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Marks Biology Final

All the information directly from the notes for Mark Delgrosso's Biology Final!

Testes Where sperm are created
Scrotum a bag of skin containing the testes, keeping them out of the body
Epididymus area where sperm are sent to mature and await ejaculation
Vas Deferens long tube connecting all parts of the system
Seminal Vesicle creates a thick sugary fluid to provide energy for swimming sperm
Prostate Gland creates a thinner fluid for sperm to actually swim
Semen mixture of seminal and prostate fluids and sperm
Urethra last passageway sperm travel to get outside
Penis sperm-injecting structure
Ovaries create ova
oviducts (fallopian tubes) tubes connect ovaries to the system
Oviducts... release ova directly into the F.T.s; ovum waits here for fertilization; fertilization occurs in F.T.
Uterus large space surrounded by flexible sides
vagina portal through which sperm enter the body
Puberty in Males Starts at the Pituitary gland +Lutenzing Hormone (LH) --> Hormone arrives at TESTES (then LH stimulates the production of) TESTOSTERONE (stimulates) SPERM PRODUCTION and SEX CHARACTERISTICS
Puberty in females Pituitary gland (creates) FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE (when FSH arrives at) OVARIES (it stimulates production of) ESTROGEN (which stimulates production of) EGG CELLS and SEX FEATURES
Menstruation production of eggs
Ovulation egg cells burst out of ovary
Egg cells remain in the oviduct waiting to be fertilized
Uterus preparing for possibility of a baby
Uterus... walls become flexible... increased blood supply... creates a nutrient rich fluid
if NO FERTILIZATION egg, along with all uterine material, gets flushed out through vagina... another egg is ovulated, cycle begins again
Fertilization 1 sperm leave millions of sperm leave the male during ejaculation and enter through vagina and work their way up through uterus/FT
Fertilization 2 female creates female creates a highly acidic fluid that kills most sperm on contact (survival of the fittest, sucka'z)
Fertilization 3 sperm's nucleus One sperm's nucleus unites with the egg nucleus (winner)
Fertilization 4 Zygote Formation and Implantation A zygote forms and is transported to the uterus AND it embeds itself in the uterine walls
Viviparity Zygote/embryo/fetus develops entirely within the female and is fully developed when born [most mammals and some reptiles]
Oviparity Zygote/embryo/fetus develops outside body of the female but within a protective egg [all birds, amphibians, fish, some reptiles]
Ovoviparity Zygote/embryo/fetus development takes place within female by ALSO in a protective egg. When egg is laid it contains a fully developed baby in it [sharks, rays, crocodilians]
Zygote-->Embryo Zygote --> Morula --> Blastula --> Gastrula
Morula little ball of cells that contain some volume of zygote (3 days after fertilization)
Blastula Cells are stem cells (undifferentiated 'plain' cells) they have not become anything but CAN become any type of cell
Gastrula forms when an indentation occurs on one side (Gastrulation) and establishes an inside and outside cells
Further Mitosis to Gastrula Further mitosis creates ECTO MESO and ENDO germ layers
Ecto form nerves, brain, and skin
Meso form bone, blood, blood vessels, heart, kidney, reproductive system
Endo forms digestive system and respiratory system
Embryo forms when embryo is created when rudimentary organ systems form
In viviparous creatures, AMNION is the membrane that forms around embryo. It fills with fluid
Placenta grows out of uterine walls and umbilical cord connects it to embryo
Placenta also directs nutrients and Oxygen from females body into embryo and pumps waste products out of embryo
Trait a characteristic of any organism
Genetic Trait a trait determined by genes and that is passable to offspring
Gene a 'recipe' for a protein/enzyme [it's a sequence of N-bases that code for a certain protein or enzyme]
Heredity the passing of traits from generation to generation
Genetics the study of heredity and how genes get passed
Allele any number of forms that a gene can take
Chromosome 'packets' of double stranded DNA (in which is found all the genes)
Mendel chose peas because... short generations, easily observed traits, and he could control the mating
Theory of Factors 'something' is passed from parents to offspring that controls the appearance of traits
Theory of Paired Factors for each trait, an individual possesses a pair of factors (alleles) one from each parent
Theory of Dominance/Recessive some alleles are dominant and some alleles are recessive.
