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Respirator system

Chapter 5, pg. 140

or/o, stomat/o oral cavity (mouth)
oral pertaining to the oral cavity (mouth)
herpetic stomatitis inflammation of the oral cavity (mouth) caused by a herpes virus AKA "cold sores" or "fever blisters"
naso/. rhin/o nose
nasal pertaining to the nose
rhinitis inflammation of the nose
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
rhinomycosis abnormal condition of the nose caused by fungus (myc/o)
myc/o fungus
muc/o mucus or mucous(-this spelling will always be followed by....membranes)
mucus is a viscous (thick) liquid secreted by mucous membranes (this spelling will always be followed by ....membranes
viscous thick
rhinorrhea mucus flow (discharge) from the nose
mucoid resembling mucus
oid resembling
mucopurulent mucus and pus
purulent, py/o pus
pharyng/o pharynx AKA (throat)
pyogenic pertaining to the creation of pus
oropharynx the oral cavity and pharynx (throat)
nasopharyngeal pertaining to the nose and pharynx (throat)
nasopharyngitis inflammation of the nose and pharynx (throat)
adenoid/o adenoids
the adenoids are lymph tissue (immune system)
lymph tissue is part of your immune system
adenoidectomy surgical removal of the adenoids
adenoidotome instruement to cut the anedoids
an adenoidectomy is performed using an adenoidotome
tonsill/o tonsils
tonsils are lymph tissue and belong to the immune system
tonsillectomy surgical removal (excision) of a tonsil
tonsillitis inflammation of a tonsil
trache/o trachea (wind pipe)
tracheitis inflammation of the trachea
Endotracheal Tube (ET) pertaining to a tube inserted within the trachea (wind pipe)
tracheoplasty surgical repair of the trachea
tracheotomy surgical incision of the trachea
adenoids are located in the nasopharynx cavity
tonsils are located in the oropharynx cavity
tracheostomy a new or artificial opening into the trachea
-stomy a new or artificial opening
tracheostenosis narrowing of the trachea
tracheorrhagia a rapid flow of blood from the trachea
-rrhagia rapid flow
-al pertaining to
fistula abnormal passage way
tracheoesophageal fistula abnormal passageway between the trachea and the esphagus (food goes down)
laryng/o larynx AKA "vocal cords", "voice box")
laryngeal pertaining to the larynx
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
laryngopharyngitis inflammatioin of the pharynx (throat) and larynx (voice box, vocal cords)
laryngospasm involuntary muscle contraction of the larynx (voice box, vocal cords)
laryngectomy surgical removal of the larynx
-ectomy surgical removal
-centesis surgical puncture
laryngocentesis surgical puncture of the larynx
-osis abnormal condition
laryngoplasty surgical repair of the larynx (voice box, vocal cords)
laryngostomy a new or artificial opening of the larynx (voice box, vocal cords)
laryngotracheotomy a surgical incision of the larynx and trachea
laryngoscope a usually lighted instrument to view the larynx (voice box, vocal cords)
epiglott/o epiglottis (lid over larynx)
the epiglottis is the lid over the larynx (voice box, vocal cords)
the epiglottis will open when you breathe and close when you swallow
epiglottis inflammation of the epiglottis
bronch/o, or bronch/i bronchi
plural --- bronchi singular --- bronchus
bronchi are the two primary airway brances off the trachea (wind pipe)
bronchoplasty surgical repair of a broncus (singular)
bronchitis inflammation of a bronchus (singular)
bronchogram a record of the bronchi (plural)
bronchography the process of recording a bronchi
bronchoconstriction decreased diameter of the bronchi
bronchodilation increased diameter of the bronchi
bronchogenic carcinoma cancerous tumor or mass originating in a bronchus
bronchoscope a usually lighted instrument to view the bronchi
bronchoscopy the process of viewing the bronchi with a usually lighted instrument
LaryngoTracheoBronchitis (LTB) inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi
bronchiol/o bronchioles
Bronchioles are small bronchi
bronchiolitis inflammation of the bronchioles
alveol/o alveoli
alveoli are microscopic air sacs at the ends of the bronchioles
alveoli are necessary for respiration (exchange of gases)
alveolar pertaining to the alveoli
bronchoalveolar pertaining to the bronchi and alveoli
pleur/o pleura(e)
pleura(e) is/are the protective membrane(s) surrounding each lung
pleuritis inflammation of a pleura AKA pleurisy
pleurocentesis surgical puncture of a pleura
pleuropexy surgical fixation of a pleura
pneum/o, pneumon/o, pneumat/o lung or air
pneumography the process of recording a lung
pneumobronchotomy surgical incision of a bronchus in a lung
pneumoconiosis an abnormal condition of a lung caused by dust
coni/o dust
pneumonitis inflammation of a lung
pneumonectomy surgical excision (removal) of a lung
pneumatocele herniation of a lung
-cele herniation
pulmon/o lung
pulmonary edema (swelling) pertaining to fluid (what causes the swelling) in a lung
thorac/o and -thorax chest
thoracodynia a condition of pain in the thorax (chest)
thoracocentesis surgical puncture of the thorax (chest)
thoracoscope a usually lighted instrument to view the thorax (chest)
thoracoscopy the process of viewing the thorax (chest) with a usually lighted instrument
thoracotomy a surgical incision of the thorax (chest)
