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MS of the Hand.
Clinical Medicine II
Question | Answer |
Name the four main joints of the hand | CMC: carpometacarpal joint of thumb, MP joint: metacarpophalangeal, PIP proximal interphalangeal, DIP: Distal interphalangeal joint |
What side is the flexor side? Extensor side? | Flex: volar-stronger Extensor: dorsal side |
Thenar and hypothenar muscles | Thenar: thumb, hypothenar: along lateral pinky finger |
Name the three bones that connect in the wrist joint | radius, scaphoid and lunate |
Nerve innervation of Thenar, Hypothenar, Lumbricals, Interosseous | T: median, H: ulnar, L: 1,2median, 3,4Ulnar, I: ulnar |
Origination of the flexor muscles of the forearm, Extensor? Supination? | medial epicondyle of humerous, lateral epicondyle, lateral |
Infection of the cuticle | paronychia |
Causes of paronychia | poor hygiene, biting nails, hang nails, |
Typical pathogens of paronychia | staph, strep, MRSA for resistant paronychia |
Bacterial superinfection with fungal onychomycosis usually indicates what with paronychia | pseudomonas infections, often w/ green discharge |
Tx paronychia | oral abx, I&D marsupialization if large abscess |
Packing an abscess to heal inside out | marsupialization |
Infections “locked in” bw fibrous septae of distal phalanx | felon |
Tx of a felon | Refer to ortho, very nerve sensitive, near bone don’t mess! |
Cause of a felon | puncture, foreign body wound harvests infx |
What must we be aware of with human “fight bites” | Extensor tendon injury at MCP joint |
Tx of infected human bites | I&D, XRay for foreign bodies, leave open, marsupilization if needed |
Common organisms in animal bites | pasteurella Multocida: GI track dogs/cats |
What is a common side effect/sign w/ animal bites | rapid onset lymphangitis |
Ascending lymphangitis Check what? | cellulitis in finger/infx that ascends thru lymph sys up arm. Check epicondular nodes |
Two most common areas for ganglion cysts | Scaphoid-lunate joint on dorsum, Volar ganglion |
Tx of ganglion cysts? Why? | Usually leave alone, surgery if problematic, connects to joint, infx can cause arthritis |
How can tell bw tumor and cyst? | Cyst changes w/ activity (^w/activity) and tumor usually slow growing |
Cysts commonly found in pt’s with arthritis on dorsum of hand | Digital mucous cyst, still connected to joints |
Issue with palmer fascia that causes palmer deformity | Dupuytren’s Contracture |
Diagnosis of Dupuytren’s Contracture | H & P, R/O tendon by making a fist |
Where is Dupuytren’s seen most commonly | Ring finger in pt’s w/diabetes, epilepsy and alcoholism |
Cause of Dupuytren’s | Genetic: Autosomal-Dominant |
Tx of Dupuytren’s | Conservative, surgery if can’t flatten hand, more problematic usually cuz tethered to skin->necrosis |
What does the ulnar nerve supply in the hand | 5th and lateral ½ of 4th digit palmer, lateral ½ of dorsum |
What does median n. supply in the hand | medial ½ 4th digit, 3,2,1st of palmer, tips of medial ½ 4th, 3,2,1st dorsal |
What does the radial n. supply in the hand | lateral 1st digit, dorsal 1st,2nd, medial 1/2 3rd digit |
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome | “Truck driver’s elbow” chronic compression of the ulnar N. of elbow, Ganglion may grow and compress it |
End result sxs of Cubital Tunnel syndrome | atrophy/weakness of intrinsic hand muscles (small and ring finger ulnar side of hand) |
Ulnar N. compression signs | Froment’s sign, Pope’s blessing: lateee sign |
Froment’s sign | Sign of cubital tunnel syndrome, can’t grab paper, or with 1st and 2nd digit |
Tx of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome | leave until weakness, cut elbow fascia, let ulnar n. be free in Soft tissue |
Cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Hypertrophy of flexor tendons, dec. room for median N.->median N. sxs,congenital: some ppl’s tunnel is smaller than others |
Most workers that develop Carpal Tunnel? | assembly line work, not data entry ppl |
CTS tests | Tinel’s Test, Phalen’sTest, CTS nerve compression test |
Holding two hands dorsum to dorsum for 60-90s | phalen’s test: pinching median nerve causes sxs |
Tapping on the median n. under the Transverse carpal ligament | causes a shock in median n. fingers “Tinel’s test” |