Homozygous both alleles are the same (D/D or r/r)
Heterozygous one allele of a pair is dominant and the other is recessive
Theory of Segregation alleles for each trait come in pairs, which are then split up (segregated) during meiosis. One allele goes into 2 sperms/eggs the other goes into another 2 sperms/eggs. Allele pairs are reestablished at fertilization when gametes unite
Law of Independent Assortment says that traits are passed on/inherited independently of each other. This is because during meiosis (gamete formation) there is a random mixing up of homologues into the daughter cells, this explains diversity in offspring of same parent
Polygene/polygenic traits many traits require multiple proteins/enzymes, multiple proteins require multiple genes
Incomplete Dominance is when 2 or more different alleles show up at the same time in a phenotype, causing a BLEND, i.e. black bunny + white bunny = grey bunny
Codominance is when 2 alleles both show up in the same phenotype fully, not mixed, and independently of one another. black-and-white spotted bunny
Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes XX is female; XY is male
Autosome non sex chromosomes
Sex Linked Trait Some of the genes on Sex Chromosomes have nothing to do with gender; they include color vision and blood clotting protein. Mutations of these will affect more males than females
Mutation a 'screw-up' in a gene, a chromosome, or in the number of c-somes
Genetic Mutations occur during the gene/r-some copying process (replication)
Point Mutation mismatching of bases
Frame Shift Mutations addition or deletion of nucleotides that shift codon sequences
Genetic Mutations result in: mistaken amino acids being put on final protein, which could alter the shape
Mutations show up... when all cells possess the mutations... The zygote has to possess the mutation for it to show up in the phenotype
Chromosomal Mutations Nondisjunction, Insertion, Inversion, Deletion, and Translocation
Nondisjunction screw up in c-some number
Insertion c-somes can get into such close contact that they 'rob' n-tides and pull off a bunch from a neighbor
Inversion During copying of a c-some, large sections get copied upside down in relation to the original order
Deletion during copying, large sections of a c-some don't get copied at all
Translocation Sections of 1 c-some get copied onto an entirely different one
Autosomal Disorders Down's Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, and Sickle-Cell Anemia
Down's Syndrome Trisomy 21: NONDISJUNCTION DISORDER
Cystic Fibrosis GENETIC MUTATION affecting the gene for mucus production
Sickle-Cell Anemia GENETIC MUTATION that screws up the formation of red-blood cells
Sex/Sex-Linked Mutations/Disorders involves mutations of either genes on the SCs of the number of SCs
Genetic Sex Linked Mutations Color-blindness, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy. Almost all sufferers are male
Nondisjunction Disorders Kline-Felters Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, XXX Super Female
Kline Felters Develops an extra X ---> XXY which produces more feminine features
Turner Syndrome a female missing an X --> (X) doesn't fully develop and androgynous
Super Female (XXX): Amazonian Features
Detecting Mutations Amniocentesis: removal of amniotic fluid during embryonic development (Karyotype is made). Genetic mutations are difficult/impossible to detect early
Clone an individual with 100% the same genotypes as another individual, i.e. identical twins
Evolution Change over time
Organic Evolution change in organisms over HUGE amounts of time; change of one species into another
Species a group of organisms so closely related that they can reproduce with each other. The resultant offspring are able to reproduce as well
Fossils remains of long extinct organisms
Vestigial Structures features/organs/parts of living organisms that are reduced/useless (vestiges) but that actually served a function in extinct, ancestral organisms (Hips on whales, appendix in humans)
Homologous Structure parts/organs/structures that serve more or less the same purpose (sometimes different) and are composed/arranged/derived similarly on different organisms (suggesting a common ancestor)
Amologous Structure on different organisms are parts that have same function but are entirely different in their composition (bird wing/insect wing)
Lamarck's Theory Organisms change due to use and disuse and inheritance of acquired characteristics
Outline of Darwinian/Wallace Theory Overproduction, competition, variations, adaptations, survival of the fittest, and natural selection
Overproduction each organism (can) produce more offspring than can possibly survive (leads to competition)
Competition because there are so many offspring, they will have to compete for food, habitat, mates, etc. The losers die out, the winners get all the goods
Variations not all members of the same species are exactly alike, i.e. there are slight differences
Causes for variations sexual reproduction (independent assortment), mutations, crossing over (during meiosis, when h-logs come together, sometimes large sequences 'cross over' and 'trade' parts) and Random Fertilization (any old sperm fertilizes any old egg)
Adaptations allow an organism to win in the 'struggle for existence'. Darwin theorized that these traits gets passed down. Appearance of them is random: pure chance
Survival of the Fittest those that 'fit' the best have the greater chance, this they reproduce more and their 'fit'ness is passed on (theoretical, not totally true)
Natural Selection Nature decides what the best fit is. But MUTATIONS (in the end) create adaptations
Sexual Selection when certain genders 'select' mates based on variations they may possess. These are then passed on to the offspring, thus the sexes take place of 'nature/environment' in 'selecting' what variations are 'good' and worth mating with
Allopatric Speciation Geographical Isolation created by a physical boundary (mountain) thus providing different conditions, thus going their 'separate' ways, thus forming their own species
Sympatric Speciation Reproductive Isolation, i.e. there's no physical separation, but certain members of the group isolate themselves based on mutually appealing variations
Adaptive Radiation Combo of allopatric/sympatric speciation. A single species goes into multiple species within the same locale. Certain variations allow a sub-group to separate from the rest. These allow group to exploit resources the rest can't. Relieves competition.
Rates of Evolution Gradualism vs Punctuated Equilibrium
Gradualism a steady change over a long period of time (on a graph it slopes upward)
Punctuated Equilibrium BIG Change very quickly, then no changes for a while, then BIG change again, then... etc. (looks like stairs on a graph)
Created by: linzahamma
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