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DERM final
Fall 2011 CMI final
Question | Answer |
What are the 4 "etc" primary lesions? | Cyst, Plaque, Telangiectasia, Wheal |
Confluent papules can be aka? | Plaque |
Erysipelas involves infection of which layer(s)? | Acute superficial infection of the dermis (superficial subset of cellulitis-which involves dermis and subQ) |
Acute illness phase in cellulitis or erysipelas? | Erysipelas |
CDC definition of TSS? | Fever, diffuse rash, mucus membrane hyperemia, HoTN, at least 3 organ systems involved |
Fungal infec of glans penis? | Candida Balanitis |
Fungal infec of skin-to-skin contact areas? | Candida intertrigo |
Tinea capitis usually caused by? | Trichophyton |
Fungal infec caused by cat usually d/t? | Microsporum |
MC dermatophytosis in kids? | Tinea capitis |
Ring worm is called? | Tinea Corporis |
Fungal infec of the groin? | Tinea Cruris |
Is tinea cruris usually uni or bilateral? | Bilateral |
Spores of tinea pedis can survive in scales for how long? | up to 12 mo |
5ths dz/slapped-cheek dz aka? | Erythema infectiosum (childhood exanthem) |
When the rash appears of erythema infectiosum, what does that mean? | No longer contagious |
How can you differentiate the crusts/vesicles in herpes vs impetigo? | NOT painful in impetigo; painful in herpes |
Herpes Zoster, or shingles - is d/t? | Reactivation of Varicella Virus |
Is there a vaccine for herpes zoster? | (aka shingles) -for those over 60 |
Which condition involves the "3 C's" and what are they? | Measles - Cough, Coryza, Conjunctivitis |
What is seen in the mouth with Measles? | Koplik Spots -- blue-white spots on buccal mucosa |
What is the common viral infection affecting the skin, lymph nodes, and joints? | Rubella (German Measles) |
What is the "unique" symptom of Measles? | Red petechiae on soft palate |
What is the childhood exanthem involving a sudden rash after high nightly fevers? | Roseola |
Treponema pallidum is causative agent in? | Syphilis |
When would you see the very infectious copper-tinted lesions on palms and soles of syphilis? | 2ndary infection |
Genital/Venereal warts aka? | Condyloma Acuminata |
What is the single most prevalent STI in the US? | Herpes Simplex |
Alcohol effect on vasculature? | Vasodilate = ^bld flw to skin and extremeites, so feel warm--but actually losing heat |
Tobacco effect on vasculature? | Vasoconstrict (^ chance for frostbite) |
Mild v. Mod. v. Severe hypothermia? | 35-36, 30-35, <30 |
What should be used to predict level of damage/impaired circulation and potential need for amputation after re-warming a pt with frostbite? | Technetium 99, 3-phase scan |
Frstbt pts w/ no flow are potential candidates for what kind of therapy? | Thrombolytic |
MC burns in children? | Scalds (hot liq/steam) |
Death rates from burns are 6x higher in who? | <5 and >65 yo |
What type of burns are more insidious bc they combine with lipids in the skin and can therefore penetrate deeper into the cutaneous layers? | Alkali burns |
First, 2nd, 3rd degree burns now known as? | Superficial, Superficial partial thickness (2), Deep partial thickness (2), full thickness (3) |
Full thickness burns may require grafting when? | More than 2% TBSA compromised |
burn estimation of head? | 9% |
Types of autologous skin grafts? what does that mean? | your own skin* -Split thickness skin grafts -Full thickness SGs |
Porcine, cadaver skin, cultered cells, transcyte are what type of skin grafts? | Allograph |
Split thickness SGs for? | Epidermal part of skin layer -not for weight-bearing areas or hands/feet/lots of frxn areas |
How can you maximize a skin graft? | cutting tiny holes in the skin so it can be stretched to cover more surface area |
Improved chance of graft survival with which kind? | Split thickns (but tend to contract more) |
