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White Mod- Well Baby

White Mod - well baby

Sudden or loud noise or the sensation of falling causers a young baby to extend legs, arms, and fingers, arch back and draw head back, then draw arms back, fists clenched Startle (Moro) Reflex
when the sole of the foot is gently stroked from heel to toe, the toes flare upward and foot turns in Babinski Reflex
a newborn whose cheek is gently stroked will trun in the direction of the stimulus, mouth open and ready to suckle Rooting Reflex
Held upright on a table or other flat surgace, supported under the arms, a newborn may life one leg and then the other, taking what seem to be steps (usually after 4th day of life) Walking/Stepping Reflex
With baby facing forward, arms flexed, an index finger pressed against their palm will cause a flexing of the hand in an attempt to grasp the finger. Palmar Grasping Reflex
Placed on the back, a young baby will assume a "fencing position"; head to one side with arms and legs on that side extended and opposite limbs flexed. Tonic Neck Reflex
2, 4, 6 month immunizations: DPTP + Hib (Pentacel); Pnuemo Conjugate
12 month immunizations: MMR; MenC
15 month immunizations: Pneumo Conjugate; Varicella
18 month immunizations: DPTP + Hib (Pentacel); MMR
4-6 year immunizations: DPTP
12 year immunizations: HepB
13-14 year immunizations Human Papillomavirus (girls only)
14-16 year immunizations DPT (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus)
How many Diptheria vaccinations? 6 (+ every ten years)
How many Tetanus vaccinations? 6 (+ every ten years)
How many Pertussis vaccinations? 6
How many Polio vaccinations? 5
How many Hib vaccinations? 4
How many Pneumo conjugate vaccinations? 4
How many measles vaccinations? 2
How many Mumps vaccinations? 2
How many Rubella vaccinations? 2
How many Men-C vaccinations? 1
How many Varicella vaccinations? 1
How many Hep B vaccinations? 1
How many HPV vaccinations? 1
What is the schedule for Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis vaccinations? 2 mo, 4 mo, 6 mo, 18 mo, 4-6yr, 14-16yr, + every 10 year thereafter
What is the schedule for Polio vaccinations? 2 mo, 4 mo, 6 mo, 18 mo, 4-6yr
What is the schedule for Hib vaccinations? 2 mo, 4 mo, 6 mo, 18 mo
What is the schedule for Pneumo conjugate vaccinations? 15 mo
What is the schedule for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccinations? 12 mo, 18 mo
What is the schedule for Men-C vaccinations? 12 mo
What is the schedule for Varicella vaccinations? 15 mo
What is the schedule for Hep B vaccinations? 12 yr
What is the schedule for HPV vaccinations? 13-14 yr
Created by: MedixMOA
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