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Common Med Abb-3

Common medical abbreviations-Phlebotomy #3

pos positive
post-op postoperatively
PP postpartum; postprandial (after meals)
RPR rapid plasma reagin
RR recovery room; respiratory rate
rt right; routine
RT radiation therapy; respiratory therapy
RUQ right upper quadrant
Rx prescription; take; therapy treatment
s with a line over it without
sc subcutaneous
SCA sickle cell anemia
SCPK serum creatinine phosphokinase
SCT sickle cell trait
sed rate sedimentation rate
seg segmented neutrophils
semi half
SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPT serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
SLE St. Louis encephalitis; systemic lupus erythematosus
SSMA sequential multiple analysis
SMAC sequential mulitple analysis computer
SOAP smptoms, observations, assessments, plan
SOB shortness of breath
sp gr specific gravity
SR sedimentation rate
ss half
staph staphylococcus
stat immediately
STD sexually transmitted disease
strep streptococus
subcu subcutaneous
sub-Q subcutaneous
sx symptoms
T temperature
T3 triiodothyronine (thyroid hormone)
T4 thyroxine (thyroid hormone)
TB tuberculosis
T&C type and crossmatch
temp temperature
TIA transient ischemic attack
TIBC total iron binding capacity
TID, t.i.d. times interval difference; three times a day
TKO to keep open
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
Trig triglycerides
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
Tx traction; treatment
U units
UA urinalysis
UK unknown
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI unirary tract infection
UV ultraviolet
VCUG voiding cystourethrogram
VD venereal disease
VDRL venereal disease research laboratory
VP venipuncture; venous pressure
VS vital signs
W water
WBC white blood cells; white blood count
wd wound
WNL within normal limits
w/o without
wt weight
X multiplied by; times
XR x-ray
y/o year(s) old
YOB year of birth
yr year
Created by: wildmindgirl
Popular Medical sets




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