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Nutrition and stuff

GI Clin Med exam I don't know

When are intermittent or bolus feedings given? Only with gastric feedigns (NG or PEG)
PEG TUBE Percutaneous endoscopic gastoscopy
Why are most oral supplements lactose free? Intermittent lactose intolerance is frequently seen
Will Std tube feedings corrent electrolyte embalance? No, just nl nutrition. Given mild-mod GI stress
What is a low residue diet? Those foods that slow or don't speed up intestinal emptying time (usually used post op or weining off perienteral diet)
High Protein & calorie tube feeding indications Hypermetabolic states: septic, ^protein requirements
Elemental/hydrolyzed products indictaions Malabsorptive/maldigestive dz's,(pancreatitis, Crohn's) Bowel rest
Monitoring parameters for tube feeding I/O's, wt, tolerance, fluid/electyrolytes,
Complications of tube feeding Aspiration Pneumonia, Diarrhea, Intake (too much/too little), Fluids (may exceed TF plan)
Parenteral Nutrition Options PN, TPN, PPN (nutrition directly into blood)
Use and route of TPN Through central vein, (subclavian or SVC)
PPN administration through traditional IV lines, higher vol needed, meets moderate protein and energy needs. SHORT TERM.
What must be consulted prior to TPN start? Both nutrition and pharmacy
TPN Tips Central regimens should be initiated at no greater than 55cc/hr, advance w/ time, Tapering to avoid rebound hypoglycemia, lipid emulsion-administered continuously
How do we adjust for fluid needs when pt in on TPN? Add NS or dextrose seprately, don't mess with the actual TPN bag (expensve)
Goals for PN Meet pt's nutritional needs, avoid complications, get pt onto oral/enteral feeds ASAP
Medical Nutrition Therapy Assessment PES, problem, etiology, signs and sxs
Similar to reg diet, low fiber/residue, common for trasition from liquid to general Soft Diet (surgical soft)
Post op, for N/V/D, bowel prep procedures, bowel rest CL diet, anything clear at RT, poop calorie intake
Clear liquid, cooked ceral milk, yogurt, ice-cream, For wired jaw, mouth pain, oral surgery Full Liquid Diet, CI in lactose intolerance
Large amounts of folic acid (>1000mcg/day) Can mask vit B12 defienciey
Neomycin effect on Vit K Dereases Vit K absorbtion
Nitrogen Balance +: Usually during growth (want + with burns or severe sickneses/dehydration) 0: nl people -: usually with burns, malnurished (want maybe w/ pregnancy)
Vit A toxicity w/supplements, dry skin, cheilosis, glossitis, alopecia, amenorrheah etc
PAA's and PAH's PAA: polycyclic aromatic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (RF for cancers)
GERD GOals Reduce Pain, Reflux, Acidity
Tips for PUD and Gastritis nutrition soft and bland, sm, frequent feedings, add intake n-3 and n-6 FA's,
Anemia d/t PUD -Iron def. d/t antacid & H2 blockers, B-12 d/t chronic gastritis
Gastric Cancer MNT -high protein,calorie, liquid or solids as tolerated
Post Gastrectomy dumping syndrome MNT -high protein, fiber, low simple sugars, avoid liquids after meals, B12, iron supplements
Cholecystits/lithiasis diet Low Fat (regular recommendations 25-30% daily intake
Pancreatitis Diet NPO w/ IV fluids->CL->Low fat, enzyme replacement if steatorrhea preasent, jejunum feeding
Moderate to high protein support, ^calorie, mod. fat, oral OTC vit/mineral supplement Hepatitis diet
Vit B5 panthoeenic acid
Biotin Vit B7
Folic acid B9
Vitamin Supplementation in therapeutic doses for alcoholics Thiamine, folic acid, B-12, Vit K
High calorie, proein, low Na+, fluid restritions, mechanical soft Cirrhosis diet
Contributing factors to ammonia production (Hepatic encephalopathy): diet protein, catabolism, bacteria, sloughed GI cells, and blood in GI tract, hypoxia, hypovolemia, hypokalemia
ALT > AST viral hepatitis
AST > ALT Alcoholic hepatitis
Decreased AST Beri-beri (Vit B6 defiency)
Increased bilirubin Hepatic damage, biliary obstruction, hemolysis, fasting
Increased CA19-9 GI cancers: pancrease, stomach, liver, CRC, also sometimes in pancreatitis
Decreased Alk phos Malnutrition, excess vit D, pernicious anemia, Wilsion's dz, hypothyroidism, zinc defiency
Risks for HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma: w/ Hep B at risk for cirrhosis
Dx Chronic Hepatitis >6m, CT, liver biopsy, Inury graded inflammation 1-3, fibrosis graded 1-4 4=cirrhosis
Sxs Chronic Hepatitis palmer erythema, spider angioma, scleral icterus, jaundice, muscle wasting,
Tx Chronic Hepatitis PegInterferon alone or w/Ribaviron AND necleoside/nucleotide analogs. Tx if at risk of cirrhosis
Prvention of Viral Hep P HB IgG for exposed individuals, test ag all pregnant women, VACCINATION
Dx Autoimmune Hepatitis Eliminate other causes, IgG >2x Order SPEP: ANA and SMA positive markers,
Tx AIH Prevent progression to cirrohis
Mutation in ATP7B gene Wilsion's Dz
Copper deposition: Kaysar-Fleishcer rings (eyes), hematomeagly, tremor, ataxia Wilson's Dz
Asterixis Flapping hand with hepatic encephalopathy, chronic hepatitis
Decrease in Albumin Malnutrition, alcoholic cirrohsis, IBD, collegen vascular dz, hyperthyroidism
Lynch HNPCC syndrome Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (familial risk)
CEA levels Monitoring levels w/ CRC, not used for detection
Secondary causes of NAFLD Polycystic ovary syndrome, Drugs, Toxins, Nutrutional (rapid wt loss, TPN)
NASH tx slow, gradual wt loss, exercise, dec. cholesterol, maintain nl glucose, avoid ETOH
Tool to determine if steroids are useful for tx for hepatitis Maddrey's Discrimant: MD >32
End stage liver dz determination MELD Score
Created by: becker15
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