Saturday Night palsy | Radial n. palsy from prolong compression of nerve, lose radial n. hand fxs: may take weeks to return |
When do you refer someone to a surgeon with sat. night palsy? | 4-6 wks doesn’t resolve |
Tendinitis of Thumb extensor compartment | DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis |
Causes of DeQuervain’s | over use of thumb ab/adduction, ^ulnar/radial deviation, RA |
Tx DeQuervain’s | Corticosteroid injections, decrease inflammation and irritation |
Diagnostic teset of DeQuervain’s | Finkelstein’s Maneuver: thumb in fist, ulnar deviation causes pain in abductor thumb compartment |
Forced flexion of the DIP joint whilte it is in extension | Mallet Finger: caused by jamming that finger |
Tx of mallet finger | strict splinting in full extension of DIP 8-10wks |
Potential complication of mallet finger | swan neck deformity: flexed DIP, hyperextended PIP |
Two types of mallet finger | osseous and non-osseous: ligiment tear: takes longer to heal |
Traumatic rupture of the central extensor tendon in PIP joint | Boutonniere finger: hyperextension DIP, flexion PIP |
Tx of Boutonniere finger, complication | tx: 8-10 wk full PIP extension, stiffness often remains Refer to hand surgeon |
Flexor tendon controlling the DIP, PIP joints | DIP: Flexor digitorum profundum, PIP: Flexor digitorum superficialis |
Swelling of flexor tendon unit in fingers, causes “stuck” flexor position | Trigger Finger: often passively reduced |
Cause of trigger finger, tx | Routinely griping in flexing fashion, hypertrophy of synovial tissue,will slide back and forth tx: corticosteroid injections, or surgical release of the “pulley” |
Acute traumatic rupture of the FDP tendon from DIP joint, MC? | Jersey finger, MC is ring finger of dominant hand, longest finger |
Test for jersey finger | make a fist, the DIP won’t be able to bend on command |
Tx for jersey finger | surgical repair within a week |
FOOSH injury, don’t miss what? | fall on outstretched hand, don’t miss lunate dislocation into carpal tunnel,must fix d/t loss of median n. fxn |
Fracture of the distal head of radius in the forearm with dorsal (posterior) displacement of the wrist and hand. | Colles’ fracture-FOOSH |
Fracture of distal head of radius w/ volar deviation-toward palm | smith’s fracture, landing hand in flexed position |
Fracture of distal radium down the center of head w/ either dorsal or volar deviations | Dorsal Barton’s for Volar Barton’s fractures |
Buckleing of either the radius or ulna, happens in who? | Torus fracture, kids only |
Hand fracture need to be careful off with FOOSH fall | scaphoid fracture, in anatomical snuff box, radial a. there |
How do we check for a scaphoid fracture | palpation in anatomical snuff box, compare to unaffected side |
No fracture seen on plain film, pain in wrist 2wks later, next step | advanced imaging looking for scaphoid fracture |
The UCL is torn at (or in some cases even avulsed from) its insertion site into the proximal phalanx of the thumb | gamekeeper’s thumb |
Stener lesion | osseous fracture at proximal phalanx d/t UCL tear-gamekeeper’s thumb |
Test for gamekeeper’s thumb | bend thumb laterally, no solid endpoint |
Intra-articular thumb fracture in first CMC joint usually w/ dislocation of CMC joint | Bennet’s fracture-avulsion: surgical mngmt |
Type of fracture causes high risk of malrotation of the digits | metacarpal spiral fractures |
Transverse fracture of the distal 5th metacarpal | boxer’s fracture: commonly open |
Tx for proximal phalanx fracture | long ulnar gutter splint |
Distal phalangeal fracture characteristic | “tuft”: very thing, usually smashed, septae are there, extremely painful, mights lose sensation for months |
What is common w/ a PIP dislocation | middle phalanx fracture, numb w/lidocain and reduce |
Chronic inflammation of synovial fluid, swelling | Rheumatoid arthritis: autoimmune |
Joints affected by RA, dx? | MCP, PIP joints, fingers spared dx: ESR, CRP, FANA, and Rheumatoid factor all elevated |
ANA | ananuclear antibodies, FANA same thing |
Swelling and cartilage loss of the PIP and DIP joints in the hand | osteoarthritis |
Causes of osteoarthritis | old age, cartilage loss, osteophyte formation at edges of articular surfaces (bone spur) inflammation |
Visible enlargements and lumps of PIP joints | Bouchard’s nodes |
Visible enlargements and lumps of DIP joints | Heberden’s nodes |