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brady- slow
eu- good,normal,well,easily
pneu- lungs and air
tachy- fast,rapid
dys- painful,bad,difficult
an- without,less than
extra- outside
per- through
pro- before,in behalf of
trans- across
anti- against
epi- upper,above
endo- within
peri- around
albumin/o protein
aneurysm/o widened blood vessel
angi/o vessel
aort/o aorta
arteri/o artery
arteriol/o arteriole
ather/o plaque,fatty substance
atri/o atrium
bilirubin/o bile pigment
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
ech/o repeated sound
electr/o electricity
embol/o embolus,plug
erythr/o red
fibrill/o muscular twitching
fibrin/o threads of clots
hem/o blood
hemangi/o blood vessel
hemat/o blood
isch/o hold back
leuk/o white
lip/o fat
lipid/o fat
macr/o large
my/o muscle
phag/o eating
phleb/o vein
reticul/o net,mesh
scler/o hardening
ser/o serum
sept/o septum
septi/o seven
septic/o poison
sten/o narrowing
sphygm/o pulse
thromb/o blood clot
valv/o valve
valvul/o valve
vas/o vessel
vascul/o vessel (usually blood or lymph)
ventricul/o ventricle (heart or brain)
ven/o vein
septic/o poison
scler/o hardening
reticul/o network
alveol/o alveolus,air sac
adenoid/o adenoids
bronch/o bronchus (plural bronchi)
bronchial/o bronchiole
coni/o dust
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
nas/o nose
ox/o oxygen
ox/y oxygen
ox/ oxygen
orth/o straight
pector/o chest
pneumon/o air,lung
pulmon/o lung
phren/o diaphragm
rhin/o nose
tonsill/o tonsils
thorac/o instrument to measure(-meter) the chest, chest
atel/o incomplete,imperfect
anthrac/o black
bronchi/o bronchial tube
cyan/o blue
lob/o lobe
or/o oral,mouth
olfact/o smell
pharyng/o pharynx (throat)
pneum/o lung
pulm/o lungs
pleur/o pleura,side of body
phon/o sound
steth/o instrument to measure(-meter) the chest
sinus/o sinus,cavity
spir/o breathe
trache/o trachea (windpipe)
epiglott/o epiglottis
-cyte cell
-crasia mixture,blending
-fusion pour
-emia blood condition
-gram record
-graph instrument to record
-graphy process of recording
-itis inflammation
-oma tumor
-penia deficiency of
-phage cell that destroys, eats
-spasm sudden involuntary contraction
-stasis stopping, controlling
-stenosis narrowing, stricture
-capnia carbon dioxide
-ectasis stretching,dilation,enlargement
-meter measure
-osmia smell
-pnea breathing
-plegia paralysis
-phonia voice
-ptysis spitting
-spasm sudden involuntary contraction
-thorax chest,pleural cavity
intra- within
-lysis loosening,seperating
-algia pain
-centesis surgical puncture
kary/o nucleus
hyper- excessive
-pathy disease of
-rrhaphy suture of
malac/ia softening
-ia pertaining to
-rrhythm rhythm
enter/o within
sub- under,below
a- without,absence of
Created by: Brittanyyy
Popular Medical sets




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