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Question | Answer |
allogenic | originatin within another |
ankylosis | is the loss or absence of mobility in a joint due to disease, an injury, or a surgical procedure; is any degenerative condition of the vertebrate. |
arthrodesis | is a surgical procedure to stiffen a joint, such as a hip, or to join spinal vertebrate |
arthroplasty | is any surgical repair of a damaged joint |
arthrosclerosis | is stiffness of the joints, especially in the elderly |
arthroscopic | is the visual examination of the internal structure of a joint |
autologous | means originating within an individual |
bursitis | is an inflammation of a bursa that is typically caused by repetitive movement. |
callus | a thickening of part of the skin on the hands or feet caused by repeated rubbing; the bulging deposit that forms around the area of the back in a fractured bone. |
comminuted | crushed into small pieces |
crepitation | known as crepitus |
crepitus | is the crackling sensation that is felt and heard when the ends of a broken bone move together |
fontanel | -on a baby's head, known as the soft spot. |
kyphosis | abnormal increase in the outward curuature of the thoracic spine as viewed from the side; also known as humpback or dowager's hump |
laminectomy | surgical removal of a lamina from a vertebra |
lumbago | pain of the lumbar region; also known as low back pain. |
maxillary | form most of the upper jaw |
orthopedist | orthopedic surgeon |
orthotics | field of knowledge relating to the making and fitting of orthopedic appliances |
osteoarthritis | form of arthritis commonly associated with aging; also known as wear-and-tear arthritis. |
Paget's | disease of unknown cause characterized by extensive bone destruction followed by abnormal bone repair; also known as osteitis deformans |
patella | is the bony anterior portion of the kneecap |
podiatrist | a specialist in diagnosing, treating, and correcting disorders of the feet |
rheumatoid arthritis | also known as RA,is an autoimmune disorder |
rheumatologist | a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases characterized by inflammation in the connective tissues |
rickets | bone disorder caused by calcium and vitamin D deficiencies in early childhood |
sacroiliac | is the slightly movable articulation between the sacrum and the ilium |
subluxation | partial displacement of a bone from its joint |
vertebrae | vertebral column consists of 26. |