full thikns skin grafts for which layers? | epi and full dermis (used when cosmetic outcome is essential) |
STSG requires adequate what? | Blood supply |
What is the bioenginered human dermal matrix called? | Transcyte |
Exfoliative skin dz involving >30% and which involves <10% TBSA | >30= TENS <10= SJS |
TENS most offten from? | meds |
SJS most often from? | Infection |
Dry skin aka? | Xerosis |
name of condit involving d/o of keratinization charac by the devt of dry, rectangular scales? | Ichthyosis Vulgaris (mostly hereditary) |
Psoriasis can be triggered by? | Trauma (koebner phenomenon), infec, stress, winter season, smoking, alcohol, drugs |
What is the koebner phenom? | Trauma triggering psoriasis (sunburn site, scratcg, surg) |
Proliferation of the outer layers of the skin due to abn t lymphocyte and decdritic cell fuxn/commun is involved with which condition? | Psoriasis |
MC form of psoriasis? | Chronic plaque psoriasis, symmetric and silvery white scales-elbows, knees, scalp |
What is Auspitz sign? | Pinpoint bleeding when psoriatic scale removed |
Guttate psoriasis? | Small, scaly, papules, suddenly appear -- looks like rash |
Psoriasis can occur on the skin and also? | Scalp and nails -also affects joints (mc asymmetric) |
Psoriasis is assoc with which other conditions? | Arthritis, IBD, CVD, depression |
Oil drop sign on nails assoc with? | Psoriasis |
Herald plaque (primary lesion) is assoc with? | Pityriasis roasea (Viral URI precedes) (then 2ndary rash lasting 6-8wks) |
Pityriasis rosea is rare in who? | Very young and old |
What are some distinct things seen in pityriasis rosea? | Christmas tree distribu, Collarette scale, herald patch |
Which condit may be assoc with chronic active hep c? | Lichen planus |
5 P's? | Assoc with lichen planus: Purple, pruritic, polyangular, planar, papules |
Koebner phen can be assoc with psoriasis and ? | Lichen planus - lesion in response to injury/scratch |
Wickham striae | White, lacy reticular pattern of criss-crossed lines |
MC form of lichen planus? | Localized/Papular |
LP can also afect? | Nails and mucosa |
Which condition looks like ringworm but doesn’t have scales? | Granuloma annulare (has a central depression that is slightly hypo or hyper pig) |
Granuloma annulare may be assoc with which conditions? | DM, thyroid dz |
Hives or wheals are aka? | Urticaria |
What is the triple response of Lewis? | Assoc with urticaria-H1 receptors: Vasodil (erythema), Axon reflex (pruritis), wheal |
Acute vs chron urticaria? | <6wks |
What are the 5 I’s? | Common causes of acute urticaria: Infection, Ingestion, Injection, Inhalation, Internal dz |
What is the deep form of urticaria? | Angioedema |
What is MC non-allergic drug rxn causing angioedema? | ACEi’s |
Which condition is most commonly triggered by HSV? | Erythema multiforme |
Hallmark of Erythema multiforme? | Targetoid lesion |
What is panniculus? | SubQ fat |
Erythema nodosum | MC in females (BC), strep infex, sulfonamides |
What is a common condition assoc with erythema nodosum? | Sarcoidosis |
Skin tags aka? | Acrochordon |
Pre-malignant lesion with thick scale? | Actinic keratosis |
Neurofibromatosis involves which spots? | Cafe au lait spots |
Vascular neoplasm occuring in adulthood? | Cherry angioma |
What is the common keratotic lesion found in sun exposed areas that may arrise over SCC? | Cutaneous horn |
Firm, scar-like dermal papule? | Dermatofibroma |
firm, mobile nodule filled with keratin growing in hair-bearing rgn? | Epidermal cyst |
Red/purple/blue colored vascular neoplasm usually occuring during first year of birth? | Hemangioma |
neurofibromatosis pattern? | >6 cafe au lait spots >2 neurofibromas -axill freckling -1st degree relative |
lesion that "crumbles" when picked? | Seborrheic keratosis |
