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Term Test CardioPulm
Cardio/ Pulmonary terms
Question | Answer |
an- | without, not |
per- | through |
anti- | against |
peri- | around |
brady- | slow |
pro- | before |
epi- | above, upon |
tachy- | fast |
extra- | outside, outward |
trans- | through |
endo- | in, within |
-cyte | cell |
-emia | blood condition |
-gram | record |
-graphy | process of recording |
-oma | tumor |
-phage | cell that eats |
-stasis | stopping, controlling |
-crasia | mixture, blending |
-fusion | joining, pour |
-graph | instrument to record |
-itis | inflammation |
-penia | decrease, deficiency |
-spasm | involuntary contraction |
-stenosis | narrowing, stricture |
-sphyxia | pulse |
albumin/o | protein |
angi/o | vessel |
arteri/o | artery |
ather/o | joint |
bilirubin/o | bile pigment |
coron/o | heart |
electr/o | ecectric |
erythr/o | red |
fibrin/o | threads of a clot |
hemangi/o | blood vessel |
isch/o | to hold back (block) |
lip/o | fat |
macr/o | large |
phag/o | swallowing/eating |
reticul/o | net, mesh |
ser/o | serum |
sept/o | septum |
sten/o | narrowing, stricture |
aneurysm/o | aneurysm |
aort/o | aorta |
arteriol/o | arteriole |
atri/o | atrium |
cardi/o | heart |
ech/o | repeating sound |
embol/o | embolus |
fibrill/o | muscular twitching |
hem/o | blood |
leuk/o | white |
lipid/o | fat |
my/o | muscle |
myc/o | fungus |
phleb/o | vein |
scler/o | hardening |
septic/o | poison |
sphygm/o | pulse |
thromb/o | blood clot |
valvul/o | valve |
vascul/o | vessel |
ventricul/o | ventricle |
valv/o | valve |
vas/o | vessel |
ven/o | vein |
a- | without, not |
pneu- | air, lung |
eu- | good |
dys- | difficult |
-capnia | carbon dioxide |
-phonia | voice |
-osmia | smell (sense of) |
-thorax | pleural cavity, chest |
-meter | measure |
-plegia | paralysis |
-pnea | breathing |
-ectasis | expansion, dilation, stretching |
-ptysis | spitting |
alveol/o | alveoli, air sac |
bronch/o | bronchial tubes (bronchi, bronchus) |
coni/o | dust |
nas/o | nose |
orth/o | strait |
pneumon/o | lungs |
phren/o | diaphragm |
sphygm/o | pulse |
tonsill/o | tonsil |
atel/o | incomplete, imperfect |
bronchi/o | bronchial tubes (bronchi, bronchus) |
or/o | mouth |
pharyng/o | throat |
pulm/o | lungs |
phon/o | sound, voice |
sinus/o | sinus cavity |
trache/o | trachea (airway & sinus) |
adenoid/o | adenoid |
bronchial/o | bronchioles |
laryng/o | larynx |
ox/, ox/y, ox/o | oxygen |
pector/o | chest |
pulmon/o | lungs |
pleur/o | side of body, pleura |
rhin/o | nose |
thorac/o | chest |
anthrac/o | black |
cyan/o | blue |
lob/o | lobe |
olfact/o | smell (sense of) |
steth/o | chest |
spir/o | breathing/ breathe |
epiglott/o | epiglottis |
-ia | pertaining to |
-capnia | pertaining to carbon dioxide |
-ac | pertaining to |
ab- | from, away from |
-ema | state of, condition |
-pathy | disease |
-pexy | fixation of (an organ), suspension |
-clasis | break down |
-osis | abnormal condition |
throat | pharynx |
hypo- | defficient |
-rrhea | discharge |
sub- | below |