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Exploring Medical Language 8th edition ch14wordparts andadded terms(N.D's class)

ankylo stiff, bent
aponeuro aponeurosis; fascia sheath that attaches muscle to bone
arthro joint
burso bursa; fluid filled sac near joints
carpo carpals ; wrist bones
carpal pertaining to the carpals; wrist bones
chondro cartilage
chondral pertaining to cartilage
clavico clavicle; collarbone
claviculo clavicle; collarbone
clavicular pertaining to the clavicle; collarbone
costo rib
costal pertaining to the rib
cranio cranium; skull
cranial pertaining to the cranium; skull
disko intervertebral disk
femoro femur; upper leg bone
femoral pertaining to the femur; upper leg bone
fibulo fibula; lower leg bone
fibular pertaining to the fibula; lower leg bone
humero humerus; upper arm bone
humeral pertaining to the humerus; upper arm bone
ilio ilium; upper pelvic bones
iliac pertaining to the ilium, upper pelvic bones
ischio ischium; lower posterior pelvic bone
ischial pertaining to the ischium; lower posterior pelvic bone
kinesio movement
kinesic pertaining to movement
lamino lamina; thin, flat plate of vertebra
lordo bent forward
lumbo lower spine region
lumbar pertaining to the lower spine region
mandibulo mandible; lower jawbone
mandibular pertaining to the mandible; lower jawbone
maxillo maxilla ; upper jawbone
maxillary pertaining to the maxilla; upper jawbone
menisco cartilage within a joint (crescent)
meniscal pertaining to cartilage within a joint (crescent)
myelo bone marrow ( inside bone)
myo muscle
myoso muscle
osteo bone
patello patella; kneecap
patellar pertaining to the patella; kneecap
pelvi pelvis
pelvo pelvis
pelvic pertaining to the pelvis
phalango phalanges; finger or toe bones
phalangeal pertaining to the phalanges; finger or toe bones
pubo pubis
pubic pertaining to the pubis
rachio vertebra, spinal, or vertebral column
radio radius; lower arm bone
radial pertaining to radius; lower arm bone
sacro sacrum; base of spine
sacral pertaining sacrum; base of spine
scapulo scapula; shoulder blade
scapular pertaining to the scapula; shoulder blade
spondylo vertebra, spinal, or vertebral column
sterno sternum; breastbone
sternal pertaining to the sternum; breastbone
synovio synovial membrane
tarso tarsals; ankle bones
tarsal pertaining to the tarsals; ankle bones
tendino tendon
tendo tendon
teno tendon
tibio tibia; lower leg bone
tibial pertaining to the tibia; lower leg bone
ulno ulna; lower arm bone
ulnar pertaining to the ulna; lower arm bone
vertebro vertebra, spinal, or vertebral column
vertebral pertaining to the vertebra, spinal, or vertebral column
inter- between
supra- above
sym- together, joined
syn- together, joined
-asthenia weakness
-clasia break
-clasis break
-desis fusion
-physis growth
-schisis split, fissure
alignment placing of portions of a fractured bone into correct anatomical position
ambulate able to walk, not confined to bed
ambulatory pertaining to ambulate
deformity/deformed distortion of any part or disfigurement of the body
dislocate/dislocation temporary displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint
fracture broken bone or bent bone
immobilize/immobilization making of a part or limb immovable
orthopod orthopedist
reduce/reduction restoring a fractured bone to its normal position
symmetry both sides being equal
traction pulling force exerted on a limb in an effort to return the bone or joint to a normal position
abduction moving away from the midline
adduction moving toward the midline
inversion turning inward
eversion turning outward
extension movement in which a limb is placed in a straight postion
flexion movement in which a limb is bent
pronation movement that turns the palm down
supination movement that turns the palm up
rotation turning around its own axis
Created by: skopetsky
Popular Medical sets




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