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Prefix, Root, Suff2

prefixes, root words, suffixes pt 2

cheir, chir hand
calc heel, stone
digit finger, toe
dors back
gangli swelling
gemin twin
grad walk, take steps
gran grain, partical
labi lip
micr small
peps, pept digest
pleur pleura, rib, side
mamm breast
colla glue
later side
rachi spinal column
phob fear
phot light
dys bad
cut skin
en in
peri about, around
pro in front of, before
mechano machine
dynam power
osmo odor
traumat wound
trich hair
maxill upper jaw bone
an, a without, not
phak lens
pre in front of, before
strict draw tight
turbin shaped like a top
ameb change
semi half
neo new
hormone excite
therm heat
syn, sym together
vulse twitch, pull
post after
metr uterus
tagument covering, skin
pan all
poly many
ramus branch
neuro nerve
thromb lump, clot
ab away from, not
plegia paralysis
ante before
thel nipple
ex out, away from
lien spleen
tumor swelling
vestibule entrance
puer child
sarc flesh
proli offspring
macro large
lal speech
intra within
inter between
infra beneath
cryo cold
mal bad
glom ball
tens stretching
spas pull, draw
somni sleep
pharmac drug
lumbo loins
cine move
arter artery
appendic appendix
thyro thyroid
splen spleen
ovario ovary
adreno adrenal gland
basi base
pelvis pelvis
vena vein
urethra urethra
utero uterus
sacro sacrum
pharyng pharynx
duodeno duodenum
ureter urether
laryng larynx
bronch bronchus
col colon
esophag esophagus
bi two
tri three
ile ileum
ili ilium
lig ligament
therap therapy
ventr front
vert turn
eu good
ambi both
amphi around,an both sides
brachy short
capit lead
cau burn
clas break
buct tune
fiss split
ger old
heter other
infer under
hom same
olfact smell
orth straight
gyn female
pachy thick
phrag fence
poster pack part
cata down
platy flat
pseud false
schiz split
proxim nearest
scol curve
apo away from
di twice
dia through
eury broad
pect chest
necr dead
mi less
morph form
dis apart
fac make, do
lept slender
lymph watery fluid
meta beyond
rrhag burst forth
sta stand
ton stretch
volv to roll
splanchn internal organs
rrhe flow
med middle
xer dry
per throughout
blast bud
tarso framework of the eyelid
Created by: Terriana Jones
Popular Medical sets




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