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Aneurysm Localized dilation of a weakened area of the wall of an artery.
Atherosclerosis A form of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) characterized by fatty deposits building up within the inner layers of the wall of larger arteries.
Bruit An abnormal sound or murmur heard when listening to a carotoid artery, organ, or gland with a stethoscope; for example, during auscultation.
Claudication Cramplike pains in the calves of the legs caused by poor circulation to the muscles of the legs;
Coronary Artery One of a pair of arteries that branch from the aorta. The coronary arteries and their branches supply blood & oxygen to the heart muscles.
Cusp Any one of the small flaps on the valves of the heart.
Dependent Edema Fluid accumulation in the tissues influenced by gravity; usually greater in the lower extremities than in tissue levels above the level of the heart.
Diastole period of relaxation of the heart, alternating with the contraction phase known as the systole.
Dysrhymthmia abnormal rhythm.
Edema localized or generalized collection of fluid within the body tissue, causing the area to swell.
Endocarditis Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
Hypertension Elevated blood pressue persistently higher than 135/86 mmHg; high blood pressure;
Hypotension Low blood pressure
Infarction localized area of necrosis (death) in tissue, a vessel, an organ, or a part resulting from lack of oxygen due to interuppted blood flow to the area.
Mediastinum Area between the lungs in the chest cavity that contains the heart, aorta, trachea, esophagus, & bronchi.
Murmur low-pitched humming or fluttering sound, as in a "heart murmur" heard on auscultation.
Myocardium the middle muscular layer of the heart.
Occlusion closure, or state of being closed.
Pacemaker the SA node of the heart located in the right artium. it's responsible for initiating the heartbeat, influencing the rate & rhythm of the heart beat.
Palpitation Rapid, violent, or throbbing pulsation, as an abnormally rapid throbbing or fluttering of the heart.
Pericardium double membranous sac that encloses the heart and the origins of the great blood vessels.
Pitting Edema swelling.
Pulmonary Artery one of a pair of arteries that transports deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lung for oxygenation. Only arteries in the body to carry deoxygenated blood.
Pulmonary Circulation circulation of deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs for oxygenation and back to the left atrium of the heart; that is, from the heart, to the lungs, back to the heart.
Pulmonary Vein one of 4 large veins that returns oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the left atrium of the heart. Only veins in the body to carry oxygenated blood.
SA Node sinoatrial node; pacemaker of the heart;
Septum a wall, or partition, that divides or separates 2 cavities.
Systemic Circulation the circulation of blood from the left ventricle of the heart, throughout the body, & back to the right atrium of the heart.
Systole the contraction phase of the heartbeat forcing blood into the aorta and the pulmonary arteries.
Vasoconstriction narrowing of the lumen of a blood vessel.
Vegetation abnormal growth of tissue around a valve.
Anorexia Loss of appetite.
Anxiety feeling of apprehension, worry, uneasiness, or dread, especially of the future.
Bradycardia slow heart rate characterized by a pulse rate under 60 beats per minute.
Chest Pain feeling of discomfort in the chest area.
Cyanosis slightly bluish, grayish, slatelike, or dark discoloration of the skin due to the presence of abnormal amounts of reduced hemoglobin in the blood
Dyspnea air hunger resulting in labored or difficult breathing, sometimes accompanied by pain.
Fatigue feeling of tiredness of weariness resulting from continued activity or as a side effect from some psychotropic drug;
Fever Elevation of temperature above the normal.
Headache diffuse pain in different portions of the head and not confined to any nerve distrubution area.
Nausea unpleasant sensation, usually preceding vomiting.
Pallor lack of color; paleness.
Sweat perspiration; the liquid secreted by the sweat glands, having a salty taste
Tachycardia abnormal rapidity of heart action, usually defined as a heart rate over 100 beats per minute.
Vomiting ejection through the mouth of the gastric content.
Weakness lacking physical strenth or vigor (energy).
Angina Pectoris severe pain & constriction about the heart, usually radiating to the left shoulder & down the left arm- creating a feeling of pressure in the anterior chest.
Cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle itself, primarily affecting the pumping ability of the heart.
Congestive Heart Failure condition characterized by weakness, breathlessness, abdominal discomfort.
Coronary Artery Disease narrowing of the coronary arteries to the extent that adequate blood supply to the myocardium is prevented.
Endocarditis Inflammation of the membrane lining of the valves & chambers of the heart caused by direct invasion of bacteria or other organisms and leading to deformity of the valve cusps.
Mitral Valve Prolapse drooping of one or both cusps of the mitral valve back into the left atrium during ventricular systole.
Myocardial Infarction heart attack.
Myocarditis inflammation of the myocardium
Pericarditis imflammation of the pericardium (the saclike membrane that covers the heart muscle). it may be acute or chronic.
Rheumatic Fever inflammatory disease that may develop as a delayed reaction to insufficiency treated group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract.
Raynaud's Phenomenon intermittent attacks of vasoconstriction of the arterioles (causing swelling of the fingers or toes)
Thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein associated with the formation of a clot; usually occurs in the leg.
Varicose Veins Enlarged, superficial veins; a twisted, dilated vein with incompetent valves.
Venous Insufficiency abnormal circulatory condition characterized by decreased return of venous blood from the legs to the trunk of the body.
Atrial Flutter condition in which the contractions of the atria become extremely rapid, at the rate of between 250 & 350 beats per minute.
Atrial/Ventricular Fibrillation extremely rapid, incomplete contractions of the atria resulting in disorganized & uncoordinated twitching of the atria.
Angiography x-ray visualization of the internal anatomy of the heart & blood vessels after introducing a (contract medium) that makes them visible of internal structures that are otherwise difficult to see on an X-ray film
Cardiac Catheterization diagnostic procedure where a catheter is introduced into a large vein or artery adn then threaded through the circulatory system to the heart. Used to obtain detailed information about the structure & function of the heart chambers, valves & great vessels
Cardiac Enzymes Test performed on samples of blood obtained by venipuncture to determine the presence of damage to the myocardial muscle.
Electrocardiogram graphic record of the electrical action of the heart as reflected from the various angles to the surface of the skin; known as EKG or ECG.
Event Monitor similiar the Holter monitor in that it also records the electrical activity of the heart while the patient goes about usual daily activities.
Echocardiography diagnostic procedure for studying the structure & motion of the heart.
Exercise Stress Testing means of assessing cardiac function, by subjecting the patient to carefully controlled amounts of physical stress.
Holter Monitoring small, portable monitoring device that makes prolonged electrocardiograph recordings on a portable tape recorder.
Defibrillator NEED TO LOOKUP
Thallium Stress Test one of several nuclear stress tests, is a combination of exercise stress testing with thallium imaging to assess changes in coronary blood flow during exercise.
Created by: kmariemurray
Popular Medical sets




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