Pearly white skin cancer? | BCC |
3 phases of healing? | Inflammatory, proliferative, remodeling |
Lidocaine aka? | Xylocaine |
most wound infex appear when? | w/in 4-5 days |
Prevalence of irritant v. allergic contact dermatitis? | 80% is irritant |
what cells persist in the dermis after after allergic contact dermatitis clinically reslves? | Memory T cells |
dishydrotic eczema can be caused by a distant? | Fungal infection |
Dermatitis with pruritic, erythematous, coin-shaped patches | nummular eczema |
2ndary condition/lesion from chronic scratching, itching? | Lichen Simplex Chronicus |
Lichen plnus vs lichen simplex chron? | LP-papules LSC-plaque |
papulopustular facial dermatitis occurring mainly in women | Perioral dermatitis (seen around facial openings) |
Seborrheic keratosis vs seborrheic dermatitis? | SK = Crumbly browish papules SD = dandruff |
dandruff aka in infants? | Cradle cap |
hormone assoc with acne? | excess androgen |
Gritty eyes and facial edema? | Rosacea |
Phymatous | Marked skin thickenings and irregular surface nodularities of the nsoe, chin, 4hear, one or both ears and or the eyelids (rosacea) |
Rosacea v acne? | R-presence of telangiectasia and lack of comedones |
Occlusion of hair follicles and 2ndary inflamm of apocrine glands - esp in armpits and pubic area? | Hidradenitis suppurativa |
Which condition involves double-ended comedones that communicate beneath the surface? | Hydradenitis suppurativa |
D/o of the eccrine sweat glands? | Miliaria |
phases of hair growth? | anagen (growth phase = most are here), catagen, telogen |
telogen hairs are charac by? | mature root sheath at prox end |
how many hairs shed per day? | 75 |
MC type of hair loss? | Androgenic alopecia |
Recurrent, non-scarring type of hair loss that can affect any hair-bearing area? | Alopecia areata (peak = 15-29 y.o.) |
May have underlying what, in alopecia areata? | Autoimmune d/o |
Better prognosis with alopecia areata when? | If occurs after puberty...occur before puberty = poor prognosis |
condition of stress or hormonal changes causing a large number of hair to enter telogen all at one time? | Telogen effluvium (usually occurs about 3 mo later...the time that usually takes telogen) |
how to tell for telogen effluvium? | Hair pull test....>5 = abn |
Hair pull test is positive in telogen effluvium and which other condition? | Traumatic alopecia |
what is the d/o of nervous hair pulling? | Trichotillomania |
Furuncles vs Carbuncles? | F = usually follows episode of folliculitis C = series of abscesses in subQ tissue that drain via hair follicle (S. aureus usally causes both) |
MC cause of hisutism? | PCOS, idiopathic |
Excessive hair growth beyond nl? | Hypertrichosis (usually drug-induced) |
Rasor bumps/ingrown hairs aka? | Pseudofolliculitis |
Infec of lateral nail fold? | Paranychia |
sep of nail from nail plate? | onycholysis |
fungal infec of nails? | Onychomycosis |
mc form of onychomycosis? | Distal subungual onychomycosis |
onychomychosis caused by dermatophytes aka? | Tinea unguium |
what can thin out nails that are very thick so can be treated? | urea |
Acute vs chronic cause of paranychia? | A-S.aureus C-c. albicans |
collec of blood under nail? | subungual hematoma |
Lovabond angle? | NL nail angle of <180 dgrs -clubbing=>180 degrs |
hutchinson sign? | melanonychia - extension of brownish-blackpigment onto adjacent cuticle and /or nail folds |
splinter hemorrhages may indicate which condition? | Bacterial endocarditis |
Lyme DZ aka? | Erythema migrans |
bacteria causing lyme dz? | Spirochete - Borrelia burgdorferi (Common deer tick-must be attached for 24-48 hrs to transmit spirochete to person) |
Lice aka? | Pediculosis |
Most prominent sxs of black widow bite? | Leg and abd pain and spasms |
mc pathogens of dog and cat bites? | Pasteurella |