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Common Elements/Uses
Element | Common Uses &/or Descriptions |
Aluminum | A light metal used in making airplanes, buildings, pots and pans, etc. |
Bromine | Used in photography, medicines, insecticides, etc. |
Calcium | A soft, metallic chemical element found in limestone, marble, chalk, etc. |
Carbon | Found in coal, oil, gas, living things, and inks. |
Chlorine | Used in bleach, in chemical to kill germs in swimming pools, and found with the element sodium in table salt. |
Chromium | A shiny metal usde on bumpers of some cars, household fixtures, etc. |
Copper | A metal used for electric wires, pots, pans, and pennies. |
Gold | A metal used for jewelry and precious decorative pieces. |
Helium | A gas much lighter in air used in blimps and balloons. |
Hydrogen | A flammable and explosive gas. |
Iodine | Used on cuts and wounds to kill germs. |
Iron | A strong metal used in the construction of buildings, steel, and machines. |
Lead | A metal used in automobile batteries and in fishing and diving weights. |
Mercury | A heavy, poisonous liquid used in some thermometers. |
Neon | A gas used in many lights and signs. |
Nickel | A metal used in coins. |
Nitrogen | The main gas in the air, also used as fertilizer. |
Oxygen | A gas nessesary for respiration; aids burning. |
Platinum | An expensive metal used in jewelry. |
Potassium | Found in fertilizers. |
Silicon | Used in electronics and in compounds for making glass. |
Silver | Used in tableware, jewelry, photography, medicines, and coins. |
Sodium | A soft metal that combines with chlorine to make table salt. |
Sulfur | Used to make sulfuric acid and some medicines such as pet powders. |
Tin | Used to make cans. |
Tungsten | A metal used in light bulb filamets. |
Uranium | A metal used in some nuclear reactions. |
Zinc | A metal that prevents rust and is used in dry cell batteries. |
Lithium | High temperature lubricants |
Magnesium | Powder |
Lithium | High temperature lubricants |
Magnesium | Powder |
Radium | Self-luminous plants |
Titanium | Alloys with aluminum |
Zirconium | Nucleur industry for cladding fuel elements |
Manganese | Used to form many alloys |
Cobalt | Magnetic steels |
Plutonium | Nucleur weapons |
Polonium | eleminating static charges |
Krypton | Flourescent lights |
Anitmony | Infared Directors |
Phosphorus | found in fertilizers |
Fluorine | Prevents tooth decay |
Xenon | Electron tubes |
Argon | Light Bulbs |
Radon | Earthquake prediction |
Curium | One source for Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer on Mars |
Arsenic | bronzing |