
carcinogenesis | formation of cancer |
cholecyst | gallbladder |
cholelith | gallstone |
coccus | sphere-shaped bacterium |
dactylitis | inflammation of the fingers and/or toes |
dyslexia | condition characterized by difficlty reading and spelling |
dysmenorrhea | painful menstruation |
dyspnea | difficulty breathing |
hydrocephalus | enlarged head due to fluid accumulation |
hyperthermia | abnormally high body temperature |
hypothermia | abnormally low body temperature |
macrocephalus | large head size |
macreglossia | enlarged tongue |
macrorhinia | enlarged nose |
microgram | one millionth of a gram |
otic | pertaining to the ear |
otodynia | earache |
pathogenic | disease producing |
peptic | pertaining to digestion |
phonic | pertaining to the voice |
pyogenic | pus forming |
rhinitis | inflammation of the nose |
rhinorrhea | runny nose |
tympanotomy | incision into the eardrum |
thermophobia | abnormal fear of heat |
syndrome | symptoms that occur together to characterize a disease |
synergistic | works together |
streptococci | round bacteria growing in twisted chains |
staphlococci | bacteria growing in bunches (like grapes) |
Using what you have learned about the "C" rule for pronounciation, which sound is made by the first "c" in Coccus. S, K, J, hard G | K |
The sound made by the third "c" in cocci is s,k,j, hard G | S |
Rod-shaped bacteria are called: | Bacilli |
The round spherical-shaped bacteria that grow in pairs ae | Diplococci |
The protozoan parasite with a tail (flagellum) that may cause female reproductive infections is called: | Trichomonas vaginalis |
What does the combining form staphylo mean? | Bunches like grapes |
Give an alternate name (proceedure) for a staphylectomy | Uvulectomy |
What is a cholecystography | An X-ray of a gallbladder |
The suffix for flow or discharge is: | -rrhea |
What is an otoscope used for? | To examine the ears |
Give the suffix for stone | -lith |
Give the prefix for fast | Tachy-, Tacho |
Give the suffix for eating | -phagia, phagic |
Give the combining form for twisted chains | Strept/0 |
Give the prefix for difficult or painful | dys |
Give the suffix for flow or discharge | -rrhea |
Correctly spell the medical term for round or spherical bacterium growing in twisted chains | Streptococcus, Streptococci |
Correctly spell the medical term for rod-shaped bacteria (plural) | Bacilli |
Correctly spell the medical term for irregular or abnormal rhythm | dysrhythmia, arrhythmia |
Correctly spell the medical term for pus producing | Pyogenic, Pyogenesis |
Correctly spell the medical term for earache | otalgia, otodynia |
Correctly spell the medical term for eardrum | tympanum, tympanic membrane |
Correctly spell the medical term for specialist in hearing testing and aids | audiologist |
Correctly spell the medical term for flow or discharge from the nose | Rhinorrhea |
Correctly spell the medical term for incision for the removal of stones | lithotomy |
Correctly spell the medical term for infestation of stones in the gallbladder | cholelithiasis |
Correctly spell the medical term for fingerprint | dactylogram |
Correctly spell the medical term for fast heart rate | Tachycardia |
Correctly spell the medical term for slow eating or swallowing | Bradyphagia |
Correctly spell the medical term for failure to develop (no growth) | Agenesis |
Correctly spell the medical term for difficult or painful digestion | Dyspepsia |
Correctly spell the medical term for development of cancer (cancer producing) | Cardinogenesis (Carcinogenic, adj) |
Correctly spell the medical term for abnormally high body temperature (fever) | Hyperthermia |
Correctly spell the medical term for surgical repair of the nose | Rhinoplasty |
Correctly spell the medical term for symptoms that occur together to characterize a disease | Syndrome |
Correctly spell the medical term for difficult or painful breathing | Dyspnea |
Correctly spell the medical term for distended with gas | Tympanitis |
Correctly spell the medical term for discharge from the ear | Otorrhea |
Correctly spell the medical term for surgical repair of the eardrum | Tympanoplasty |
Correctly spell the medical term for disease producing | Pathogenic |
Correctly spell the medical term for instrument used to measure hearing | Audiometer |
Correctly spell the medical term for spherical-shaped bacteria growing in bunches | Staphylococci |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for Fehrenheit | F |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for gallbladder | GB |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for Escherichia Coli | E. Coli |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for Left Ear | AS |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for culture and sensitivity | C |
Give the correct medical abbreviation for right ear | AD |