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Abbr - MedTerm
Question | Answer |
abd. | abdomen |
ABG | Arterial Blood Gas |
a.c. | before meals |
ad lib | as desired |
adm | admission |
am/AM | morning (midnight to noon) |
amb | ambulate/walk |
amt. | amount |
approx. | approximately |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
ASA | aspirin |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
AU | both ears |
ax | axillary, armpit |
BE | barium enema |
bid/BID | twice a day |
bm/BM | bowel movement |
B/P (or BP) | blood pressure |
BR, br | bed rest |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
BS | blood sugar |
bx | biopsy |
CA | cancer |
Ca | calcium |
CAT | Computerized Axial Tomography |
cath. | catheter |
CBC | complete blood count |
CC (both uppercase) | chief complaint |
cc (both lowercase) | cubic centimeters |
CCU | coronary care unit |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
Cl | chloride |
cl liq | clear liquids |
cm | centimeters |
c/o | complains of |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CS | central supply |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident (stroke) |
D&C | dilatation and curettage |
dc-d/c | discontinue |
Del.Rm. | delivery room |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DOB | date of birth |
DON | director of nursing |
Dr. | doctor |
dsg | dressing |
dx | diagnosis |
ECG/EKG | electrocardiogram |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
EENT | eye, ear,nose,and throat |
ER | emergency room |
Exc | excision |
Exp | exploratory |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
Fe | iron |
FF | force fluid |
Fl or fl | fluid |
ft | foot |
FUO | fever of unknown origin |
fx | fracture |
GB | gallbladder |
g | gram |
GI | gastrointestinal |
gr | grain |
gtt | drop |
GU | genitourinary |
Gyn | gynecology |
H | Hydrogen |
HA | Headache |
HBV | Hepaitis B virus |
Hct | Hematocrit |
Hg | Mercury |
Hgb | Hemoglobin |
HOB | Head of bed |
hr | Hour |
hs | Bedtime, hour of sleep |
ht | Height |
hyper | Above, high |
hypo | below, low |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
I&D | Incision and drainage |
I&O | Intake and output |
IM | Intramuscular |
inj | Injection |
int | Internal, interior |
irrig | Irrigation |
IV | Intravenous |
IVP | Intravenous pyelogram |
K | Potassium |
KCl | Potassium Chloride |
Kg or kg | Kilogram |
KUB | Kidney, ureter and bladder x-ray |
L&D | Labor and delivery |
L | left/liter |
lab | laboratory |
Lap | laparotomy |
lb | pound |
liq. | Liquid |
LLQ | left lower quadrant |
LP | lumbar puncture |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
LUQ | left upper quadrant |
LVN | licensed vocational nurse |
M.D. | medical doctor |
med. | Medicine |
mEq | millequivalent |
mg | milligram |
MI | Myocardial Infarction |
mL | milliliter |
mm | millimeter |
MRI | magnetic resonance Imaging |
min. | minute |
Na | sodium |
NA | nurse aide/nursing assistant |
NaCl | sodium chloride |
ng | nasogastric tube |
noct, noc. | night |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
N/S | normal saline |
N&V | nausea and vomiting |
O&P | ova and parasites |
Ob | obstetrics |
Od | overdose |
OD | right eye |
OOB/oob | out of bed |
OPD | outpatient department |
OR | operating room |
OS | left eye |
ord. | orderly |
ORTH | orthopedics |
O.T. | occupational therapy |
OU | both eyes |
oz | ounce |
PAP | papanicolaou smear |
Path | pathology |
pc | after meals |
PDR | physician's Desk Reference |
PEDS | pediatrics |
per | by, through |
pH | Measure of acidity/alkalinity |
PID | pelvic imflammatory disease |
pm/PM | afternoon(noon to midnight) |
po | by mouth |
post | after |
postop, PostOp | postoperative |
pre | before |
preop, PreOp | before surgery |
prn | whenever necessary, when required |
Pt, pt | patient |
P.T. | physical therapy |
qd | every day |
qh | every hour |
q2h | every 2 hours |
q3h | every 3 hours |
q4h | every 4 hours |
qhs | every night at bedtime |
qid, QID | four times a day |
qod,QOD | every other day |
qs | quantity sufficient |
qt | quart |
R | respiration or rectal |
r | rectal |
RBC | red blood cell |
RLQ | right lower quadrant |
RN | registered nurse |
R/O | rule out |
ROM | range of motion |
R.R. | recovery room |
RT | respiratory therapy |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
sob | short of breath |
spec. | specimen |
sp gr | specific gravity |
SSE | soap solution enema |
stat | at once, immediately |
surg. | surgery |
TB | tuberculosis |
tbsp | tablespoon |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TID/tid | three times a day |
TPR | temperature,pulse,and respiration |
tsp | teaspoon |
tx | traction |
UA or U/A | urinalysis |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
VS | vital signs |
WBC | white blood count |
w/c | wheelchair |
wt | weight |
x | times (2x is 2 times) |
x-match | cross match |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
I | one |
V | five |
X | ten |
L | fifty |
C | one hundred |
D | five hundred |
M | one thousand |
N/A | not applicable |
CNA | certified nursing assistant |
# | pound (or number sign) |