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HHS Musculoskeletal

Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related Terms

Arthritis Inflammation of a joint Pain, swelling, changes in structure
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Systemic disease, inflammatory changes in joints and their related structures Crippling deformities Autoimmune reaction
Muscular Dystrophy Genetic disease characterized by gradual atrophy and weakening of muscle tissue Progression affects the
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Neuromuscular disorder causes fluctuating weakness of certain skeletal muscle groups
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Painful condition resulting from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel
Contracture Fibrosis of connective tissue in the skin, fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint
Hypotonia Loss of muscular tone or a diminished resistance to passive stretching
Sprain Tearing of ligament tissue that may be slight, moderate, or complete
Strain To exert physical force in a manner that may result in injury, usually muscular
Exacerbation Increase in Severity of a disease or any of its symptoms
Closed Fracture Bone is broke with no external wound
Open Fracture Bone is broken with an open external wound
Complicated Fracture Broken bone has injured an internal organ
Comminuted Fracture Broken bone is splintered into pieces
Impacted Fracture Bone is broken and one end is wedged into the interior of another bone
Colles Fracture Break at the lower end of the radius, occurring just above the wrist
Incomplete Fracture Line of fracture does not completely transverse the entire bone
Greenstick Fracture Break of bone does not extend through the entire thickness of the bone, leaving the unbroken side bent
Osteporosis Common metabolic Bone disorder, characterized by decreased bone density
Scoliosis C-shaped curvature either to the right or left
Kyphosis humback or hunchback, abnormal curvature of the upper portion of the spine
Lordosis abnormal inward curvature of a portion of the lower part of the spine
Crepitation Dry, grating sound or sensation caused by bone ends rubbing together, indicating a fracture or joint destruction
Phantom Limb Perceived sensation, following amputation of a limb, that the limb still exists
Prosthesis Replacement of a missing part by an artificial substitute, such as an artificial extremity
Rickets Form of osteomalacia in children caused by vitamin D deficiency
Talipes Equinovarus Congenital deformity of one or both feet in which the foot is pulled downward and laterally to the side, also called clubfoot
Popular Medical sets




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