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Common Med Abbr-2

Common medical abbreviations-Phlebotomy #2

GU genitourinary
GYN, Gyn, gyn gynecology
h hour
H2O water
H&H hemoglobin and hematocrit
Hb, hgb hemoglobin
HbF fetal hemoglobin
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
hct hematocrit
hdk, H/A headache
HDL high-density lipoprotein
HIV hunam immunodeficiency virus
H&P history and physical
hr hour
Hs, h.s. at bedtime; hour of sleep
ht height; hematocrit
Hx history
ICU intensive care unit
lg immunoglobulin
lgA immunoglobulin A
lgD immunoglobulin D
lgG immunoglobulin G
lgM immunoglobulin M
IM infectious mononucleosis; intramuscular
inf inferior; infusion
I&O intake and output
irrig irrigation
isol isolation
IV intravenous; intravenously
IVP intravenous pyelogram
K potassium
kg kilogram
KO keep open
KVO keep vein open
L liter
lab laboratory
lac laceration
lat lateral
lb pound
LD lactic dehydrogenase
LDL low-density lipoprotein
lg large
liq liquid
LLQ left lower quadrant
LMP last menstrual period
LOC level of consciousness
LTC long-term care
LUQ left upper quadrant
lymphs lymphocytes
lytes electrolytes
m minim
mcg microgram
MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCV mean corpuscular volume
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
MI myocardial infarcton
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
mono monocytes
MRI magnetic resonance imagin
MS mitral stenosis; multiple sclerosis
Na sodium
NaCL sodium chloride
NEG, neg negative
NG nasogastric
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
No, # number
noct night
NPO nothing by mouth
N/S normal saline
O2 oxygen
OB obstetrics
OB-GYN obstetrics and gynecology
OCC occasional
OD overdose
od once a day, also right eye
O&P ova and parasites
OR operating room
oz ounce
p with a line over it after; phosphorus
P pulse
Pap papanicolaou
Path pathology
pc after meals
PCO2 pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood
PCV packed cell volume
PedsPE pediatrics
pH acidity; hydrogen ion concentration
PI present illness
PKU phenylketonuria
PLTS platelets
PM, p.m. evening or afternoons
PMNS polymorphonuclear leukocytes
PNS peripheral nervous system
PO, p.o. by mouth; orally; postoperative
Polys polymorphonuclear leukocytes
PE physical examination
Created by: wildmindgirl
Popular Medical sets




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