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quarter 2
Question | Answer |
peds | pediatrics |
PEN | penicillin |
per | by or through |
pharm | pharmacy |
PM or p.m. | afternoon |
po or PO | by mouth |
pos | positive |
postop | postoperative (after surgery) |
preop | preoperative (before surgery) |
prep | preperation |
prn | as needed |
PT | physical therapy |
Pt or pt | patient |
qd | every day |
qh | every hour |
q(2,3,4)h | every (2,3,4) hours |
qid | four times a day |
qn | every night |
QNS | quantity not sufficient |
qod | every other day |
QS | quantity sufficient |
quad | quadriplegic |
R | respiration |
RE | rectal examinaton |
reg | regular |
rehab | rehabilitation |
RMA | registered medical assistant |
Rx | prescription |
s (with line over it) | without |
SCor SQ | subcutaneous |
S/E | side effect |
sec | second |
sigmoid | sigmoidoscopy |
sl | slight |
sm | small |
SOB | shortness of breath |
sol | solution |
spec | specimen |
STAT | immediately |
surg | surgery |
T | temperature |
ther | therapy |
tid | three times a day |
TLC | total lung capacity, tender loving care |
TPR | temperature, pulse, repiration |
tr | trace |
TSE | testicular self-examination |
vag | vagina, vaginal |
VE | vaginal examination |
vit | vitamin |
VO | verbal order |
VS | vital signs |
wk | week |
WNL | within normal limits |
WO | written order |
w/o | without |
wt | weight |
W/U | work up |
abd | abdomen |
AD | right ear |
AS | left ear |
AU | ineach ear, both ears |
EENT | eye, ear, nose, and throat |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GU | genitourinary |
L(with circle around it) lt | left |
LA(with circle around it) | left arm |
LL(with circle around it) | left leg |
LLQ | lower left quadrant |
LRQ | lower right quadrant |
LUQ | left upper quadrant |
OD | right eye |
OS | left eye |
OU | in each eye, both eyes |
R(with circle around it) rt | right |
RA(with circle around it) | right arm |
RL(right leg) | right leg |
RLQ | right lower qudrant |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
C | celsius |
cc | cubic centimeter |
cm | centimeter |
dL | deciliter |
F | farheinheit |
g | gram |
kg | kilogram |
L | liter |
l | length |
lb | pound |
m | meter |
mcg | microgram |
mg | miligram |
ml | mililiter |
mm | milimeter |
oz | ounce |
pt | pint |
qt | quart |
ss | one half |
T | tablespoon |
tbs | teaspoon |