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Tx Sz D/O

Pharm II

Two classes of sz’s Partial: simple, complex, secondarily generalized, Generalized: absence, myoclonic, clonic, tonic, tonic-clonic, atonic, infantile spasms
Goals of therapy for sz d/o’s control frequency of sz’s, ensure adherence, optimize QOL, balance b/w SE’s and sz’s
Approach for tx Risk for another? Find cause, select AED by sz type, AE’s and pt prefrences
How many drugs do we start with monotherapy (not all are sz free) start low dose and titrate up
Why is adherence key many drugs have very narrow therapeutic ranges (even missing one dose)
What are three nonpharmacologic therapies Surgery, Vagal nerve stimulation, Ketogenic Diet
What are the three types of surgery to fix sz Temporal lobectomy, CC section, Hemispherectomy
What is the vagal n. stimulator implantation L chest to L vagus n. regular pulses. VERY expensive $15,000, only a “medication sparing effect”
What is the ketogenic diet HIGH fat LOW LOW carb and protein intake→induce ketosis, bad adhearance
3 MOA’s of sz medication Na and Ca channels: stabilization of neuronal membranes, ↑inhibitory neurotransmission (GABA), ↓ excitatory neurotransmission (glutamate and aspartate)
Two fxns of Sz meds ↑ sz threshold, inhibit spread of abnl dz discharges
What is therapeutic range concentration that controls sz’s w/o AE’s, personal ranges
Two types of AE’s Concentration related (↑dose ↑AE’s):not permanent, seen at drug peak, and Idiosyncratic: not dose related, may be permanent, seen throughout day, tx AE’s PRN
Meds stuff
What should we be careful of when prescribing AEDs suicide risk x2 (higher in sz tx vs. migraine, BPD tx
What should we be careful with epileptic pt’s 3x risk of suicide
What may ↓AED absorption, prevention? aluminum or magnesium containing antacids, separate dose by 2 hrs
What drugs are highly competitive for protein binding sites phenytoin and valproic acid
What happens when protein binding sites are highly wanted to the transient drug one that doesn’t get the “binding site” will have a raise in free drug → lower serum concentration because more available to be eliminated
AEs stuff
What is monitoring for AEDs closely first 6m, rest is controversial.
How should we evaluate therapy individual therapeutic range should be established, ongoing monitoring, record severity
What things should we be worried about in women in childbearing age ↓ [estrogen], tetrogenic effects during pregnancy,
Goals in pregnant women w/ epilepsy monotherpy w/ lowerst possible dose, avoid VPA if possible, frequently check levels
Why would we genetic test someone w/ epilepsy prior to starting CBZ or PHT check for risk of steven Johnson syndrome look for gene HLA-B 1502
How do we switch medications from one AED to another taper one, titrate up the other, If don’t NEED to taper the first immediately, can titrate other prior to tapering
What 5 criteria needed prior to d/cing AEDs completely Sz free 2-5yrs, nl neuro exam, nl intelligentce, single type of sz, nl EEG w/ tx
How do we completely taper someone w/ a sz d/o w/o sz’s anymore taper from poly to monotherapy, ↓[] 1-3m, decrease dose by no more than 1/3 each time
Created by: becker15
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