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Medical Abbreviation

Abbreviations used in medical records

ABD, abd abdomen
ac before eating
ACLS advanced cardiac life support
ad lib as desired
AFP alpha-fetaprotein
AKA above the knee amputation
ASAP ass soon as possible
ASHD ahtherosclerotic heart disease
BE barium enema
bid twice a day
BM bowel movement
BMR basal metabolic rate
BOM bilateral otitis media
BP blood pressure
BUN blood urea nitrogen
bx biopsy
c with
C&S culture and sensitivity
CA cancer
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
CBC complete blood count
cc cubic centimeter
CC chief complaint
CHF congestive heart failure
CHO carbohydrate
CNS central nervous system
c/o complains of
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPK creatinine phosphokinase
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CT computed tomography
CVA cerebrovascular accident
CXR chest x-ray
DAT diet as tolerated
dc or D/C discontinue
D&C dilation and curettage
DDx differential diagnosis
DM diabetes mellitus
DNR do not resusitate
Dx diagnosis
ECG electrocardiogram
ENT ears, nose, throat
FBS fasting blood sugar
f/u follow up
FUO fever of unknown origin
fx fracture
GC gonorrhea
GI gastrointestinal
GTT glucose tolerance test
GU genitourinary
Hct, HCT hematocrit
Hbg hemoglobin
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HPI history of present illness
hs bedtime / hour of sleep
HTN hypertension
Hx history
I&D incision and drainage
I&O intake and output
IG immunoglobulin
lytes electrolytes
MI myocardial infarction
NG nasogastric
NKA no known allergies
NPO nothing by mouth
N/V nausea and vomiting
p after
PE pulmonary embolism
prn as needed
pt patient
CME complete medical exam
PT physical therapy
q every
RBC red blood cells
R/O rule out
ROM range of motion
ROS review of systems
Rx treatment
s without
SOB shortness of breath
STD sexually transmitted disease
STAT, stat immediately
Sx symptoms
Tx treatment
UA urinalysis
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
VS vital signs
ABG arterial blood gases
WNL within normal limits
DVT deep vein thrombosis
EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat
h/o hostory of
PE physical examination
R/T related to
s/s signs and symptoms
STI sexually transmitted infection
Created by: cskinner
Popular Medical sets




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