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Vitamins & Minerals
Question | Answer |
What are the two forms of Vitamin A? | Retinol and Beta-carotine |
What are the fat-soluble vitamins? | Vitamins A,D,E,K |
What are the water-soluble vitamins? | B complex and C |
What does a provitamin require? | It requires conversion in the body to be in a complete state. |
What are the main functions of Vitamin A? | Vision, maintenance of a healthy epithelium, skeletal and tooth development, normal cellular proliferation |
What is carotenemia? | When the skin become yellow |
What are some symptoms of hypervitaminosis A? | Headaches, blurred vision, joint and bone pain, dry skin and poor appetite |
Where can you find Vitamin A? | Yellow vegetables, peaches, cantaloupe, fish oils, fortified milk and dairy products |
Where can you find Vitamin D? | Milk, margarine, cereals, fish and sunlight |
What are the main functiosn of Vitamin D? | Absorption and renal function of calcium and mobilization of calcium & phosphorus from the bone |
Vitamin D deficiency leads to: | Rickets, Poor dental health, Tetany and Osteomalacia |
Vitamin A deficiency leads to: | Blindness, Skin changes, inadequate tooth and bone development and degeneration of cells leading to infection |
What is the role of Vitamin E? | An antioxidant, which assists in maintaining integrity of cellular membranes |
Vitamin E deficiency leads to: | Destruction of red blood cells, poor reflexes and impaired neuromuscular functioning |
Where can you find Vitamin E? | Vegetable oils, soy beans, corn and peanuts |
What is the function of Vitamin K? | Formation of prothrombin and other clotting factors |
Where can you find Vitamin K? | Green leafy vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, egg yolk and liver |
Vitamin K deficiency leads to: | Increased tendency for hemorrhage |
What are B-1's (thiamine) functions? | Carbohydrate metabolism and adequate nerve functioning |
B-1 Thiamine deficiency leads to: | Poor appetite, mental depression, fatigue, constipation, neuritis, and beriberi |
Where can you find B-1 Thiamine? | Organ meats, port, whoel and enriched grain, nuts, potatoes, eggs and milk |
The function of B-2 (riboflavin) is: | Protein and carbohydrate metabolism and promotes healthy skin and vision |
B-2 (riboflavin) deficiency leads to: | Cracking and fissures of side of mouth and poor vision |
Where can you find B-2 (riboflavin)? | Milk, dairy, eggs, organ meats, green leafy vegetables |
The functions of B-3 (Niacin) are: | Glycogen metabolism, tissue regeneration and fat synthesis |
B-3 (niacin) deficiency leads to: | Pellagra (fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, neurologic degeneration and dermatitis) |
Where can you find B-3 (niacin)? | Kidney, liver, poultry, lean meat, fish, yeast, peanut buter, dried peas and beans |
The functions of B-6 (pyridoxine) are: | amino acid metabolism, blood formation and maintenance of nervous tissue |
Deficiency of B-6 (Pyridoxine) leads to: | Dermatitis, convulsions and anemia |
Where can you find B-6 (Pyridoxine)? | Chicken, fish, wheat germ, organ meats, egg yolk, whole grains, potatoes and bananas |
What are the main functions of B-12? | Formation of healthy RBD and absorption |
B-12 deficiency leads to: | Pernicious anemia |
What are the symptoms of pernicious anemia? | Pallor, dypsnea, weakness, fatigue and palpitations |
Where can you find B-12? | Liver, kidney, shrimp, eggs, shellfish, meats, milk and cheese |
What are the FOUR functions of Vitamin C? | Protects against infection, provides adequate wound healing, promotes iron absorption and collagen formation |
Deficiency in Vitamin C can elad to: | Poor wound healing, join pain, anemia, increased susceptibility to infection and scurvy |
Where can you find Vitamin C? | Citrus fruits, green peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli and sweet and white potatoes |
What is the most abunant mineral in the body? | Calcium |
What is calcium necessary for? | Bone and tooth formation, contractions/relaxation of muscles, nerve impulse transmission and conversion of prothrombin to thrombni |
Which vitamin is essential to Calcium regulation? | Vitamin D |
Where can you find calcium? | Dairy products, green leafy vegetables and seafood |
Calcium deficiency leads to: | stunted growth, rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and tetany |
What are essential for calcium absorption? | Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, ascorbic acid, lactose and physical activity |
Where is iron mostly found in the body? | In hemoglobin |
Iron's major function is: | Oxygen transport |
Which vitamin enhances the absoption of iron? | Vitamin C |
Iron deficiency leads to: | Anemia |
Which foods contain iron? | Liver, lean meats, dried beans, fortified cereals |
Where is sodium primarily found in the body? | In the extra cellular fluid |
What are the functions of sodium? | Maintenance of fluid and acid-base balance |
How much percent of sodium intake is from natural sources? | 10% |
How much percent of sodium intake is from discretionary salt addition? | 15% |
How much percent of sodium intake is from processed foods? | 75% |
Where is potassium primarily found in the body? | In the intracellular fluid |
What are the functions of postassium? | Protein synthsis, fluid balance and regulation of muscle contraction |
Potassium deficiency can lead to: | Vomiting, diarrhea, non-potassium sparing diuretics and ketoacidosis |
What is hypokalemia? | Low potassium |
What is hyperkalemia? | High Potassium |
Where can you find potassium? | Yellow fruits (bananas, cantaloupe, oranges) and some vegetables |
What is water's main function? | Maintenance of cell function |
What signals the need for water? | Thirst |
What are the two types of carbohydrates? | Simple and Complex |
What are carbohydrates composted of? | Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen |
What are the two types of simple sugars? | Monosaccharides and disaccharides |
What are some examples of simple carbohydrates? | Sugars, honey, fruit and milk |
What are some complex carbohydrates? | Bread, pasta, rice and potatoes |
Which three categories supplies the body with energy? | Carbohydrates, proteins and fats |
Which four categories helps to regular body processes? | Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and water |
What is the main function of carbohydrates? | Providing energy |