pneumothorax an abnormal condition of air in the chest
hemothorax blood in the chest
pyothorax pus in the chest
hydrothorax fluid in the chest AKA pleural effusion(fluid)
hydro-, or effusion fluid (water)
chest tube a tube surgically inserted into the thorax (chest) to aspirate abnormal substances
aspirate (aspiration) drawing in or out by suction
diaphragmat/o diaphragm
The diaphram is the primary muscle of ventilation (breathing)
ventilation breathing
diaphragmatic pertaining to the diaphragm
diaphragmatocele herniation of the diaphragm
hiccup a spasm of the diaphragm
a spasm is an involuntary muscle contraction
involuntary means you do not have control
spir/o, and -pnea breathe (ventilate)
inspirate inhale (inhalation) (breathe in)
expirate exhale (exhalation) (breathe out)
Incentive Spirometry (IS) the process of measuring the ability to self ventilate
ventilator a device to assist inspiration and expiration
hypoventilation deficient breathing
hyperventilation excessive (fast) breathing AKA tachypnea (tachypnic) or hyperpnea (hyperpnic)
eupnea (eupnic) normal breathing
hypopnea (hypopnic) deficient breathing
bradypnea (bradypnic) slow breathing
brady- slow
dyspnea (dyspnic) difficult or painful breathing
dys- difficult or painful
apnea (apnic) no breathing
a- no or not
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) airway obstruction causing apnea while sleeping
ambu bag the bag that is used to ventilate an apnic patient
orth/o straight
orthopnea (orthopnic) straight breathing
Orthorpnea means a person must sit up straight to breathe easier
sinus/o sinus
a sinus is a cranial (skull) cavity
sinusotomy surgical incision of a sinus
sinusitis inflammation of a sinus(es)
ox/o or ox/i oxygen(O2)
hypoxia (hypoxic) a condition of deficient oxygen
anoxia (anoxic) a condition of no O2 AKA asphyxia (asphyxiate) or suffocate (suffocation)
hypoxemia a blood condition of deficient oxygen
oximetry the process of measuring oxygen(O2)
-ectasis dilation
bronchiectasis dilation of a bronchus
radi/o X-rays
radiology the study of X-rays
expectorate (expectorant) the act of expelling sputum from the lungs
hemoptysis expectorating (coughing up) blood
hematemesis vomiting blood
croup a bark-like cough (seal)
atelectasis a collapsed lung
flu influenza
nebulizer a device that delivers vaporized medicine (vaporizer)
dysphonia (dysphonic) a condition of difficulty making sounds
aphonia (aphonic) a condition of no sound
epistaxis nose bleed
nasal cannula a method of delivering oxygen (O2) AKA nasal prong
nares nostrils
intubation (intubate) process of inserting a tube
sputum mucus that is expelled from the lungs AKA phlegm
copious a large amount
lobectomy surgical removal of a lobe
septum wall
septoplasty surgical repair of a septum (wall)
septotomy surgical incision of a septum (wall)
endoscopy the process of viewing with a lighted instrument within
apex superior (top)
heart-lung machine a machine that respirates the blood when the heart is stopped for surgical procedures
pulmonary toilet techniques used to clear the lungs of sputum
Pulmonary toilet techniques include 1. Turn, Cough, and Deep Breathe (TC+DB) 2. Percussion (clapping) + vibration (shaking) 3. Postural drainage (prone position with the upper torso lower than feet) "Pulmonary Toilet" is AKA Chest PhysioTherapy (CPT)
Percussion can also refer to tapping on the body for diagnostic sounds
rales crackling Breath Sounds (BS) heard during auscultation (listening with a stethoscope)
Auscultation means listening with a stethoscope
rhonchi wheezing
stridor a high pitched BS (breath sound) indicative of airway obstruction
productive cough sputum is produced
non-productive cough dry cough - no sputum
Which type of cough should be suppressed? Non-productive
antitussive against coughing (cough suppressant)
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
SOB Short of Breath
RT (IT) Respiratory Therapy (Inhalation Therapy)
DOE Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) on Exertion
C+S Culture and Sensitivity
a C+S is a test to grow bacteria and determine the best antibiotic to treat the infection
CX culture
PFT Pulmonary Function Tests
CXR Chest X-Ray
Sx suction
hx history
Tx treatment
NPPV Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation
NPPV is a breathing Tx (treatment)
URI Upper Respiratory Infection
PE Pulmonary Embolism
TB TuBerculosis
PPD intradermal test for TB
VPS Ventilation Perfusion Scanning
ABG Arterial Blood Gases
lobes sections (L-lung 2, R-lung 3) RLL (Right Lower Lobe), RML (Right Medial Lobe), LLL (Left Lower Lobe),RUL (Right Upper Lobe), LUL (Left Upper Lobe)
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
ARDS Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
CF Cystic Fibrosis
DPT Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), and Tetanus
PCP (pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia) the pneumonia associated with Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Diagnostic Imaging (DI) department where the following are found: CAT, MRI, radiology, nuclear medicine and ultrasound
CT or CAT Computerized (Axial) Tomography
Tomography referes to X-ray picture slices
Created by: pattiluv
Popular Medical sets




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