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Roots - MedTerm
Question | Answer |
albin- | white |
acro- | extremities |
aden- / adeno- | gland |
angio- | vessel-blood |
ankyl- | crooked-looked |
arterio- | artery |
arthro- | joint |
aud- /aur- | ear-hearing |
brachi- | arm |
bronchi- | bronchial/lung/breathing |
bucca- | cheek |
carcin- | cancer |
cardio- | heart |
caud- | tail |
cephal- | head |
cerebro- | brain |
cervic- | neck |
chem- | chemistry-drug |
chole- | bile |
cholecyst- | gallbladder |
chondro- | cartilage |
chrom- | color |
coccus- | round |
col-/colo- | colon |
colp- | vagina |
costo- | ribs |
cranio- | skull |
cut- | skin |
cyan- | blue |
cysto- | bladder-sac |
cyt-/cyte- | cell |
dacry- | tear duct |
dactyl- | fingers-toes |
dent- | tooth |
derma- | skin |
dextr- | right |
duod- | duodenum |
echo- | sound |
edema- | swelling |
electr- | electric |
embry- | fertilized ovum-embryo |
emesis- | vomit |
enter- | intestine |
epi- | above or on top |
erythro- | red |
esophag- | esophagus |
esthesi- | feeling |
fascia- | band-fibrous |
gastro- | stomach |
genit- | related to birth |
gingiva- | gum |
gloss- | tongue |
gyne- | woman |
hemo- | blood |
hepat- | liver |
holo- | all |
hom-/homo- | same-alike |
hydro- | water |
hygien- | healthful |
hyster- | uterus-womb |
iri- | iris-eye |
kerat- | cornea-scaly |
labia- | lip |
lacrim- | tear |
lact- | milk |
lapar- | abdomen |
laryng- | larynx |
Leuko- | white |
Lingua- | tongue |
lip-/lipo- | fat |
lith- | stone |
lymph- | fluid |
mamm- | mast or breast |
melan- | black |
mening- | membrane |
meno-/mens- | menstruate |
myelo- | bone marrow |
myo-/mys-/sarco- | muscle or flesh |
nares- | nose |
necr- | death |
nephro- | kidney |
neuro- | nerve |
ocul- | eye |
odont- | tooth |
onc- | tumor |
oo- | egg |
oophoro- | ovary |
opthal- | eye |
orchis- | testes |
osteo- | bone |
oto- | ear |
ova-/ovi- | ovary or egg |
part- | birth |
ped-/pod- | foot |
pedia- | child |
phag-/phagia- | swallow |
pharyn- | pharynx |
phasia- | speak |
phleb- | vein |
pleur- | pleura of the lung |
pneumo- | lung |
proct- | rectum |
psych- | mind-soul |
pulm- | lung |
pyelo- | pelvis of the kidney |
pyo- | pus |
ren- | kidney |
rhin- | nose |
sept- | infection |
soma- | body |
splen- | spleen |
spondyl- | spine |
squam- | scaly |
stoma- | mouth |
stric- | narrowing |
therm- | heat |
thorac- | thorax |
thrombo- | clot |
trach- | trachea |
vas- | vessel |
ves-/vesic- | bladder/sac |
viscer- | organ |
vit-/vita- | life |